Bundle of Nerves cont.

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This is going to be Mari

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This is going to be Mari.
"So you ready for tonight or no?" Mari said as she came through the door. This the first time I seen her since we got here.
"Girl I'm not sure. Like I'm really ready for this to be over. This not even my night and I'm probably more nerves than they are"
"Why are you even nervous? I mean we are just there to watch the show no one will even notice us." She said.
"They will notice us. Your ass don't know how to be low key. All up on Snapchat with Auntie Eli and shit." I laughed.
"Yo stop calling him that." She said throwing her lip gloss at me.
"I mean honestly I've seen some pics of him with his legs crossed looking like a messy ass aunt. If the show fits I'm going to place it."
"But you're not going to say it to him so it don't even matter. So tell me what's going on? You and KeiKei together now?" She asked.
"KeiKei? Really bitch 😂 but nope. We are just going to let it all play out naturally. He wants me to move out here with him but girl that's big."
"You told him no? Girl do you see this house? This jawn litty af and it's enough room for him to fuck you in every damn room in here. Make me an auntie like tomorrow" she said.
"I didn't say no but I didn't say yeah. I can't just redirect my life here. I don't have no business being here in California. Plus what if we don't work? And I'm not having no damn babies. He talking 10 kids that nigga lost his damn mind."
"10??? Y'all better start now. But honestly that is big y'all haven't really known each other that long but I can see the love in your eyes when we talk about him. This might be what you need girlfriend." She sat next to me. "This is the perfect opportunity to start a brand new life and shit if y'all don't work the existence of Keith Powers will be no more cause I don't play that shit. Listen boo you have nothing in Philly that you can't switch. Your family can visit and you can visit them and bitch you know my ass belongs here so you'll have me. Just give me the word and I'll be pack tf up and be on the next flight out here to start over. I'm ready."
See this why she my best friend. She always makes me see the bright side of things.
"Ok. We will see. Oh girl he talking about he wants me to sit with his parents and brother. I mean shit one day I'm gazing at him on the gram next day I'm about to be sitting with the family."
"See girl he all into you. You know niggas don't let anybody just meet they moms." She said.
"You a damn lie. Niggas don't give a fuck even the thots meet the mom. How else they gon get fucked in the basements. Bitch you've been there" I laughed.
"Girl don't try to play me. You know wtf I mean. But this ain't no regular ass dirty North Philly nigga. This is Keith Powers we are talking about." She said.
"Well still I'm nervous af."
"You act like I'm not going there with you." She said.
"Oh god now I'm really nervous"
"Today must be play Mari day or something." She said.
"You know I love you girl"
We heard the door open and close.
"Uh who are you?" I asked.
"I'm Toni. Keith told me to come and get you ready." She said with a smile.
"Oh hey I'm Y/N. This is Mari."
"Yeah I know. Mr Kelley also told me to bring something for you too" Toni said.
"Oh shit Auntie must love you"
"Auntie?" Toni asked.
"Pay her no mind girl she don't know any better. Let's get ready." Mari said.
After going through a few different looks we finally settled on a simple white dress that complimented my body super well along with some black heels. The look was simple but cute at the same time. Knowing Keith his outfit was simple too so we'd look great together. Mari on the other hand was half naked. She said it's the red carpet so she wanted to be extra for the cameras.
"Girl they are going to blur your whole body out"
"Good that's what I'm going for. I'm going to throw on Eli's suit jacket so it'll be fine."
Toni came back in the room and looked amazed at what she's done.
"You ladies look great. I've out did myself. You two will for sure steal the spotlight." Toni said wiping fake tears.
"Aww thank you for coming. You're amazing. We should link up sometime"
"You ladies live here?"she asked.
"Not yet but we will be in a few weeks"Mari told her smirking.
