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  The light shined on my face and for a brief moment, I felt nothing. Then the pain started. I guess that happens when your whole biological make-up is changed in an instance. The pain started in my head and spread to the rest of my body. The most painful, though, was in my chest, like as if the organs were shifting around and pushing things out of the way to make room for something else. The light continued as images started flashing in mind, my life slowing coming back to me. I whimpered as a my head hurt even worse now with all the new information which was never ending.

The light abruptly stopped and I slumped to the ground. The Doctor ran over to me and kneeled down, taking my head into his hands. I smiled at him and winked, then jumped up to my feet.

"Well, I'm never doing that again! Almost as bad as a regeneration!"

My smile widened when the Doctor seemed taken aback and sitting on the ground like a lost puppy. I reached my hand to him beaming at his confused face.

"Okay, Doctor. Are you going to sit there all day or are you getting up?"

The Doctor smiled and took my hand, which I helped lift him up. He then looked at me and narrowed his eyes.

"Okay, tell me how you are here and why?"

I sighed briefly remembering how and why. The dream I had the night before was all true. In fact the old man was my grandfather. The fridge was a TARDIS. Actually an illegal TARDIS. Regular people weren't allowed to have them because they would miss use them, just like my grandfather did. His TARDIS was actually older then the Doctor's, that's another reason he got away with having one. The Time Lords couldn't trace it because it didn't have the tracer in it to begin with. Also the fact that that model were all demolished because you were able to control the whole thing from the outside if you hooked it up to a remote control. That's how my grandfather got me here without even being in the TARDIS to begin with.

My grandfather was the Observer, he was able to tell what would happen in the future just by watching things. He has... was watching the Daleks for a long time, no one knew why. He just wouldn't say. That picture he drew was what he anticipated, but since we are Time Lords, we couldn't use a TARDIS to leave the planet because we knew of the future, even if it was just a theory of what was to happen.

I sighed as I looked at the Doctor and walked over to the chair by the consul and plopped down onto it. I motioned for him to come over to me and sit down.

"This is a long story, so you might want to sit down."

The Doctor walked over to me and sat on the floor in front of me, since there wasn't another chair. I smiled as he looked up at me, but frowned when I started telling the story.

"Well, back on Gallifrey, I went to visit my grandfather, the.. the Observer." The Doctor's eyes widened and he opened his mouth to speak, but I put my finger to my lip. "Ask questions after my story." He nodded at me and I continued,"Well, my grandfather invited me over to his house. I didn't go there much because... of who he is and that his house was in the middle of nowhere. When I got there we chatted like we normally do when we meet, then he just showed me a picture of... well.... of Gallifrey being invaded by Daleks.... It was one of his theories..."

I paused looking at the Doctor who was in deep thought. Probably about my grandfather. I mean, he isn't a bad guy, he just... well there's a reason everyone knows about him. He used to be one of the top Time Lords, but he kinda went a little mad and got kicked off the counsel. I turned back to the Doctor who was looking at me expectantly. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

"I was completely shocked because this information came out of nowhere. He... tried to get me into his TARDIS, but I wouldn't go because well I needed to tell someone and I couldn't just leave. He jumped at me and pulled me into his kitchen where his TARDIS was. He pulled me into the TARDIS, which he disguised as an Earth fridge, and pushed me inside... The TARDIS was a Type 37."

The Doctor looked at me with utter confusion on his face.

"How is that possible, all the Type 37's were destroyed."

"He was the Observer, it's not that impossible for him...."

I murmured. The Doctor and I stared at each other for a couple seconds, but I looked up at the ceiling.

"That's when he sent me here and had the... Chameleon Arch change me into a human and had his TARDIS write a life for me... Everything after that was my human life.... I've actually only been human for three years..."

The Doctor stared at me for awhile looking sad and thinking over what I just said. He suddenly jumped up, trying to change the mood.

"Well, let's not be down! We have this old girl here who can go anywhere in time or space, so... where you, Miles Brown, want to go?"

The Doctor smiled a big goofy grin and held out his hand to me. I grabbed it and he yanked me up, pushing me into his body. I blushed crimson and looked up at him. His smile got wider as he saw me smirk at him and raise my eyebrow.

"Well, how about we go someplace wonderful. I mean because you do have a TARDIS that can go anywhere in time or space."

He winked at me and let me go, swinging around to the TARDIS consul and and running around it, flipping levers and such. He stopped and turned towards me, leaning on the consul with a big smile on his face.

"Miles Brow-"

"The Painter, my name's Painter."

The Doctor grinned at me.

"Okay, Painter, let's go somewhere wonderful"

He turned around quickly and pulled a lever behind him, which in turn made the whole TARDIS shake and groan and make a whrring noise. I smiled as I held on for the life of me.  

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