chapter 16: UNIT

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Lilly's POV

"doctor its UNIT." I said then his face got all tensed up "ok I now that look calm down." I said "how can I calm down they took our daughter away and you just  let it happen." he yelled "oh so its my fault now." I said getting angry "yes its all your fault!" he yelled back "why is it my fault you were gone and I was with her the whole time." I snapped "you wanted me to get corn dogs then you just let them take her." he yelled "oh well its your fault you weren't there you just had to get corn dogs for us." "hey you wanted them thanks to you our daughter is with those psychopaths." he snapped "oh you can talk you mad man with a box." I yelled and we got all quiet. a tear rolled down my cheek and I ran out of the control room.

doctors POV

I saw her leave I looked at the controls then I went to find her she was in her room crying then I nocked on her door she didn't answer I nocked again she still didn't answer I took a deep breath and said her name "Lilly?" I said my voice was all shaky then I heard movement on the other side of the door then she came and unlocked the door her eyes were all red "what!" she said "I'm sorry." I said then I kissed her then we went to her bed and we took off our clothes and we continued kissing I kissed her neck then she kissed me back then we were breathing hard we just laid there then we both looked at each other "time to go save Amelia." I said then we both got up.

Amelia's POV

I was really scared I wish my mum or dad came back to get me I was still in the car and there was two people one was really skinny so I called him skinny I was scared but I didn't show it then they scanned me "oh we have a time lord here." said skinny "for your information Its time lady." I snapped then they tied my hands and we stopped then we got out and  they put me in a cell and I just waited there for my mum and dad.

Lilly's POV

I got dressed and went to the control room the doctor was in his usual outfit tweed jacket and red bow tie then he looked at me and smiled I smiled back then the TARDIS took off.

doctors POV

we took off then we landed and we walked out then there was guards all over the place there were even daleks  here we looked in a window there was a weeping angel it had its hands over its eyes then it got dark and it moved then Lilly held my hand "its ok were out here." I said she smiled we continued walking then we saw more daleks they were chained up then I saw a sign on top of the door that said dalek then we walked off then I saw a door that said time lord I looked at Lilly and she looked at me.

Lilly's POV

I looked in the window and saw my daughter then I looked at the doctor and he looked back at me then I got my sonic out and I unlocked the door then skinny and his buddy was in there "well look who it is long time no see." he said to me and the doctor "oh put a sock in it." I snapped "feisty." said skinny then he came over to me and scanned me "she's a time  lord to." he said "for you information were called time ladies." I said and I winked at my daughter then he scanned the doctor there all time lords." he said "yes you got a problem with that?" said the doctor then I got my sonic out and undid the straps and Amelia ran over to us and the doctor picked her up. "now were going to go now." said the doctor and we walked out "oh just so you don't follow us." I said I unlocked the door to the daleks and they all went out then there was an alarm and we ran to the TARDIS then I went to the control and I started up then It  faded.

hey guys three chapters in one day now that's what I call fantastic and please vote and comment two votes so far thanks :)

-doctorwholover19 "Geronimo"          

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