Social Media

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I still need to edit it but I'm going to post it anyways.

"You two are so cute together. Can we get a picture?" Some random girl asked while we were waiting in line.
"Um sure"
"Ok here take it for us" she handed me the phone and I wanted to throw her phone somewhere. How are you going to say WE look cute then ask me to take a picture of you and my boyfriend? This bitch. I took the pic and handed her the phone back.
"Perfect. I'll take you and give you pic credit."
I mentally rolled my eyes and smiled.
"Aww thanks bye." I said and pulled Keith up in the line with me. "Your fans are something else yo."
"Haha yeah I know. But she did say we looked cute babe" he said.
"Yeah but how you ask for a pic and exclude me out of it. Fuck I look like a camera girl? Tuh she lucky I'm a good sport."
"Why is he with that fat bitch?"
"Girl I know. He can get any girl out here but he picks her? Must have lost a bet."
I hear these two miserable chicks behind us.
"Wasn't she with Yazz? She a hoe. Hopping from friend to friend. I wonder who is next. Keith better watch out"
I turned around to see what they looked like. I am no hater these girls were cute but the way they were talking made them ugly as hell. They caught me looking and had the nerve to smile and wave. I instantly gave them a stank face and rolled my eyes.
"Fat hoe ass bitch" one said.
"You know what I may be tf fat but look at my man. Bitch you could never. Calm tf down and stop talking about me. You don't know me and will never know me. How about y'all fix y'all attitudes and you'd be on my position until then shut tf up and be miserable somewhere else."
"Who tf she talking to? I will drag this bitch." The other one said.
"Do it. I dare you." I heard a familiar voice. I looked and it was Mari walking up with Eli. "Hey girl"
"Hey boo. You see these messy ass miserable bitches. They mad af"
"Nobody mad bitch"
"That's it." I said walking up to her face.
"Get tf out my face before I do something I won't regret." All I could do was laugh. This girl really want to do this. Ok cool. "Move" she pushed me a little. I didn't say nothing I just swung and didn't stop. She got in a couple good hits but nothing to worry about. I was just thanking god I didn't wear a wig today. Mari had her little friend in a headlock and was giving her a run for her money. I haven't fought in a long ass time but I am tired of all these bitches talking shit every time I'm out with Keith. I ignore so much but today I got time. I was about to swing but I felt myself being lifted. Keith ass had me in the damn air and I didn't think he was this strong.
"Stop!!!" He yelled because I was still swinging. Eli little ass had Mari ass too.
"No let me down!!! I'm not finished. Nobody talks shit about my sis. Let me go now" she yelled.
They took us to the parking lot.
"Y/n calm tf down. You can't be doing this shit. Stop all that tough shit. You gon get into something and I refuse to have to bail you out." Keith said.
"Fuck all that. Your little fan bitches getting out of hand. I can only be so many fat bitches and nasty hoes Keith. I let so much slide. From the constant comments on my pictures to the tags in these fan pages. And don't get me started on the dms. Keith they got me fucked up."
"Yeah I see all that shit too. I had to drag a bitch this morning for coming at her. Kei this shit is getting out of hand" Mari says.
"This exactly why I don't be on social media like that. I get tired of it." Elijah said.
"All I'm saying is I had enough. I can't even enjoy a day out with you. Do something about this Keith or I will be forced to fight every girl that comes at me. I'm not even a fighter but listen I'm done" I said looking through the recent tags I had. "Wtf they are already talking. Look" I handed the phone to him.
We strolled through the varies blog pages and they even had videos
"You was getting that bitch sis" Mari said laughing.
"Don't encourage her" Keith said trying to be serious but ended up laughing. "Bae you beat her ass though." He kissed me.
"She asked for it. Don't push me that's all I'm saying."
"So what now? I'm sure they not letting us in now" Elijah said.
"Let's just go to the beach" I suggested.
"Cool we will meet y'all there" Keith said opening the car door for me.
"Bae I'm sorry. I'll put an end to this but don't be fighting no more girls ok" he said.
"Yeah whatever control your fans."
We drove off to the beach. The ride was silent but it wasn't awkward silence. The whole time we held hands and rocked our heads to the music that played in the background.
"Not all the fans are bad" I heard him say randomly.
"I know. I seen a whole page dedicated to us. I follow them. They seem to love us. I have no idea where they get them pictures from but they show so much love."
"Yeah I seen. They be a little outta pocket sometimes but it's all love." He said parking.
"They crazy. This one girl said. "I bet Keith be deep down in her guts every night" I was like whoa they really be thinking about us fucking. That's crazy"
"But where is the lie" he laughed.
"Bye Keith. Come on. So we can catch the sunset." I said and he opened my door. When we came face to face he kissed me.
"What was that for?"
"Just wanted to taste them lips give you some sweet shit to take your mind off earlier. But later I'm gon be in them guts like ol girl said." He said and grabbed my hand.
We all spent the time there just laughing enjoying each other's company. I watched Mari and Elijah for a minute and I can see them two falling in love. It's so cute.
