Old Troubles, New Troubles

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  I stood there, just thinking because really I had no idea what to do. I mean I don't even know why I left the Doctor in the first place. Maybe because I wanted to help out like the Doctor does or I just needed sometime alone. Whatever the reason, this idea is stupid. I sighed and sat on the stairs. I need to think things through next time. Though I didn't even say to the Doctor I wanted to stay, he just took off before I could think about what I was going to do. Ughhh.... Oh well,... I've got to keep going with what I got.

I stood up and started walking towards the consul, but stopped halfway. I mentally faced palmed. I don't know where to go. I can't just put a randomizer on this girl, it could be dangerous and she's to old for crazy stuff like that. I also can't call the Doctor, the man didn't leave a phone number with me. I could just ask my TARDIS, but she usually ignores me when I talk to her. I sighed and walked the rest of the way to the consul.

"Hey girl, where should I go.."

I mumbled, embarrassed I didn't have a plan. I stood there.... and stood there, but nothing happened. Yeah, that's what I thought. She just ignores me like if I'm a potted plant. I sighed and leaned on the consul with my hand. I jerked away from it when she whrred to life. I hastily grabbed onto the consul as she shook like crazy. She stopped and I slowly let go. I smiled. At least she still works. I looked at the monitor to see where I was, but it was out. Grumbling, I walked to the door and peeked outside. It was just a city. Good. 'Hey watch it!' I heard someone yell in the distance. I walked to the front of the alleyway, peering around the corner. Suddenly an... alien ran by with cops chasing after it. Bad.

I took off running after the alien, running past the cops. I saw it was a Silurian and I ran faster. Running past her while grabbing her arm, I pulled her along with me into an alleyway circling back to my TARDIS. The Silurian tried to pull away, but I kept pulling her along. I turned to look at her while running.

"Trust me. I'm going to get you out of here."

I half shouted and turned forward, narrowly missing an old lady who had no idea what was going on. I turned a corner and ran into a dead end. I turned back to the street, but the cops were there. I pushed the Silurian behind me and smiled at the cops.

"Why hello there. My friend here seemed to have scared a lot of people with her costume, wouldn't you say?"

"Shut up, girl. We know that is a Silurian. Where have you been this last century?"

"Ahh yes. Uhh what would the date be?"

The cop looked at me with a 'really' face and sighed.

"It's October 21, 2025."

"Ahh, right. But you guys aren't supposed to learn of the Silurians until 2113. This is way ahead of the times."

Just then a car pulled up into the alleyway blocking any means of escape. Two people came out. Both were African American. One was female and one male. They both seemed very confused when they saw me. The woman walked up to me, confusion growing on her face.


"What? Oh, no. I'm the Painter. I know the Doctor though, but he isn't here right now."

"Oh. I thought he regenerated, but tell me what kind of name is the Painter?"

"Hey, the Painter is actually a pretty cool name in 2 billion."

I adjusted my tie while saying this. I really have no idea why, but I did.

"So you have traveled with the Doctor? Tell me where he is now or I'll have you jailed."

"Hey, hey. No need to get pushy. I did travel with the Doctor, but I have no idea where he is now. Now answer me this who are you and your silent dog here."


I grinned at him. Though he just grunted back.

"I'm Martha, Commander of the North Squadron of Unit and that's Mickey. He's second in command. Now I know your lying because their are readings of a TARDIS in the area and there are only one of those in the universe left."

"I'm not lying. That TARDIS is mine. Also how did you know the Doctor in the first place?'

"Wait, the TARDIS is yours?"

"Yes, yes. Now why do you need the Doctor?"

"So are you a Time Lord?"

"Yes! Just tell me why you need the Doctor?!"

Martha smiled at me and started talking in a walkie- talkie.

"I've acquired a Time Lord. Repeat I've acquired a Time Lord."

"Wait? What? You've acquired nothing because I'm leaving."

I grabbed the Silurian's hand, who really was just letting me handle the whole thing by myself and grabbed a remote I've had in my pocket. I pushed the only button on there and whispered to it, "Come and get me!"

Suddenly, my TARDIS started materializing around me and the Silurian, who was probably having a very crazy day. I saluted to the surprised Martha and Mickey, who was pulling out guns to shoot at me. I grinned as she materialized all the way and ran around her consul, getting away from there.

When we landed, I turned to the Silurian, who was beyond confused.

"Ahh, hello there! I'm the Painter and if I drove right, we are outside of the city. So we are safe."


Then she just turned around, mumbling about Time Lords and doctors. She walked to the door, said thanks and kept walking. I really had no idea what to do with that, so I just went to the TARDIS and pressed a button. Not just any button, a magic button! Well, not really magic, more timey wimey then any thing else, but anyways it's a 'phone' if that is what you want to call it. The monitor to my right light up with a list of contacts. I walked over a step and scrolled through. I couldn't find who I was looking for. I got to do this on my own then. Great. I at least hoped the Doctor decided to sneak his TARDIS' 'number' in when he was fixing my TARDIS. I sighed and rubbed my hand through my hair. I have to find out what's going on here and fix it before it gets worse.

CLANG! Suddenly something hit the TARDIS causing it to rumble and shake. I tightly gripped the consul as it shook. I pulled the monitor to me and did an environmental scan. All I could see was clouds... Oh no... no, No, NO! I was being airlifted! They found me! Great just great. The shaking continued as I started making my TARDIS fly against the thing holding us up. My TARDIS spun in circles as it did, swinging the thing around far enough where it appeared in my monitor. It was a helicopter. Ehh, makes sense. I ran down the hall to my grandfathers room. I haven't been in these halls for years yet they look exactly the same. I smiled, but frowned when the shaking intensed. I skidded to a stop in front of his room and ran into it, searching his desk for his sonic screwdriver. I quickly found it and ran back to the consul room. I took a deep breathe and walked to the door.

The only way to be able to leave is to unhook the claw or I'll be taking it with me. And to unlock it is to use a sonic screwdriver. And to do that is to, well, you get the idea.

I pushed the door open, the wind whipping my face. I gripped the door frame and leaned outside. I used one hand to raise the sonic and pointed at the claw. The other was to keep me on the TARDIS....Man, I should have used a rope. I sonic'd the claw and it let go, having us start falling to the ground. I slammed the door and raced over to the consul and ran around it, pulling levers like no tomorrow, causing it appear somewhere unknown.. The monitor suddenly didn't want to work. I frowned and looked at a map of the area. I'm still in the city.... Wait.... I didn't want to stay here... I walked over to the door and peeked outside. Oh... That's why..... 

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