A Dance to Remember (Part 2)

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This is a continuation of the last one (obviously) that was requested by totalZeldafollower!

It was now 7:00, meaning that the gala had been going on for 30 minutes. Zelda stood in her dark blue dress, talking to the newest champions, Riju, Teba, Sidon and Yunobo.

"May I ask," Sidon started. "Where is Link?"

The other champions nodded in agreement.

"Well, he uh......caught a cold!" Zelda said, relieved that she had came up with a reasonable excuse.

"That's too bad." Riju smirked.

"Why are you smirking Riju?" Yunobo asked.

"No reason." Riju assured.

"Well!" Teba said, way to excitedly. "Let's not worry about him, instead, we should enjoy this gala, while we still can!"

Zelda and the other champions stared at Teba suspiciously, but then just shrugged it off. Zelda separated herself from the champions, and retreated to small corner at the top of the stairs.

"I can't believe that I told Link to stay at home."  A single tear made it's way down Zelda's cheek. "He was looking forward to this gala too, but then I ruined it for him. He didn't even need to learn that stupid ballroom dancing, but I forced him too. I just....I just wish he was here right now."  Zelda was sobbing now.

Soft music started to play, and many couples went onto the dance floor. Zelda sobbed some more, and hid her face in her hands.

"May I have this dance?" Someone standing in front of Zelda asked.

"Oh crap!"  She thought. "They must've seen me crying!"  Zelda wiped her tears, but didn't look to see who it was.

"I'm sorry but I- LINK!" Zelda was met with the champion's face, after lifting her head up. He was wearing a bright blue tux, with a golden tie. "Link, I'm sorry about earlier, I shouldn't have requested that you stay home." She embraced Link in a hug.

"It's okay Zelda." Link smiled. "To make up for it though, you have to dance with me."

"What?" Zelda asked. "You mean right now?"

"Of course I do!" Link grabbed Zelda's hand, and dragged her down the stairs. When they were on the dance floor, he put on hand on Zelda's waist; the other was still holding hers. Zelda put her open hand on his back.

"Link, are you sure about this?" Zelda asked, worried about Link's skills.

"Yes, I'm sure." Link said casually.

Link started to step in a square formation, so Zelda followed along. She gasped when Link didn't step on her feet, or mess up the pattern. Link started to sway around the floor, keeping with the formation.

"Link!" Zelda said, astonished. "When did you-"

"Shut up and dance with me!" Link said. "I have my ways. I am the Hero of Hyrule after all."

"A modest one too." Zelda said sarcastically.

Flashback in Link's POV (brought to you by me obviously)

Link sat in the ruins of Mabe Village, mumbling too himself about how much of a failure he was. He didn't notice the Gerudo that just happened to be walking by the ruins.

"Link?" The Gerudo called out.

"Hm?" Link sat up, and scanned around him, until he saw Riju sprinting up to him.

Zelink, Sidlink, and other random Zelda crap.Where stories live. Discover now