"What you thinking about" Keith asked.
"I'm just admiring them two. They seem happy. I love this part of life. Just us out being grown no drama watching my friend be happy. It makes me happy. It's a refreshing sight to see."
"Aww listen to you all sweet and shit but I feel you babe. I love this feeling. I want it to last forever." He said.
"Why y'all staring at us?" Mari said.
"You two are just the cutest that's all"
"Aww daughter You two are cute too. You got my son all happy and heart eyes" Elijah said.
"Whatever nigga." Keith laughed.
"Let's take a pic" Mari said pulling out her phone.
"Say cheese" I said taking the picture. I looked at it and sent it to my phone.
"That came out good." Mari said.
She posted it with the caption "2017 Martin Gina Pam and Tommy"
I commented "I'm not Pam. I'm Gina 😂"
Of course the hate came quick.
"More like Cole and Big Shirley" someone said.
I was about to comment but Keith snatched my phone.
"Nope not now." He said.
"Ugh anyways when are we leaving for vacation?"
"Next week. We will spend a couple days on Philly then off to Brazil as the queen requested." Keith said.
"Oh fuck yes I been waiting to for this vacation for the longest." Mari said.
"Girl me too. This about to be lit."
"Yeah we need this one" Elijah said pulling Mari close. I looked over and seen Keith looking at his phone looking pissed.
"What's wrong boo?" I asked.
"Huh? Oh nothing nothing" He answered.
I'm sitting here loving this moment but these girls are getting hella outta pocket I always see these mean ass comments but I figured that was just part of this life but now it's too much. I'm gon go live tonight to put an end to it. I looked over and seen her looking at me.
"You good babe?" She said.
"Yes I'm fine. Y'all ready to go?"
"Yeah" everyone said.
We left and went our separate ways. When we got home she went straight to the room. I stayed downstairs and scrolled through Instagram liking random comments and post. Then I went live.
"Tap in. Tap in" just that fast I had 2712 views.
"Heyyy daddy Keith"
"South sac snack"
"Damn you look good as fck right now"
I read some comments the Love was definitely real.
"Rook wassup" I said.
"Things I don't tolerate" I made the pin.
"Where is Y/N"
"Yeah where is she at!"
"Your gf so pretty. Happy for you two"
"I seen the fight. Your girl got hands"
"When you coming to Toronto?"
"Tap in Tap in y'all. Wassup wassup" I said. I went through some of the comments that already went by and I seen "Your gf fat as shit why you with her?" I guess I made a face because I started to see all these "what's wrong" comments.
"Ok y'all this the reason I'm here right now. You guys need to learn how to have a filter. I've been seeing a lot of hate lately. More so towards my girlfriend. It may seem like I don't see it but I do and choose to ignore it but this is out of hand. The altercation that went on earlier happened as a result of the hateful things that have been said to her. I feel like I don't need to explain anything to anyone but at this point I will." I stopped to read some of the comments
"We Love You two."
"Yeah Whatever keith you need to be single"
"They do be mean as shit"
"We don't want you to have a gf"
"^ right he needs to be single"
"You are all our bf"
"You guys are horrible. Let that man live"
"See what I mean? I will not tolerate any of it. I want to be hella active and allow you to see my life but I can't because you guys don't know how to act. I'm a grown ass man so I'm going to do grown man shit this girl is the love of my life. She's not going anywhere and definitely not because y'all can't handle the fact that I'm off the market. Y'all don't even know her"
"We know she was with Yazz and next thing we know she's with you"
"She a hoe"
"Homie hopper"
"He gon Block y'all"
"Babe what you doing?" Y/N said.
"Come here" I said.
"Aww man here come the female Mayweather"
"Aww she's so pretty"
"Y'all look cute"
"I seen y'all on the beach earlier"
"Mom & dad"
"Get her out the camera"
"You on live?" She asked.
"Yeah I was addressing this issue we have"
"Oh I'll leave you to that" she said getting up.
"No stay" I said. "Anyway I don't want to be on here that much longer but yeah stop being so mean this is my life this is my love and she's not going no where. I will block every person who has something negative to say. That's final."
I watched the screen and it was full of hearts.
"Aww babe look" she pointed to a comment.
"I love you two together. I see the pics and you two look happy. Don't let these negative comments get to you. I wish you the best"
"Aww look at my son and daughter in law"
"Hey mom. Where is Sky" I said.
"She's sleeping"
"Hey mama Jenn. I miss you" Y/N said.
"Well call me"
"Will do" she said.
"Well any Who now that that's said. Be mindful of what you say and remember nothing goes unnoticed" I said.
More comments came through but I was too busy looking at Y/N. She had taken all her make up off. It's amazing how beautiful she is.
"They want us to kiss babe" she said.
"Well let's kiss" I leaned in and kissed her passionately. It started to get heated. "Screenshot this" i said kissed her again and ended the live.
"Damn they post fast as shit" we looked and there were already 60 tagged photos of our kiss.
"We gon break the internet" she said.
"Yeah but while we do that let me break your back."
I took a blank pic and wrote "Powers baby number 1 in the making"
"Keith what the hell?" She said. I guess she seen it. These girl too fast.
"Heyyyy none of that. Let's go" I said pulling her up the steps.
"It's about to go down!!" I yelled.

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