The woods that annoy the heck out of me, and the not so "master" sword.

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So, a few chapters ago I said I pulled out the master sword

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So, a few chapters ago I said I pulled out the master sword. That was a lie (just kidding). I actually did pull the sword out. When I first pulled it out, I was like, "Yay! This sword must do alot of damage." I was also like "Let me find all of those people in the game who thought that they would be the ones to get the sword. They'll see that Link is the chosen hero." Anyway, the sword does minimal damage (in my opinion) (also, it only has a power of 30) and it BREAKS, and I had to wait like 300 hours *overly exaggerated* for it to recharge. So, overall, the "master" sword did not impress me. (even though it makes Link look super hot and heroic).

Those stupid Koroks make getting to the master sword a whole lot harder too. I mean seriously, I know it's supposed to be heavily guarded and all, but instead of covering Link in pink fog if he goes the wrong way, why don't they live up the forest's name (Lost Woods), and let Link get lost. He'll find the forest eventually. That let's the player be able to actually explore the woods. This is kind of ironic because I actually don't  want to explore the woods. I did at first, but some Koroks said that there was something huge and terrifying hidden in the woods. I definitely didn't want to find out what that was.

That's all! (don't worry, I'm done ranting). See ya next chapter!

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