Processes of the Happenings

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  Suddenly guns were in my face. My head was the only thing peeking out so I slowly tried to bring it back in, but a foot stopped me from closing the door. I sighed, it was Martha's foot. Great. Since I was still in the TARDIS, I quickly grabbed the TARDIS key out of my pocket and tossed it inside somewhere. I didn't want them to be able to get inside. Martha looked at me and stepped back.

"Come out and leave the door open."

I came out and quickly slammed the door shut and smiled at Martha.

"Sorry sweetheart. Don't have the key with me either."

She frowned at me and motioned guards to have me follow her. They pushed me after her when she started to leave. Stepping away from the TARDIS, I notice the room more. It's actually quite small, only allowing around 7 people in with the TARDIS.

For about 5 minutes we navigated the building, which was more like a maze. It seemed like it was underground since there were no windows and it's musky scent. We finally walked into a small office where Martha sat behind a desk and the guards sat me in front of her. The guards left the room, which was quite bland. Then I suddenly noticed Mickey in the corner. I smiled and did a little wave to him. He smiled a bit, but it quickly vanished when Martha cleared her throat.

"Okay then, Painter. I will explain our... situation to you and I hope you agree to help us."

"Before all that, why not answer my questions."

"Go ahead."

"Okay, first, how did you get my TARDIS here and how do you know about the Silurians? Second, how do you know the Doctor? And thirdly, why do you need the Doctor in the first place? Because I really don't know where he is or I wouldn't be here right now."

She kindly smiled at me. I mean a genuine smile... Maybe she isn't such a bad guy...

"Well, Torchwood helped us out getting you here since they have a device that can read a TARDIS signal, we simply converted it where we can interfere with the signal and control it's destination. Though we've tested it out on the Doctor's TARDIS before, it hasn't worked until now..."

I grunted. Of course it was remote controlled. I haven't flown my TARDIS genuinely since I got it.

"Also, I know the Doctor since I've traveled with him for awhile."

"And.... why do you need him? I mean really, it's quite rude to force me around when I got things to do."

I actually didn't have anything to do, I just needed an excuse to hopefully speed up this visit.

She sighed and put her hand through her hair.

"We need the Doctor because an alien race is threatening to invade our planet. It's a secret now, but I'm afraid it will become public soon. Which then, chaos will break loose."

"What race is it?"

"A race called the Ledrarons."

I sat there and stared at her. I mean really, Ledrarons invading a planet? Get real. Ledrarons getting invaded I can understand. I laughed.

"Martha you have nothing to worry about. They are a peaceful race and I bet it's a prank by one of their delinquents. I mean because Earth isn't the only planet with teenagers out there."

"You haven't seen the video yet."

She whispered and turned to a tv that slowly revolved from the wall....

~~~~~Tv show thing or whatever~~~~~~~

A Ledraron appeared in the screen with all it's flower-faced glory.

"Hello Earth and it's occupants. I'm a Ledraron. I may look what you say cute, but I am not! I will blow up your cities unless you give me what I want and what I want is the Doctor! Or any Time Lord you got down there. You got one Earth month until I start blowing up cities!"

~~~~~~~Ending of Transmission~~~~~ :P

I tried to hide my laughter when Martha turned towards me.

"Martha, I really think he is just bluffing. I mean because I met that Ledraron more then half a year ago and he's not very threatening."

Martha frowned at me.

"This is serious and I'm sorry, but we will have to give you to him for our planet. We can't take the word of some random person.... If only you were the Doctor, then maybe you could stop him.."  

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