Fifty Shades of Link

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This is a Yandere Link request from @EmoChick7272 so, I hope you like it

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This is a Yandere Link request from @EmoChick7272 so, I hope you like it. Oh yeah, if you haven't guessed already, this chapter will obviously be covered in sauce. (also some mild language).

Zelda groaned, as she slowly woke up. Her hands and feet were chained to a small wooden chair. She sat in the corner of a basement in a small lodge in the Hebra Region, so she was, scratch that, she was freezing. Her master hadn't even bothered to fully clothe her, so she was only dressed in a ripped shirt that barely went past her belly button, and polka-dot underwear. Something her master also didn't bother to do was feed her. She was starving. The last meal she had was 6 days ago, when Link decided to feed her some bread. Sleeping in that chair all night also caused her to get a major neck cramp.

"How could I be so stupid?" Zelda thought. If only she hadn't been so naïve, she could have figure out her "perfect boyfriend" actually wasn't so perfect. She could have figured out that this was the real Link, and that the charming disguise he put on around her was fake. Now she was stuck here, with the creep that she once loved...forever.

"How's my beautiful Zellie this morning?"

Link stepped down the creaking stairs, that lead into the basement. His blonde hair crept onto his shoulders, and his eyes were sparkling with lust. He was wearing his normal Champion's Tunic, and Hylian trousers. Zelda would've thought he was hot, if she hadn't been in this situation.

Zelda didn't say anything. She couldn't, her ability to speak was taken away from her, as well as her freedom. Link walked over to her, and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. He then grabbed her chin.

"Damn, you're gorgeous."

The way Link was holding her face, Zelda had no choice but to stare into those cerulean orbs. She knew what was coming next. It happened every time. To put it simply, Link was a horny predator, and she was his prey.

"And you're all mine."

Link leaned towards Zelda, and sloppily kissed her chapped lips. Zelda knew she would be punished if she didn't play along, so she kissed back, brushing her tongue against his lips. Link moved away from Zelda's lips, and planted kisses on her cheeks and forehead. Zelda lifted her head up, allowing Link to drag his tongue from her forehead, to her neck. Wet kisses were placed all around her neck, and soon, old hickeys were replaced with new ones. Zelda didn't want to moan, she didn't want Link to know that what he was doing was pleasurable, but her body had other plans.

"Mmmm" Zelda emitted a moan, when Link hit her sweet spot, and Link smiled against her neck.

As Link stripped her down, and continued to kiss and lick all over her body, Zelda tried to think of what went wrong. How did she end up like this?

"Was he always this way?" Zelda thought to herself. "Or did something cause him to become the monster he is now."

Zelda didn't dare ask Link any of these questions though. The last time she asked a question about Link's sanity resulted in her losing her virginity under her own will. Even though her purity was already long gone, she did not want to undergo Link's roughness another time.

"Zelda." Link's voice snapped Zelda out of her thoughts.

"I'm going to remove your handcuffs, but only because I want you to do me a few favors."

After Link removed the handcuffs, Zelda struggled to stand. Her legs were so weak, that they couldn't even support her own body. Zelda's legs collapsed from under her, and she fell to he knees.

"Now, don't you try to escape to anyone, because I'll kill them, and make you watch. Just like Riju."

"Riju." Zelda thought. She kept saying her name over and over in her head. Riju was Zelda's best friend. They were like sisters, and could never be separated.

"Riju was suspicious of Link." Zelda thought. "I should've listened to her."

After Zelda had been taken away from the world, Riju made it her mission to find her. After 2 years, Riju finally found her, and the two ran into each other's arms, and tried to escape. Link however, found them both, and killed Riju right in front of Zelda.

Zelda winced. She could still hear Riju's piercing screams as the blade of the Master Sword skewered her through her stomach.

"Zellie!" Link said smirking. "Get started! I want to feel your tongue on every inch of my skin."

Zelda glanced at Link, he was naked, just like her. She crawled over to Link, and started at his feet, wishing she could be anywhere, but here.

Wow! That was so much fun to write! By the way, Zelda's been trapped in that freezing house for 4 years now. Anyway, we can't have a Yandere Link one-shot without having a Yandere Zelda one-shot. That will be coming soon. This story was so depressing though. It was the most depressing story I've ever written, and I've wrote a story where every single character dies. Also, I already said this, but feel free to request one-shots. See ya next chapter!

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