chapter 7: the ponds save the day

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Lilly's POV

I woke up and I was in a cell "doctor?" I said there was no response "doctor!" I yelled again then two guys came in one was skinny so I called him skinny. "what have you lot done with the doctor!?" I half yelled they just looked at me then put something to my neck and I blacked out.

Amy's POV

"we have to follow that van." I told Rory "will that take us to the doctor and Lilly?" he said "I hope so." I said then we got back in we buckled and we followed the van that had the TARDIS.

the doctors POV

I woke up in my cell then I checked  my jacket pocket "they must have my sonic." I said then the door opened and two guys came in one was really skinny so I called him skinny "what have you done with Lilly!" I said the said nothing they put something to my neck and I went limp.

Lilly's POV

I woke up my mouth was really dry I was strapped down on a metal table I tried to get up but it was no use then I saw a guy in a tweed jacket and a red bow tie on the other table I tried to call his name but my mouth was really dry then he looked my way.

the doctors POV

I turned my head and I saw Lilly thank goodness she was all right I tried to say her name but my mouth was really dry then skinny and his buddy came in "well what do we have here?" said skinny I found out that he was the leader she  didn't speak "you leave he alone!" I growled "take him to the other room." said skinny Lilly tried to yell my name but her mouth was dry I hope they don't do some thing to her.

Lilly's POV

they said something to me but I didn't answer one my mouth was really dry two I was really scared and three I hoped the doctor was all right.

Amy's POV

we stopped and we got out of the car "so which way?" said Rory "don't know." I said then we saw a girl with black hair strapped to a table "ok there's Lilly but where's the doctor?" I said.

Lilly's POV

I looked out the window and saw a girl with ginger hair and a man standing next to her I tried to call there name but my mouth was dry then they came in they gave me some water and I took a sip "boy 'm glad to see you two." I said then they unstrapped me and I sat up "right we need to find the doctor." I said "but where is he?" said Amy "I don't know they  took him to a different room." I said then I started to walk then I fell down "Lilly!" said Amy "I'm  ok just need to stretch my legs." I said then I started walking again then we walked out we had to find the doctor.

the doctors POV

I woke up I was in a different room I got up and fell down "right get up slowly." I mumbled then I got up and started to walk around the room without my sonic I couldn't scan the place if there was a way out I sighed and sat down in a corner waiting for Lilly or the ponds to come or both.

Lilly's POV

we were walking when I saw something they were testing "the doctors sonic." I said then we went to the room they had there backs turned and I grabbed it and we ran out then we went to a different room there we saw the doctor then there was skinny and his buddy In there "ok were going to run in there." I said to the ponds "um there is scientists in there." said Rory "yes I know that but I have these I said I held some white jackets up and they had are ID  on them "oh so were going in like disguise." said Amy "exactly." I said then we went in the doctor saw us I smiled at him "who are you three?" said skinny "I'm scientist Lilly Martinez and these are my helpers "Amy and Rory  Pond." I said "well we will leave you with your work." said skinny's buddy then they left the room "boy I'm glad to see you three." said the doctor then we walked out then I handed him his sonic he smiled and put it in his pocket "now time to find the TARDIS he said we walked out and then we saw a room then we saw a blue box and we went in then the doctor unlocked it and we went in I took a deep breath and smiled the doctor smiled back then the TARDIS made a noise "the old girls happy were back." said the doctor "what about my car." I asked Amy "don't worry we took home." she said then we started going then warning lights started to come on "oh those things again." said the doctor I looked at the message doctor there is weeping angels in London." I said "well were going to London." said the doctor.

this chapter I thought it would be cool if I had Lilly, Amy and the doctors POV so yeah hope you like it please vote and comment it means a lot to me thanks :)

-doctorwholover19 "Geronimo"   

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