Feeling Feels

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I murmured the name, confused on what it was. Was it the place I saw? Or was it just something random from my head? The Doctor would probably know, I just have to ask him when he gets ba-

"Gallit fry? What the heck is that?"

Sammy questioned me, knocking me out of my thoughts. I grumbled as the pain in my head worsened at her talking. I quickly put my hand over her mouth when she went to speak again. She looked at me with the 'Ok, then... What are doing' face. I stuck my tongue out at her and put my finger to my lips.

"I got a headache and I don't need your rambling to make it worse."

I quietly whispered, my own voice making my head hurt. She looked at me when I winced as I talked. She slowly set me down on the bed, very concerned for me. She figured it was noise and was trying to make the bed creak less. I sat down, looking up at my confused friend. Suddenly, a car horn honked outside, causing me to grab my head and lean forward. Sammy quickly layed me down on the bed, murmuring something about stupid cars. She ran out of the room after I was lain down all the way.

Sammy then ran back in carrying giant headphones and quickly put them on my head saying something I couldn't hear then leaving the room. I sighed as the pain started going away, but sad as the picture did too. Were those memories? Why was it just a red place? Why was it red? What is Gallifrey? Many questions ran through my head as I fell asleep.

---------------The Next Day, in the Morning--------

I shot up in bed, my sheets half hanging off me. I looked round my room and saw nothing.... Good, it was just a dream. The dream was nightmare-like and terrible. It was strange too. I mean why was I so afraid of the dream? I really had no idea. The dream wasn't like any other dream, though it has the regular dream things in it, like impossible and crazy being one. It was in the Gallifrey place, but in a house. The house was old and away from the city. I was visiting someone there. Someone I was close too, though barely got to see because of the distance. It was an old man who smiled at me sadly. We sat and talked for awhile in the dream, then he grabbed my arm and forced a folded piece of paper in it. I opened it up and saw a picture. It was crudely drawn, but showed the purpose none the least. It was a picture of Gallifrey, but on fire with little robots flying around and death and destruction everywhere. I gasped at it and looked up at the man. He frowned and pointed at the kitchen, but I shook my head. He looked between me and the kitchen , then launched at me.

The man quickly pulled me out of my chair, into the kitchen, and into... a fridge.... He forced me in and locked the doors from the outside. I banged on the doors, screaming at him. I turned around and it was huge. It looked like the TARDIS. The thing started whrring like the TARDIS too and shook around. Suddenly, a helmet fell from the ceiling and onto my head. I cried and screamed as it caused so much pain, then blackness was all I saw and that's when I woke up.

I got up, getting out of the daze I had from remembering the dream. I noticed the headphones and headache were gone and I smiled. Good thing it wasn't permanent. I walked to my closet, still wearing the clothes I had yesterday. I sighed as I pulled my stinky shirt off. I would need to do laundry later and wash the bed sheets also. I quickly pulled on an oversized blue sweater and and pair of my regular black pants. I walked out of my room to the bathroom. I brushed my hair and teeth and realized I needed my glasses. I forgot about them because so much has been going on. I quickly ran to my room and grabbed my glasses off my side table. I sighed as a big finger print was in the middle of the lens. Whoever took them of had big fingers, so it wasn't Sammy.

I grinned realizing it must have been the Doctor since he was the only one who had big finger prints that Sammy would allow in the house. I wonder if he stayed the night or not. I quickly ran out of my room and into the living room, hoping the Doctor was there. He wasn't. I sighed and walked to my kitchen, surprise to find it clean. Usually when Sammy makes a mess, she leaves it there until the next afternoon. I looked around and noticed a plate on the table with food on it. I looked around sheepishly trying to find out who made it. Probably the Doctor. I grinned as I remembered the meal I had yesterday and sat down, ready to eat. I tasted the food and smiled. I then flung the rest of food in my mouth until there was no more.

I felt satisfied and grabbed my plate to put in the sink. I turned back around and noticed a note where my plate was. The plate was probably on top of it. I grabbed the note and flipped it around. It said "From The Doctor, To Miles". I opened it up, half expecting it to say that the food was for him and if I ate it, I couldn't travel with him. I laughed at the thought, thinking yeah right and read the page.

"Miles, the food was for you if you were wondering. Sorry I wasn't in there to greet you, but I had to do some things to the TARDIS you really wouldn't understand. So, hurry up. The TARDIS is in the guest room like before and hope you liked the food.
-The Doctor"

I grinned as I shoved the note in my pocket and ran down my hallway, to the guest room. I flung the door open and there she was. The TARDIS. She hummed at me which I grinned at. Did she know I was here? No, couldn't be, she is just a machine, but why do I keep calling she a she. It's just a machine like I said. I quickly shook off my thoughts and walked up to the door and knocked.

I didn't have a key so I couldn't get in. I heard a yell inside, "The door's open!" I opened the door slowly and walked in. I saw the Doctor looking at me, smiling that big, goofy grin he always smiles.

"Ah, Miles Brown. How's your head?"

"It's just fine, much better now."

I smiled at the Doctor and he kept smiling, but he let his grin fall as he looked at me closely. He had his confused face on as he crossed his arms and walked towards me. I stayed still as he murmured under his breathe and turned around back towards the consul quickly, spinning on heel. He turned back towards me and leaned on the railing with his arms still crossed. He looked at me closely.

"You were remembering, weren't you?"

I nodded my head slowly.

"That makes sense, but not why it happened when you were conscience. Why did it happen when you were awake? Any remembrance should happen during your sleep... Have you had any memories before yesterday?"

He questioned slowly, hoping for the answer he wanted.

"No." I said it quietly, not wanting to be wrong for some reason. He looked even more confused. He sighed and walked towards me. I was slightly confused at his actions.

"Do you want to open the watch?"

He asked slowly. I looked around. I could loose my life, though gain another or I could stay the same old normal me. The only person in my life now is Sammy, but she has an another life separate from me with other friends. Of course she's tried to get me to hang out with them, but they weren't really... my type. So she would be fine. My parents have been dead for 5 years, so that's out of question. My job can be filled and so can my house. I looked up at the Doctor, who was really close to me and bit my lip. I slowly nodded my head and whispered.

"Yes, but will they remember me?"

The Doctor looked at me with sad eyes, not really wanting to answer, but answered anyways.

"They will remember you... vaguely. You will be there, but like a shadow. If you saved a life, that life will still be saved, but they won't remember who. Like Sammy will remember a friend who was nice, but not who you were. Like a childhood memory of that one time you played with a random kid from Disneyland..." He paused still looking at me, "Are you still going to open it"

I hesitantly nodded, tears welling up in my eyes. The Doctor smiled and hugged me, placing the watch in my hand as he did and making me blush. He backed away as I slowly brought the watch to my face. It was beautiful. I never really noticed before. The tears fell down hard as I lifted the cover. I whispered into the watch as a golden aura poured out.

"Please be worth it." 

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