Chapter 7

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"I'm ready to get home," Jesy says leaning back in the chair while propping her leg up. "You fuckers are boring and I miss my bed."

Jade sighs, "I need you to get back and make sure things are still running. Perrie won't give me any details." She's so focused on everyone else it's driving me nuts.

"You need to worry about yourself, not the companies or any other crap. I have Raven covered. Danielle is doing an excellent job. Jesy has everything with Thirlwall Security under control. Stop being a baby," I chastise her playfully.

There's a knock on the door as Dr. Allison enters. "Good afternoon." He approaches Jade and shakes her hand. "How are you feeling?"

"Good. Ready to get out of here," Jade replies.

"I bet you are," he says, examining the wound on her shoulder, and I see Jade's hand clench. "Everything is really healing well. There are no infections and your leg looks a lot better. You need to start your therapy and we want you to start getting mobile. I could see you going home as soon as next week."

"Thank God. I need to get the hell out of this bed." Jade's entire demeanor changes. She's animated and starts to throw the blankets off herself.

"Don't we want to take this slow?" I ask hesitantly. Taming her is going to be impossible.

Dr. Allison smiles. "Yes, this won't be an easy road, Jade. You have injuries on both sides of your body. Your left shoulder will be the biggest issue. It has to remain immobile for another week or two. Our goal is for it to heal without further injury. Also, you can't bear any weight on your leg yet, and without use of your arm, you won't be able to use crutches. There will be a lot of things that will require someone to help you." The doctor looks at me.

She scoffs and says, "I'm sure I'll manage just fine." Jade turns her head, clearly frustrated.

"I'm sure you could, but you'd also be right back in the hospital with another surgery," the doctor states matter-of-factly.

I lean in and grasp her hand before she looks up at me. "What did you think, babe? You were shot. Three times," I remind her gently. "You're going to have to take it easy so you don't end up back in here because you screwed up your leg again."

"I'll be fine, Perrie."

"Yes, you will, because you're not going to fight me on this." I smile and tilt my head letting her know I'm not playing around. She can be defiant all she wants, but she's not going to hurt herself because she has to be all tough. We see where that got her.

Jesy laughs, "I see who wears the pants in this relationship."

Dr. Allison steps in before Jade can reply to Jesy. "Jade, there are some things that will either be too painful or flat out impossible with your injuries. We can arrange a live-in nurse or you can stay with friends or family."

"No," is her only reply.

"Then we can arrange for you to be transported to a rehabilitation center," the doctor answers smoothly while writing something on his chart.

Jade looks at me and her eyes say it all. She's extremely unhappy. This is a woman who fights through pain. She has no desire to be laid up and babied. "Well?"

I laugh at her one-word question. "Well, what?"

"Well, am I going to stay with my parents or do you want to stay with me?" She asks and lifts her brow.

"Are you going to be an asshole?"

"Aren't I always, according to you?" Jade says with a half-hearted laugh.

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