Chapter 10

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"Let's go, you big baby," I call out to Jade who's groaning in pain.

"I think we should call you 'Nurse Ratchett.' You're becoming sadistic."

I try to suppress a smile and stow my attitude. "We're already late, babe. To get across town we needed to leave ten minutes ago. You're supposed to be at physical therapy in fifteen and your orthopedic surgeon appointment is right after."

Jade's been able to put small amounts of pressure on her leg with the use of her walker and her arm is out of the sling now. However, since she's found her sexual appetite again—not that she ever really lost it—I worry she's doing too much. I took off work today to go with her and make sure she's not causing more damage.

"If you weren't so damn sexy I would've been ready earlier," she smirks and rolls the walker over. "I get distracted."

Laughing and rolling my eyes, I grab my bag. "Let's go, no more distractions for you."

We arrive at the appointment late. They get her started on a few exercises while I stand there and watch her. She pushes herself hard and they're constantly telling her to take it easy. At least I'm not the only one she gives a hard time about what she's capable of. Typical.

"Jade, you did well, but I really need you to dial it down a notch," the physical therapist, Christy, chides her.

"I am so dialed down."

"Look, I know this is difficult and you're doing exceptionally well considering you're only a few weeks in, but you will set yourself back," she explains.

"Nah, I'm good."

"You're exasperating."

"Welcome to my world," I say walking up behind her and she huffs.

Jade wipes the sweat from her forehead. "Another woman to boss me around."

Christy stands there and fixes her ponytail. She's kind but very firm. When I first met her, I wasn't sure if she'd be able to handle her. She's only about four-foot-eleven but she's been doing this for at least twenty years. Her height is an illusion because her attitude is about six-foot-five. Jade towers over her but I'm pretty sure she could make her cower.

"I won't put up with your crap. I'll call the doctor and let him know you're pushing too hard. Then he'll put you back in that sling and we'll say no weight bearing at all." She crosses her arms as I watch the impending duel unfold.

"You wouldn't." Jade pushes herself so she's taller.

Christy doesn't miss a beat, taking a step forward and glaring at her playfully. "Try me, soldier."



I laugh at the two of them fighting for the alpha dog position. "My money's on Christy."

She smiles and nods in solidarity. "I like this one."

"She's all right," Jade jokes.

"Don't let her kid you, she loves me."

Jade grabs me and kisses the side of my head. "I do."

"Enough mushy stuff." Christy turns to Jade and sighs. "You're doing more than most of my patients are able to, but that's because of your physical condition prior to the injury. You were in top form and you're much stronger on your worst day than others on their best day."

Jade's smile and eyes brighten. "See?"

"Before you bask in your brilliance, it doesn't mean that you can push too hard. You're not allowed to put pressure on your arm. You need to keep your weight supported, so no walking. The muscles have to heal."

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