Seriously, Just One Kiss!

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You see how close they are? They were that close, and they didn't even

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You see how close they are? They were that close, and they didn't even..... *sob*, didn't even.....KISS!! I mean I know Link was on the verge of death and all, but Zelda's kiss could've stopped him from dying. It could have been the kiss that heals all. The moment was so perfect, they were staring in each other's eyes, Link was about to die an honorable death (and they both realized their undying love for each other *not really*). Let's see what Zelda's explanation is for not kissing Link. (Link is also just as guilty, but he absolutely refused to do the interview. I had no choice but to trick Zelda into doing this "innocent" interview about the future of "Hyrule" )

*Interview with Zelda*

Me: Zelda, what was going through your head when you cradled, the on the verge of death, Link in your arms?

Zelda: I'm not really sure because many emotions were going through my head at the time. I was mostly covered in sadness because Link had come to be my best friend.

Me: Are you sure he wasn't your boyfriend?

Zelda: Excuse me?

Me: Don't play dumb Zelda. I saw the way you both looked into each other's eyes. It was the look of love

Zelda: Uh, well, I don't see Link as more than a friend.

Me: LIES!!

Zelda: Um...

Me: *looks at the audience* Didn't you guys see the connection between those two?

Audience: Yeah! Definitely! It was hard to miss! Don't lie to us Zelda!

Zelda: I mean, I may have been distraught at the idea that I may never see Link again, but that was only because like I said. WE ARE JUST FRIENDS!

Me: *whispers to no one* I think it's time

Zelda: What?

Me: Nothing

Zelda: ......

Me: Now, for the moment we've all been waiting for! LINK!!

Zelda: What!

Me: Oh that's right, Link, why don't you come to the front.

Link: *comes from the back row to the stage* Uh......

Zelda: I'm so sorry you were talked into this Link, let's go.

Me: *grabs the remote from off of the table and presses the giant button in the middle*

*metal doors come down and block all exits*

Audience: Oooh!

Me: Now, why you both sit down

*Link and Zelda sit down in the two chairs that are on both sides of me*

Me: So, Link, Zelda says that she just sees you both as friends and nothing more. How do you feel about that?

*Zelda shifts uncomfortably in her chair*

Link: Well, uh.......

Me: Here Link. *grabs a pen and notebook from the table* Why don't you write down what you want to say.

*Link grabs the notebook and pen, and scribbles something down on the paper.*

Link:  *shows me what he wrote down on the paper*

Me: *reads what Link wrote* You're a bit- Wow, Link, it is surprising to hear language like that coming from you.

Link: *glares at me, and scribbles on the paper*

Me: *reads what Link wrote* Sorry about that, but anyway, about Zelda...

*Zelda's cheeks become a maroon-like color*

Me: *reads what Link wrote* Zelda is the queen that will protect with my life. She has always been there for me and I appreciate that. I have grown to like her as a best friend, and eventually, as a crush, but I know that Hyrule comes before feelings, so I brushed them away, fearing that she didn't like me back. I know that ruling a kingdom on her own must be hard, so I bit back the guilt that came over me from brushing my feelings away. Just know Zelda, that I will always be there for you. *stops reading, and starts to sob*

Zelda: *tears are streaming down her face* Link...I-I love you too. Y-You have always protected me. E-Even when you-even when you were dying. Link I-Link I LOVE YOU!

Audience: *sniffle* *sobs*

Me: *sniffle* *sobs*

*Link and Zelda both stare at each other intently. Zelda's cheeks are flushed, and her nose is a bright pink from crying. Link's blue eyes are sharp, but his face is unreadable.*

Annoying member from the audience who ruined everything, and who I swore I would hunt down and murder: Oh No! Ganon's back, and it look like he's trying to control people.

*Zelda and Link break eye contact (much to my demise), dash towards the exit, only to realize that the metal doors are still down.

Me: *hesitantly presses the button that lifts the metal doors back up.*

Audience: Ganon's back! What do we do? Hurry, save yourselves!


That's all! Nintendo seriously needs there to be something going on between Zelda and Link (if you know what I mean 😉). Anyway, I have to get back to hunting down that annoying audience member who ruined everything so I can MURDER them!

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