24 Hours

38 2 0

 My eyes slightly fluttered open as the pain in my head grew. I widened my eyes and looked around. I seem to be in my apartment on my couch. I slowly start to sit up, groaning and grabbing my head when the pain increased. I looked around after sitting up. How did I get here? Was that all a dream? No, it couldn't have because why would I have this terrible headache then. I felt the back of my head where bandages were placed around a bump forming there. I glanced around the room until I heard noises from the kitchen. I slowly got up, not wanting to make the pain worse, and snuck up to the kitchen door. I peeked inside and saw a man walking around the kitchen with a spoon in his hand. It looked like he was making something. I glanced behind me at the front door where the coat rack was at. Hanging on the coat rack was a light brown trench coat, somewhat dirty from something getting rubbed against it. I looked back at the man, who was now looking at me with the biggest smile.

"Ah, you're awake! I was trying to make you dinner seeing you couldn't eat your lunch earlier. You must be hungry."

I slightly stared at him not believing what I was seeing. It was the man from 2 years ago. The same strange man in his brown pinstripe suit and red converse. I nodded my head slightly, not wanting to talk yet. Mostly because I can't form any sentences right now from the sheer surprise of seeing him. He smiled at me and got to cooking again.

 "I'm the Doctor, if you have forgotten. I can't really tell if you remember me because you were a little loopy back there. You're probably wondering what happened, though we will talk over dinner."

"Okay." I said while yawning and walking to the kitchen table, gently flopping my head on the cool table. I watched the Doctor making food from the corner of my eye. It was true what he said that I couldn't really remember anything from before. I wonder if he remembers me from 2 years ago. He'll probably wouldn't though since we only briefly met that day. The Doctor walked over sitting across from me while putting a plate of.... something in front of me.

"What's that?" I slightly whispered.

"Oh, just something to help with the headache there." He briefly smiled while watching me with my head down.

I lifted my head from the cool counter and looked at the dish. It looked like a mixture of random stuff from my cupboards. I hesitantly picked up the fork that was shoved my way and looked at the Doctor.

He smiled and exclaimed, "Go on, eat it. I promise you will love it." while motioning for me to eat the food.

I dipped my fork in the random mixture of what he considers food and brought it to my my mouth slowly. I put it in my mouth looking at the Doctor hoping he wasn't trying to poison me for whatever reason, though I wouldn't know why since he just saved my life. I bit down on the food and started to chew. I smiled at the Doctor. The food was amazing! It tasted as if it was a gourmet dinner in some fancy restaurant. I started to eat more bites of the yummy food, enjoying, yet annoyed at the way he looked he looked at me with the all knowing grin. After I finished, I noticed my head felt a lot better. I looked at the Doctor again and smiled.

"Uh, thank you, Doctor. That was really good. What was it? I've never seen anything like that before."

"Well, you wouldn't understand where it came from. I mean I could tell you, but you wouldn't believe me." He said with the same all knowing smile from before.

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