The Unknown

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The TARDIS suddenly stopped shaking and came to a stand still. The Doctor started running around the consul, yelling at her, confused why she would just stop randomly. The lights dimmed and the whole TARDIS made a powering down noise. I crossed my arms and looked at the Doctor with my eyebrow raised. I smirked when he glanced at me with an annoyed look.

"I thought you said we were going to some place wonderful?"

"Oi! It's not my fault! The TARDIS just stopped and went into stasis sleep!"

"Yeah I can see that," I said gesturing around me towards the dimmed down, inactive TARDIS. After getting no response, I walked up to the consul and looked at the blank screen, "Anyways, where are we? The screen is out too"

The Doctor looked at me and smiled.

"The shields are still up, why not go have a peek?"

I grinned and ran down the walkway towards the TARDIS door. I paused at the handle and turned to look at the Doctor who was smiling at me. I turned back to the handle and opened the door an inch and peeked outside. I grinned as I looked outside and pulled the door wide open. I turned and laughed at the Doctor.

"We are floating in deep space! I've never seen a place like this!"

The Doctor walked closer to the door and me with his hands in his pockets. He was grinning the whole way as he walked up to the door. He suddenly stopped and spun towards me.

"You didn't really get out much before, did you?"

I fidgeted. Was it really that obvious? The Doctor took my silence as a yes and smirked at me. I got even more nervous.

"Wh- Why would you say that?"

I asked, kinda embarrassed that I've only been off Gallifrey once and it was when my grandfather forced me too. I rubbed the back of my head and grinned at him.

"Ahh, don't worry. Not many Time Lords did... Well, most of them anyways."

He winked at me and looked back at the stars. My cheeks burned as I saw the star's brightness illuminate his figure. I quickly looked back to the stars, seeing the Doctor smirk at me from the side of my vision. I fidgeted more, trying to focus on the stars.

"So.... Where are we?"

The Doctor turned to me and smiled, "We are Nexus Region, closet to the planet Fergluv, where the Fergs are famous for their 'milk honey'."

The Doctor put air quotes on the words milk honey. It's because the milk honey isn't actually milk honey. That's just what people described it, the whatever 'it' is. I really don't even know what milk honey is, though I forget how I know the 'milk honey' isn't milk honey. I guess it's because I use to read so many books from other planets and I forget about them until it comes up. I was fascinated with other planets, though I was never able to go to them. I looked over at the Doctor and something hit me. I've heard the name Doctor before! On Gallifrey, but before everything... happened. I looked at the Doctor, trying to recognize him. He turned to me and smiled.

"I guess it's time to see what's wrong with the TARDIS."

He shut the doors and walked up to the consul. I followed him briefly up the walkway, but stopped in the middle and leaned on the railing.

"Doctor," The Doctor turned to me, though clearly focused on what's wrong with his TARDIS. "Where did you get your TARDIS?"

The Doctor stopped for a second and stared at me intensely.

"Uhh, I just had her."

I grinned and stalked up a couple feet of the walkway, stopping when I was about six feet away from the Doctor.

"Oh, really Doctor? I thought all TARDIS' older then a Type 65 were to be put in museums and your's is a Type 40. So tell me Doctor, how did you get her?"

I grinned at the Doctor who probably forgot I was almost as smart as him.

"I... borrowed her."

"Oh, really? From the museum? Also borrowing has the intent of giving back, you don't have that intent."

I grinned as I stalked closer, about two feet away from him. He looked at me embarrassed. I sighed as I looked at him.

"You know you got me fired that day?"

The Doctor looked completely confused, but his eyes widened in response. He stared at me and grinned.

"So you were the guard? No wonder I was able to steal a whole TARDIS."

I pouted at the Doctor and punched his shoulder lightly.

"I didn't want to watch the TARDIS room in the first place. I usually watched the room with the Earth art in it, but the old guard decided to leave so they put me in his place. My back up guard even helped you for some reason and let you steal the TARDIS in front of her eyes! We lucked out though because they said you were a tricky man, even for real guards."

The Doctor smiled at me and took a step in my direction. I raised my eyebrow at his actions, still pouting. He took another step towards me and before I could do anything, he decided to give me a bear hug. My eyes widened at this, confused,but I decided to hug him back. We stood like that for a while, but the TARDIS suddenly whrrd to life and lit up. The Doctor let me go and smiled at me. He spun around on spot towards the consul and then started to run around the consul and grabbed a lever, looking at me and winking.


And we started a whole new adventure.

---7 months later full of craziness---

After so many adventures involving me and the Doctor being geniuses and heroes, a story that is for another time, I finally decided to go back to my 'home town' and take a look around. Of course I knew everything was going to be a little different, but I was still afraid. Just afraid of everything there really.

The wrrhing! came to a stop and the shaking ceased. I shyly grinned at the Doctor, afraid of what's out that door. Sure I faced tons of dangerous aliens, but none of that compared to having to face friends who don't remember you, though you remember every one of them. I walked towards the door and hovered my hand over it. I took in a shaky breathe, trying to calm down. The Doctor put his hand on my shoulder and smiled down at me. I somewhat smiled back and pushed the door open to face a... deadend?

I stepped out confused with the Doctor trailing along behind me. It turns out it's an alleyway down the street from my old apartment. I looked around the deadend alleyway. I wonder why the TARDIS would bring us all the way over here and not behind my old building. Then I saw something in the corner of the deadend. It looked so familiar, like I.... I turned around and looked at the Doctor.

"Doctor... That is..... my grandfather's TARDIS."

The Doctor stopped doing whatever he was doing and looked at me surprised.


He asked. I pointed to the fridge in front of me.He walked over to it with me walking close behind.

"Are you sure?"

He looked at me quite serious. I nodded slowly and walked up to the fridge. I placed my hand on the worn down handle and whispered to it. It then swung open.

Just Bored Waiting (Doctor Who)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن