Alternate Ending Fam

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So in my author's note I mentioned one of these. Not gonna brag but I cranked this bad boy out in about an hour. I've started on editing for the beginning of the book. I'm rewriting somethings to give it more flow. Keep in mind I wrote this motherfucker when I was 13. Now that I'm 15 I just see it and wince in physical pain. But I like to think I've improved. Check out some of my other storied pls <3. Don't be a meanie. That's rude af.

Fuck, fuck, fuck is what went through my head as the world beneath us rushed at amazing speeds. The second level getting closer and closer. Monsters were all around us at collective speeds. Somehow through the chaos Nico's hand was in mine. The fingers tight and small.

"Percy! Do something!" Caleb screamed at me, His eyes hard and determined.

I paused for only a moment. We were free falling in the air. The treacherous one that clogged my throat. I had to think of something. I looked up. I saw the rivers collectively becoming one.

"Caleb grab my hand!" I yelled. He did, and Nico looked at me questioning. What are you doing? His eyes said. I swallowed because I wasn't quite sure.

I focused on the rivers. The steadiness and the fire rolling together. Suddenly they were around us. Stifling and pulling us down at the same time. I forced them to pull us onto what remained of the first level.

The first level was already crumbling. There were these huge wails in the distances. And monsters kept skidding towards us.

"Percy, we need to do something." Nico said suddenly. His voice so clear despite the chaos. He pushed his hair back before killing a monster with tentacles coming from it's mouth.
"I'm thinking." I said exasperatedly. I hated moments like these, I hated being the leader at this moment.

Suddenly there was this clang and a gasp. I turned to my left and there was Caleb.

His dagger was on the ground and monster was skidding past him. A open wound gaped from his abdomen. I nearly screamed but then grabbed him. He yelled out in pain, but I ignored it.

"You're not fucking dying, Caleb." He didn't say anything. I assumed he was too focused on the pain.

"Percy we have to go. We have to go." Nico was saying suddenly and his hands were on mine. His black eyes warm and scared all at once.

"Caleb needs help." I found myself saying. I didn't know where these words were coming from. I felt like this huge cloud was holding onto me.

"Yes, yes he does. That's why we need to go, hon." Nico's usual clear voice was now soft. And suddenly I was thinking about how many times his voice was quiet. How many whispers left his lips in the dark? How many broken sobs? How many everything? I started gasping and Nico looked up at the sky that wasn't there.

"Alright Percy, I was going to save this till later but apparently I have no choice." And suddenly he was hugging me and his tiny frame pressed up against Caleb's. Then we're nothing for a moment. We were the shadows and we were all one.

Then there was a sky that didn't make your skin blister. Then there were no monsters. Then there was no women crying above a lever. Instead there was this steady calm in a city I didn't know. A city that had no idea what was going on. I felt my stomach churn in disbelief.

I turned to my right to tell Nico what I was thinking. But he was laying against this tree. His breaths small and uneven. Suddenly Caleb felt too heavy in my lap and I was pushing him off. I mumbled an apology and I stumbled to Nico.

"What's wrong? Are you okay, baby?" I took his hand and even I could here the desperation in my voice.

"I'm fine, Percy." His voice all crackle and no hardness.

Weird things. (Pernico fanfic) !!!!Where stories live. Discover now