Chapter 16 - In Which our Heroine Gets a Makeover

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Author's Note:

Hello all my readers. First off, I would like to apologize for not having upadated in almost two months. I just didn't have the time or the motivation since Chapter 15 ended without a cliffhanger and I had no idea where to go from there. 

This chapter is probably the longest (or the 2nd longest). I hope you all enjoy it!

Vote/Comment/Fan. :P

Picture on the side is Annalee.


I wake up with a smile, staring at the roof which is only starting to lighten from the rising of the sun.  I am happy. For the first time in a long time, I am content and even happy.

Of course my mind suddenly drifts to my sister and her predicament and I try to squash the notion that I am happy. How could I be happy? I shouldn’t be.

I force my face into a frown but the smile pops back up. I take a deep breath and try again. This time, the frown lasts for less than a second.

“What are you doing?” Thomas turns over and looks at me through the slits of his eyes, the corners of his lips turning up ever so slightly.

“Nothing.” I grin. “You go back to bed.”

Thomas turns back over and after a few moments, his deep even breathing convinces me that he’s drifted off.

I shake my head and stop sleep from coming to me.

Getting up slowly, I grab my shawl and tiptoe out of the room. I walk up to the deck and find that the crew is already up and about, cleaning, fixing, and a couple are wandering around aimlessly, hands jammed in their pockets and mouths whistling, hoping not to get shouted at for not doing anything.

I freeze mentally slapping myself for coming up. I had assumed that it would be empty before sunrise. Actually, I didn’t really think at all.

The crew stops and stares at me and I suddenly feel self-conscious in the nightgown which Jack had procured somewhere, bare feet, and loose hair. I slowly retract my feet and try to hide them from view. I wrap the shawl tighter around me and grab my hair, a hard feat considering the wind is blowing it in all direction.

Once my hair is under control, I climb the stairs to the top deck where the wheel is located. No one is there except for the Anamaria, a female sailor who had gruffly shown me around the day before. She wasn’t very talkative and brusque but she seemed to care and she is a girl.

“Where are we?” I ask her.

“In the middle of the ocean.” She says.

“Very amusing.” I say barely containing a smile. She is the first person I’ve come across who verbally battles with me voluntarily. Plus she is quite handy with sarcasm, a necessity if someone wants to instantly be my friend.

“I’m happy to see that you are so easily entertained.”

“Me? You should see Will’s face when he sees a sword or when Jack finds a coin. What is it with men and metal?”

“I guess they find it extraordinary that something could be stronger than they are.”

“No, I think it’s because they are entranced that they found something that is harder than their skulls.”

This earns a smile and a nod of acceptance.

“You’re pretty smart for a governess’ daughter. I mean, you’re not completely useless.”

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