"Oh that's great. We should." Toni said. "Welp Keith has my number get it from him when you return and we definitely can link. See you soon. Oh and Y/N Keith requested that I bring something extra for you. He has it with him. I know you'll love it." She said hugging us both before she left out.
"Ooooo I want to know what it is." Mari said looking at herself in the mirror.
"Hmmm girl I don't know but come on the car is here."
We left out the house and looked at the time it was already pushing 6 and the red carpet show starts at 6. Leave it to us to be running late. About 20 minutes later we pulled up and it was 6:15. Soon as we stepped out the car cameras started flashing.
"Look who we have here. Ms Y/N herself the girlfriend of Bryshere Gray. Hey how are you" a reporter said.
"Um I uh" that's all I could said.
"She's great. Hey babe glad you're finally here don't you look lovely." Bryshere said. This damn night hasn't even started and I'm already ready to be out.
"What are you doing?" I whispered to him.
"We might have broken up but the public doesn't know yet and tonight is not the night to break the news. Just play along and it'll be over." He said smiling into the camera and grabbing my hand. I looked back at Mari and she just shrugged her shoulders.
"So when's the wedding?" Someone asked.
Wedding? Fuck no.
"How come you don't have your ring on?"
"Can we expect a mini Yazz soon?"
"How does it feel to have a famous boyfriend as big as MrGray?"
I was being bombarded with questions I didn't have an answer for.
"She's a little shy. We haven't discussed wedding details or kids but you guys will know when it all happens" he said still smiling that goofy ass smile.
I looked to my left and I saw Keith talking to one of the reports. He started to smile at me then he saw Bry and clenched his jaw. Lawd he looked good as hell. When we got closer he reached out for me and by habit I started moving towards him but was pulled back by Bry.
"I swear you better not say some dumb shit when we get up there." Then he let go. "Wassup Keith."
"Sup" Keith said dryly.
"Well here is Yazz with his lovely lady." I smiled at the reporter.
"Hello." Was all I said. Keith pulled me into a hug and whispered in my ear.
"You can explain later. I knew this was going to happen" he said.
"Oh you two know each other." She asked.
"Yeah this is Y/N my best friend."'Keith told her holding me close. I swear I feel so safe in his arms.
"That's cool. Being best friends with Mr Powers. How did this happen?" She asked.
"I'll let her explain." Keith said. I looked over at Bry and this nigga had the audacity to look pissed.
"Well it started on Instagram. I been calling him best friend for a while now and when we met in person we just created this bond and now here we are." I said with a smile.
"You two are even matching. If I didn't know any better I'd think you two were here together." She said boldly. This shit is going to be messy.
"Well Y/N its time for us to move along. More interviews to be done and I need my leading lady to be by my side. We will see you inside bro." Bry said.
"Yeah see you." Keith said rolling his eyes.
We walked more down the red carpet and he did more interviews. The whole time I was just silent. I didn't have much to say. Anything I wanted to say wouldn't be nice so I just stayed mute.
We finally made it to the entrance and had a moment away from the media.
"Listen after this I don't want to see you no more. I told you it was over and here you are lying to the media. I don't give a fuck about what they think." I told him.
"Well I do. I need you to act right we are in this together don't act like them checks ain't flowing your way because of me. Nobody would know you if it wasn't for me. You wouldn't even know that bitch ass nigga if it wasn't for me." He said.
"Fuck them. Fuck them checks. Fuck you. I don't really care. It's done. It's over. This is your fault not mine. You know damn well I didn't want this life."
As we went back and forth we forgot where we were and didn't know we were being recorded.
"You know what whatever. Let me go to my seat and get this damn thing over with." I said storming off leaving him there looking dumb. He's crazy. Why did I ever take his dumb ass back. It's bad enough that I'm nervous feeling out of place now all this bullshit ugh I can't wait to get back home. Home? Wherever that is. I don't even know where home is.

This isn't edited but I delivered as I told y'all I would. Let me know how y'all feel about this. 🤷🏾‍♀️

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