With or Without You

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Here's another Zelink one-shot for all you Zelink fans. I'm actually thinking about making this one into a book. I don't know yet though, so don't get your hopes up. The next chapter will be Sidlink, and I'm kind of thinking about making a few other one-shots for the people that ship Link with someone else. (I'm sorry, but I'm not really a fan of Link x Ganondorf or Link x Ghirahim so don't expect to see a one-shot for them). Oh, by the way, I used this song for one of my dance recitals (that was random). Anyway, brace yourself, because things are taking a turn.

"Link.." Zelda gazed at him with tears streaming down her cheeks. "Zelda, I-" Link started. "No!" Zelda fell on her knees and whispered, "I loved you." Link continued to watch Zelda. "Zelda, you know how I feel about you." A single tear made it's way from Link's eye, to the ground. "I would never ch-" "BUT YOU DID!" Zelda screamed. Her eyes were bloodshot, and her calm hands turned into angry fists. "I travel to Kakariko to visit Impa for 3 freaking days, and when I come back, I find you with HER !" (OH MY GOSH LINK!) "Zelda, I don't know what you're talking about!" Link stared at the ground. Tears were now flowing freely from his eyes. "What do you see in her?" Zelda looked at Link, waiting for his answer. "I-I don't see anything in her." Link continued to stare at the ground. "Come on Link, tell me." Zelda said calmly. Her mouth twitched into a thin smile. "I'm serious Zelda!" Link gazed right into Zelda's eyes as he said. "I don't know where you got this from, but I would never cheat on you." Zelda was still on her knees, so Link crouched down. "Paya said that she saw you in the field with some Gerudo chick." Zelda says. "Paya told you this? She's in Hateno?" Link asked, his eyes full of suspicion. "Yeah she's been here for 4 days now, and she said that you and the girl were laying next to each other, and then you...then you k-kissed." Zelda started to sob. "Zelda." Link took her chin in his hand, so Zelda was facing him, and wiped away the tears. "I can't live without you. We make a perfect team, and I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend." Zelda removed Link's hand from her chin, and stood up. "Well, you're going to have to try to live without me because...because I'm breaking up with you." Zelda started walking towards the door as Link stood up. They were in Link's house because she wanted to confront him about the girl. "Zelda please," Link ran over to her and grabbed her hand. Zelda yanked her hand away, opened the door and ran out. Link closed the door, sat on his couch and cried. He had lost her. He lost the one person whom he truly cared for. To make things worse, that person hadn't even believed him when he said that he didn't cheat on her. The truth was, he didn't really know what was going on, but the one thing he did know was that he was going to find out, at any cost.


When Link woke up the next morning, he slipped his Champion's tunic over his head, and slid into his Hylian trousers. He needed to find Paya, and talk to her about what she saw. It was only a matter of minutes before Link had cornered Paya at the clothing store. "M-Master L-Link!" Paya said blushing furiously. "Paya, you told Zelda that you saw me with another girl, is that right?" Link asked calmly, not wanting to scare her. "I... I d-did." Paya looked away. "What did I look like?" "W-Well, you l-looked like y-you. Your h-hair was s-silver, a-and you w-wore a b-black h-hat." Paya nervously played with her hair. "I know who it was!" Link said, and dashed off.

Zelda's perspective:

"I can't believe he would do this to me." Zelda said to Purah. She had ran all the way to the tech lab, where Purah had offered her shelter until she was feeling better. Purah put a comforting hand on Zelda's shoulder. "I trusted him, I loved him..." Zelda's eyes were bloodshot; she had been crying all night. "Maybe he was telling the truth." Purah shrugged. "Purah!" Zelda faced her. "You're supposed to be on my side!" "I'm not on anyone's side, it's just, maybe there's more to the story." Purah got off of the stool she was standing on, and beckoned Zelda over to the bathroom. "Come on, you have to freshen up. No offense, but you smell." Zelda scoffed, but trudged into the bathroom anyway. After about 10 minutes, she came out. Her blonde hair was in a pulled up into a ponytail with a black rubber band. She was wearing a blue tank top, with a white skirt. She was also wearing neon yellow ballet flats. "Umm, Zelda..." Purah looked at Zelda with a weird expression. "What the heck are you wearing?" "It's a little something I put together. Like it?" Zelda twirled around, but the way she did it wasn't very enthusiastic. Purah stared at Zelda. "No." Zelda walked past Purah, and headed towards the door. "Well, you're going to have to deal with it because I'm not changing again." Zelda opened the door and walked out, leaving the door open. Purah sighed and closed the door. "What am I going to do with her?" She thought.

Link's perspective:

Link stood at the demon statue, that was located at the edge of Hateno Village. "So, I heard you let Dark Link run free." "What are you talking about? Dark Link hasn't been out for ages." The statue stared at Link. "I heard from a villager that he was in town." "No" Said the statue. "He has been here the whole time." A portal appeared, and Link glanced in it. Sure enough, Dark Link was still in his cell. "This is weird." Link said, before taking off again. When Link arrived back in the main area of Hateno, he looked around for Paya, but was shocked when he saw Zelda. Well, he was actually shocked to see what she was wearing. Apparently, so were the other villagers. Everywhere Link looked, he saw people pointing over at Zelda, and whispering. Link caught the eye of one of the gossiping villagers, and glared at them. The villager scurried away. Link ran up to Zelda. "Zelda?" Zelda glanced at him. "I don't believe I know you, what's your name again?" Link rolled his eyes. "Zelda, come with me." Link grabbed her arm, and dragged Zelda to the inn, where Paya was staying. "What the heck!" Zelda yanked her arm away from Link. "Just, follow me." Link sighed and ran inside. Zelda hesitantly followed. Paya was sitting at a table chatting with the innkeeper. "Oh!" The innkeeper ran up to Link and Zelda. "Would you like a room?" "No, we came here to talk to her." Link pointed at Paya. The innkeeper nodded, and went outside. "Princess Z-Zelda, y-you got b-back t-together with... with M-Master Link?" Zelda shook her head. "Paya, we came her to ask you what I looked like when I was with that girl. Link glanced at Zelda, her hands were shaking. "Y-You were w-wearing a-a black hat, a-and y-your h-hair was s-sil-silver." Paya gulped. Link looked at Zelda. "Zelda, that description doesn't match what I look like at all." Zelda sighed. "I guess your right." Link and Zelda both stared intensely at Paya, who looked very nervous. It was very silent, until..."Okay, Okay, I did it." Paya looked away, while Link and Zelda stared at her in shock. "I told Zelda that you were with someone else while she was away." "But why?" Zelda looked hurt, as she stared at Paya. "I wanted you two to break up, so I could be with Master Link." Link blushed. "Paya, you aren't stuttering anymore. "I know." Paya explained. "I don't stutter. That was just an act." Zelda looked at Link. "Link, I'm sorry, I was a jerk, and I understand if you don't want to be with me." Link didn't say anything. Instead, he pulled Zelda into a passionate kiss. Paya scowled, and left the inn.

Wow! That was longer than I expected. I really enjoyed writing this one-shot, so I hope you enjoyed reading it. The idea came to me, when I was reading a Sidlink fanfic. I was like, "Hmm, What if Link cheated on Sidon? I wonder if there's a fanfic where that happens." I found nothing, so then I thought, "Maybe I should make my own, but instead of Link cheating on Sidon, how about I make Link cheat on Zelda." So, that's how I came up with the plot. See ya next chapter!

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