Chapter 19

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The following weeks fly by. I inform Simon and the other partners I am definitely taking the job. We go over the timeline and they want me in California within the month. Which leaves me three weeks to get everything accomplished.

I was able to give Taylor two options since she was one of my big concerns. She could accompany me and become a publicist in the office with me, or she could stay in New York and take a smaller promotion. She and her boyfriend, well, now fiancé, decided to stay in New York where his job is. I keep catching her crying or refusing to pack up any of the things that are in my office. We're in the process of moving all my accounts over to her until they expire. The clients are already familiar with her, and I'm positive she can handle them.

"There's another delivery here," Taylor says and she brings in a huge bouquet of Stargazer lilies. I don't need to look at the card to know who it's from. I've gotten something to remind me of our time together every few days. "Should I throw these out?" she asks being the ever-supportive friend.

"No, I'll torment myself for a day or two." I smile and return to the emails I have to handle.

"Can I read the card?"

"Sure, I don't plan to," I say turning my chair around.

I hear her taking short breaths and spin around to see tears starting to form in her eyes.

"Per, please read this."

My eyes close as the frustration starts to build. She won't stop. It's almost every day I get an email, text, card, or gift. "I can't read it. I leave in two weeks. Please take it," I plead and fight the urge to rip the card from her fingers.

I miss her so much it hurts.

Some days I want to cry, scream, fight, and run back to her. But I've allowed myself to be happy about where my life is going. I got the promotion I wanted and it's better than I originally thought.

I was an open book. I told her about Zayn, my father, Gigi ... hell, everything I could, but she kept her secrets. That's not the love I want. The love I want is kind, honest, patient ... not deceitful and hurtful. I know in my heart Jade is nothing like Zayn, but I can't help but draw the comparisons here.

"People make mistakes, mistakes don't make the people." Taylor pauses at my desk putting the card in her pocket. "If she didn't love you, or still think of you, none of these would be here." She looks around the room at the various flowers, the game of Battleship, the lighthouse statue, and the letters that sit on my desk.

My heart accelerates as I look at each item silently taunting me, reminding me of the good times we shared. Why can't she just go away? Why can't she let me go? She did this. She severed all the trust I had. Ripped me to shreds and now I've had enough.

Taylor waits expectantly and I grow angry. "So I go back to her and say what? 'Oh, by the way, I'm moving to California.'" I pause trying to rein in the sudden burst of emotion. "No, I'm leaving. I'm getting a fresh start, a second chance. I'm happy about this job and the move," I stubbornly insist and turn in my chair.

"Yeah, you're probably right. Let some other girl have a shot with a woman like her," she rebukes and sits in the chair with her arms crossed over her chest. "I mean, hell, if things don't work out with Harry, maybe I'll give her a call." Taylor's brow raises and my mouth falls slack.

I look at this sweet girl with a heart of gold whose horns are now showing. I don't know whether to be proud or scared. "This is beneath you."

"What?" she scoffs. "Truth hurts, sister. I never saw you as happy as you were with her."

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