Simply Charming

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  Great. Just great. I'm some bargaining chip for the world, which doesn't even need saving. Hopefully the Doctor finds out where I am before then, but I'm all on my own right now.... Wait, maybe I can get some info out of her...

Martha started to stand up.

"Wait! How about you tell me some things I need to know first and then I'll come quietly. What do you say?"

Martha sat back down and looked at me.

"No. I'm sorry, but that doesn't matter to us."

"You still got time. Like 10 hours, right? So just answer my question. Just talk to me."


"Martha, we have time."

Mickey spoke up, startling both Martha and me. Martha sighed and looked at me.

"Fine. What is it?"

" Tell me about the Silurians."

"Oh, them. Well, we made contact with a very small tribe who decided to tell us about aliens and their technology for their safety. The world doesn't know of them though."

"So, that Silurian I rescued was in on it?"


".... Tell me.. Why are you doing this? I thought you were friends with the Doctor."

"That is none of your-"

"We were given orders. Orders we.. can't go against.. or...."

Mickey spoke again causing me to turn towards him behind us.

"Or what?"

"We will be categorized as traitors."

"Is it usually like this?"

"No. The Doctor is usually around."


"I'm sorry, but we can't take any chances..."


Martha sat there with a sympathetic look. She then stood up, motioning to Mickey to escort me. He got up and stood by me, waiting for me stand up. I glanced at him and smiled.

"I guess trying this thing on my own was a bad idea...."

He looked confused at my sentence, but shook it off and held out his hand like a gentleman for me to get up. I accepted and stood up. I started walking towards Martha, but Mickey held me back from behind.

"He's here. Don't worry."

He whispered to me from behind me. Martha was already out the door. Mickey slightly pushed me forward so the guards wouldn't have to come get me.

We walked for awhile until we came to an elevator. We stood in there for the longest while with two guards, two Commanding Generals, and a Timelord with jazz music playing in the background. That sounds like the start to an awkward joke.

I silently cheered when the doors opened. I was about to walk out, but a a man wearing a lab coat, hat, glasses, and holding a bunch of papers that covered his face came running in. I mentally booed. Now it was crowded, especially with all those papers. We started going up again.

Suddenly, the elevator stopped and the lights dimmed. I smiled. Perfect.

I turned around towards everyone and clapped my hands. The guards raised there guns at me. I smiled as the science guy sonic'd their guns out of their hands.

"That's better isn't it?"

They quickly tried to scramble for the guns, but I punched one in the face, knocking him out. I shook my hand from the pain.

"Sorry!" I didn't want to be rude...

The other one stood up unable to find his gun. He brought his fists up looking at me and the other guy. Then he fell, revealing Martha, who pressure pointed him. I grinned at the science guy.

"Hello Doctor. I'm glad you could make it."

The science guy smiled, pulling off his lab coat, hat, and putting his glasses in his suit.

"Well, I wouldn't miss this for the world."

Then he turned to Martha and Mickey.

"Hi Mickey! How have you been..." He stopped talking, looking at Mickey. The Doctor was about to say something to him, but decided against it and turned to Martha. "And who's this?"

I frowned. Oh no, he hasn't met Martha yet. Hopefully she doesn't mess this up and tell him that she is going to travel with him.

"I'm Martha.... Nice to meet you.."

She had a sad smile when she held out her hand. The Doctor shook it and turned around towards the button panel and opened it up.

"So, I parked my TARDIS two levels down and if I just do this." He sonic'd the button panel's insides and the elevator turned on and started going down. "We will be there in no time."

It suddenly stopped and the doors opened.

"Ah, here we are. If we just go straight then a left and another left, we will be there."

We started walking out, but the Doctor stopped and turned around. He had a serious face.

"Mickey, I don't know how you are here, but this is as far as you go.... I can't have you slipping up.."

"I understand, Doctor. That's why I didn't talk much around the Painter here in the first place."

The Doctor grinned.

"I knew I could count on you."

Then the Doctor turned to me and grabbed my hand. He looked down at me.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, but my TARDIS is a couple levels down, locked in a room...."

Mickey spoke before the Doctor could.

"It's heavily guarded. You would be caught before you even left the elevator. Even you, Doctor, but don't worry we will keep it under lock and key."

I looked up to the Doctor who sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"Okay Mickey. I trust you."

The Doctor started running down the hall, dragging me with him. I turned around towards Martha and Mickey and waved.

"Bye Martha! Bye Mickey! Oh, and the Ledraron, don't worry about him! He will give up after the count down. He can't do anything! Especially when the Doctor and I board his ship and drop him off at his planet!"

We whisked around a corner then and kept running. I noticed the Doctor still had my hand and I felt my cheeks heat up. He looked back at me and winked, gripping my hand tighter. I felt my whole face flush when he looked away..... Am I falling for the Doctor?

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