part eleven: the oracle!

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"I dedicate this song to you! The one who never sees the truth!" Oh how those lines relate to Nico! Hurts right? so hey peeps, just want to say that this story is really awesome cause I'm awesome.. LOL JK. dude its because of you guys! You guys helped me so much, given me so much confidence! thank you! Also i have nothing better to do...*shrugs shoulders* same difference


We awoken. To the bright light of the window shining on our face and our bodies stretch over each other. Nico's warm breath on my neck and his hands and arms wrapped around my sides. I groaned internally, cause this was perfect. Way to perfect to get bad news today. But today is the day. I hated myself for even suggesting it,but I knew I made the right choice. I still know.

Nico woke up finally and looked at me in a confusing way until he stretched his body against mine. He sat up and I did too. He reached up for his hair then, but I touched his hand.

"What?" He asked.

"Let me do it." So he turned away and let me touched his hair and place it right. Or as much as possible into getting it to look decent. 

He finally was allowed to get up and went brush his teeth. I went and threw clothes on and ran a quick swipe through my  hair. Of course my hair turned out messier.but do I look like the kind of guy to care?

Nico came back and ruffled my hair even more. So yeah I looked like Bigfoot with bedhead. I don't care though. Why should I? I mean we are going to have a'glorious' audience with the doom impending oracle. So why not look horrible?

Nico and I went out of the cabin and grabbed a quick break-fest of bagels and apples. We ate then to go, cause why prolong seeing Rachel? We may as well go and see our 'future'.

When we were half-way there and our food was finished. Nico slipped his hand into mine discreetly. I nearly squealed in surprise cause Nico never shown affection in public. But this was nice, I felt the stickiness from his apple on his hand. But that made me even more joyous, because it reminded me of when he was a kid and was so happy ,sweet even. It made me smile so wide.

"Stop smiling like some creeper. Its giving me the shivers." He had pounds of sarcasm in his voice. I smiled wider.

"We're almost there, you ready?" I said breaking the comfortable air around us.

"Nope but were you ready for your first monster?" He asked.



Then we stopped in front of the cave. It cavern wall edged and wicked looking. Rachel came out of it, letting the shadows fall off of her like water. i smiled at her she smiled back.

"Well here we are." I shrugged explaining us in that gesture.

"Yep. Now come in." She let us in. The cave was dark the first three feet then light bloomed. It opened into a expanse into a living room which had a full kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. Well Gods! If I knew that becoming a oracle was this good I would have became one myself! 

The living room had two splattered/rainbow coloured couches. With a T.V that was flat and stretched about 20 inches. Totally unfair. The hardwood flooring under my shoes was polished and fresh. Unreal. 

"Take your shoes off, don't want prints." Rachel called back at us. Me and Nico simultaneously took our shoes off. Then hurried across the room. 

Rachel came in with two hand made cups that were painted in polka dots of red and purple. Inside was tea with packets. I took a sip and found there was enough sugar in there too give a blue whale a sugar-high. Nico smiled then choked. I laughed then he punched my arm, that I only partially deserved. 

" So guys you ready?" She asked. I suddenly noticed something. Rachel looked horrid. Her usually glowing red hair was dull and seemed more amber brown. Her eyes were bagged and drooped. The bones on her body sagged against herself. I choked on a vile taste in my mouth. What could possibly make her look this way?

"Yeah" Nico said. i nodded quickly next to him. She then closed her eyes and when she opened them again her eyes glowed green. Then green smoke blew from her mouth.

You seek hell

In need of a Bell?

You look for new creation

This is for certain

Look for the bell

It will tell 

how to ward off your foes

but you must give the very toes

Of friends.

When he dies 

You will cry 

But won't forever..

And then she stopped abruptly and closed her mouth. She slumped even lower into the couch(which I didn't think was possible) and gave a impossibley weak smile.

"So what did I say?" She asked.

"Um.. well it was clear. At least i think so.." I rubbed at my neck. F*** that was not clear at all. Well except the bell and death part.

"Really?" she seemed suddenly enthusiastic."I've been trying to control her!" 

"Yes it was quite clear. Thank you Rachel' Nico said, saiving me. 

"Oh yes you're wlecome!' Her sudden change in emotion twisted my insides a bit. Why was she so sad?

So we sat and caught up. i didn't want to grill her about her emotions yet. Maybe when I can get her alone. Nico was so nice to her. I guess he understood her too. To be the freak of camp. I cringed at that thought. How could I let them feel that way? Ugh I hate myself occasionally. so we sat. sometimes in silence and all we could think about was how there was like 00.0001 percent chance on us three making it back. But Nico held my hand a lot. And thats all I needed.

So what did you guys think? Mostly on the rachel Oracle part? I had to make it up and im not good with poems. What do you think is killing rachel? Lol Thanks for reading. post comments below for perdicts and opinions on oracle thing! lol thanks peeps


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