Strange Ways

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  "... and I got proof."

The Ledraron tossed the watch at me. I fumbled and caught it. I shakily turned it around where the front was facing me and stared at it. How is this possible? What does this mean? Am I the Doctor? How could I be the Doctor? I mean, he's a guy, who looks totally different from me and he is standing right there, but he does have a time machine..... I mean it's possible and I don't know 'him' that well...

The Doctor snatched the watch from my hand and held it to his ear. His face scrunched up as he listened. He turned to me, confusion on his face. He walked up to me and stared into my eyes. He was so close to my face and I felt heat rise to my cheeks. His face then relaxed and he turned to the Ledraron, who was trying to sneak away.

"You're wrong."

He walked up to the the alien and kneeled down to its height.

"But that's a Time Lord watch and the Doctor is the only Time Lord left in existence. So she is the Doctor...."

The Ledraron looked at the Doctor and smirked, feeling as if he beat the Doctor. The Doctor smirked too and the little guy to drop his smirk.

"You're wrong. I'm the Doctor and there is two Time Lords left... Well, maybe one. But that wouldn't make sense since her watch has a different tick pattern and the watch isn't mine to begin with. I mean I could have changed the watch, but why would I do that. Even if I did then the tick pattern would be the same because it's me and...."

The Doctor kept rambling on, making me more confused then I already was. I sighed and looked at the Doctor, who was trying to explain it to us through his... own special way. I looked at the alien who wasn't even trying to run away anymore, just trying to make sense of the Doctor..... Okay, time's up.


I clap my hands together to get his attention. He stopped and looked at me, a little confused, then realization hit him hard in the head and he smiled an embarrassed smile at me, then turned to the alien, smile sliding off his face.

"Okay, call off your Keeber or I will."

The Ledraron was surprised that the Doctor remembered he was there and faintly nodded his head. The Doctor smiled and followed the alien as it went to the pillar in the middle of the room. The alien placed his hand on the side of the pillar and it light up. It was an orange light that suddenly turned green and then turned white. The pillar slightly rotated around and the other side of the pillar opened up. It finally rotated until the open side was facing us. The Ledraron put his hand in the middle of the opening, which turned out to be like the button that I pushed by the door before. The alien pushed the button and the pillar glowed white again. A female mechanical voice suddenly talked out of nowhere.

"Disabling subject Keeber in 5 minutes. Subject Keeber found in human dwelling. Extermination of subject in 4 minutes 45 seconds."

The Doctor suddenly frowned and stalked over to the little alien who was fumbling with something on his wrist.

"How could you kill it? I thought you didn't want to kill anything! It's just a helpless being!"

The Doctor yelled at the little Ledraron, who quickly looked up at the Doctor with frightened eyes and looked down at his wrist again. The Doctor went to grab whatever the alien was messing with, but the little guy just.... disappeared. My eyes widened at this, but then the Doctor got out his Sonic Screwdriver, smiled, and buzzed it The ray that caused the alien before to disappeared came back, but nothing was there. Instead a watch plopped down on the floor.

"Oh, he is a smart one. He knew to take off the teleportation watch. I wonder how he knew to do that?"

The Doctor spun around to face me and ran pass me, grabbing my hand along the way. I was quickly dragged towards the TARDIS and pulled inside. The Doctor let go of my hand and started running around the consul again, doing the same thing he did as when he flew before. The TARDIS suddenly jerked causing me to grab onto the railings. I shakily pulled myself up to kinda stand during the ride.

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