Chapter 3: Lilly meets the ponds

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I woke up the next morning and got dressed and walked into the control room where the doctor was asleep in one of the chairs if I'm a time lord I can drive this thing I thought then I went over there and started pushing buttons the noise woke up the doctor "what are you doing?" said the doctor "um nothing." I said as I pulled a lever down. " you are flying the TARDIS!?" "well you were asleep and I thought I could drive it being you know a time lord and all that." I said "fine." he said then I continued with my work then we landed "we landed." I said "we didn't land." said the doctor "yeah we did I just landed her." I said "but it didn't make that noise." he said "what noise?" I said then he did the noise "it's not suppose to make that noise you leave the breaks on." I said "well it's a brilliant noise I love that noise then we walked out "where are we?" I said then he saw a familiar door then he ran up to it "I want you meet somebody." he said then we walked to the door and he knocked on the door then a girl with ginger hair stood in the door way "pond!" he said "doctor!" he said then she turned her head and yelled "Mr. pond come see who it is!" she said then a guy came and saw the doctor "Rory the roman." said the doctor then they hugged "oh Amy, Rory I like you to meet Lilly." he said "hello." I said "hi." they both said "she's a time lord." said the doctor "did you wish really hard." said Amy "no shut-up." said the doctor then we went into the TARDIS then we went tin then it started rocking back and fourth "doctor what's happening?!" I said then he poked his head out and saw a truck "um were on a truck." he said "what?" said Amy then she looked out side and we were on a freeway "doctor." she said then he walked over "what?" he said then he poked his head out "ah that could be a problem." he said then he started pushing buttons and pulling levers then it faded "so where do you guys want to go?" he said "um how about a roman coliseum ." said Amy "oh that will be so cool." I said "ok Rome it is." he said then we landed "so we can talk roman?" I said "yes it's the TARIDS translator." he said "that's so cool." I said then we heard a scream I looked at the doctor and he looked at me then we all ran." we saw a girl lying with a bite mark on her neck "step aside I'm a doctor." said the doctor "so am I." said Rory and they both went to the women she was just a little girl with black hair "she looks like she's hurt." said Rory "lets get her back to the TARDIS." said the doctor then he picked her up and we went back to the TARDIS "is she going to be all right?" said Amy "I hope so." I said then we were sitting and then she woke up and she saw all of us then she got scared "its ok." I said "what's your name?" said the doctor she was quite "hey it's ok you can tell us." I said then she shook her head "will it make you feel better if we find your mummy and daddy?" I said then she nodded then we walked out and I was holding her hand then we walked everywhere then we saw a man and a woman "there you are don't wander off like that again young lady." scolding her "thank you." said the dad "don't mention it sir." I said then we got back in the TARDIS then I went to the controls "where are we going now?" said the doctor "shopping." I said "where?" he said  "in Cardiff." I said then we landed "Amy you coming?" I said then she walked out with me "um what are we suppose to do?" said Rory "you boys can come if you want." said Amy "why not." said Rory and we walked out "I have  to stop by my house and pick up my money." I said then we walked to the apartment my mum wasn't home and I went up to my room and got my credit card and my wallet." and then a walked down stairs they were sitting down "after this do you want to have a cup of tea?" I said "ok." they said then we went out I saw something move out the corner of my eye then we went into a shop "oh look at this." I showed Amy a yellow sundress "ooh I like that." she said then she saw a shirt "oh that is cute." I said and we were laughing Rory and the doctor just looked at each other then we were done we had a bunch of bags then we walked out "ok you went shopping can we go now." said Rory then we went back to the house my mum was still not home  then I put my stuff in my room and then I made some tea and got some Jammy dodgers on a plate the doctor saw them and he started eating one then we all sat down "can you turn on the telly?"  said the doctor I turned on the T.V. and the news came on then it showed France  "doctor are those cybermen?" I said "he looked up "yeah but what are they doing in Paris?" "lets find out." I said then we were done with are tea "hold on I want to try on a dress I said then I saw my dark blue dress that I got it was exactly the same color as the TARDIS then I put on my new shoes and I went down "oh my god that looks so cute." said Amy I looked at the doctor he just rolled his eyes "well come on we got cybermen to kill." I said then the doctor got some jammy dodgers and put them in his pocket and we ran out we were going to Paris France.

hey guys well you know what to do please comment and vote it would mean a lot to me thanks:)

-doctorwholover19 "Geronimo"          

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