Concert & tings 😌

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"Girl you're getting ready like you're about to meet someone and shit" Mari said while looking at me getting dressed.
" You've known me for a while and you know I'm extra so idk why you're tripping. This ain't new girl. Plus you never know who you might meet and I'm not skinny like you I have to go the extra mile to look good" I told her and of course I knew I was about to hear an ear full from her. She hates when I speak down on my body. I love me don't get me wrong. Every curve and every dip but truth be told not every guy is checking for a big girl.
"Girl please. Your face alone kills my whole life let's get that straight. And I know you're extra but damn girl this concert is for old ass cackling ladies who think they still got it. We are way to young to be in that crowd" Mari said pushing me out the mirror to check herself and see if everything was in place.
"Whatever. If I could get one night just one night with fine ass Ronnie my life would be set. His wife seems nice but listen idk her I don't owe her loyalty" I laughed speaking some truth so all Mari could do was nod her head. I do not promote cheating or anything like that but hey if you man starts checking for another girl you got to check your man 🤷🏾‍♀️.
"I'm ready come on." I told her half way out the door

"All these damn cars. It's going to be impossible to find a spot. See your extra ass took so long now look at us having to walk a block to the damn venue." Mari said clearly mad.
"Girl come on I'm tired of your complaining. Had I not got these tickets you'd be home doing what???" I asked.
"Getting my back blown out duh. I canceled a fucking dick appointment for this shit." She rolled her eyes and kept walking.
"Dick comes easy. A BBD concert don't. We are here so shut tf up and come on. I ain't saying it again" I hate when I had to talk like this but it seems to be the only way to get through to this girl because sure enough she shut her mouth and kept walking.

When we finally made it I was shocked at the amount of people that showed up. I guess the group still got some juice. I wasn't really interested in SWV or EnVogue. I mean they had a song here and there but they weren't what I was here for.
"Are you ready for Bell Biv Devoe!!!????"
It seemed to me that the crowd was going crazy. I'm happy we had damn near floor seats so we got to see every move up close and personal and I was loving every minute of. I looked to my left and saw Mari ass vibing and dancing and to think this bitch ain't want to come she could've fooled my ass.

This was our last day with the group and I was honestly excited. For one I am over the whole New Edition thing as I stated before. It's blessing but I'm ready to shine in other things. And secondly I've never been to Philly before so after the show is over me and the boys are going to have a night on the town.
The group was on stage doing their thing as usual and we were all behind the curtain waiting on our signal to go out. Originally it was just me Elijah woody and Algee but I guess since we are in Philly Bryshere made some time. This guy is super busy so instead of doing the other dates he was off filming and shit. While I was peeking out the curtains I seen a face that seemed so familiar. I was so deep into my thoughts I didn't hear my name being called.
"Yo Keith you good" Algee said tapping my shoulder.
"Huh. Y-yeah I'm good wassup?" I snapped out of it.
"They said we go out next song. You ready?" He said.
"I'm always ready. Y'all ready?"
"Nigga you ain't always ready so cut that shit out. Remember your ass was falling asleep while taping? But yet you're always ready." Woody said making everyone laugh but I didn't see what was funny.
"Man whatever. You just don't forget your moves because remember you wasn't a part of the group" I laughed but it was true. The first two dates we did woody almost messed us up but seeming as though people already love us they just went with whatever he threw out there.
"We have a special surprise for you guys. We wanted to make this a night to remember not for just our older fans but for a younger fans too" we heard Mike say from back stage so we got ready to walk out.
"Yeah we wanted to bring out the guys who played us in the mini series." Ricky said and as he finish we could hear the crowd get louder. This made me smile because this was big.
"So without any further wait we'd like to present Elijah Kelley, Woody McClain, Keith Power, Algee Smith, and Phillys own Bryshere Gray" Ronnie said and we all walked out.

"Did they just say....."
"Girl yesssss there goes my baby Eli!!!!! Omg girl thank you for dragging me here. Omg look at his sexy self" Mari said with heart eyes looking up at the stage. The guys all looked great. I mean really great. They looked good as hell in pics but lawd in person they were almost perfect. But let me tell y'all Keith looked like a damn snack nah nah fuck a snack he was the whole damn buffet.
The guys performed Poison of course and then they did Home Again to end the show. The whole time I could feel eyes on me but I figured it was nothing so I didn't let it bother me. I mean I was used to people staring at me so it was nothing but I was getting this uneasy feeling but again I just left it alone and enjoyed whatever was being talked about. I seen Keith walking towards this way scanning the crowd so me being me I had to do something to get his attention.
"Heyyyy best friend" I said loud enough that I knew he heard me because he looked my way smiled that million dollar smile and waved. My heart skipped a damn beat and I thought I would faint but I kept my composure.
"Girl I saw that" Mari said. For a second I forgot she was even there. Her ass was so into looking Elijah in his face that she hadn't said anything in the last couple minutes so I'm not even sure how she saw that.

When the show was all the way other we waited a while for the venue to clear out some. The guys were on the stage a little longer doing whatever they were doing. When the place was cleared up enough we started leaving out. Once again I felt eyes digging a hole into my soul it seemed like.
"So you're just going to come to the show and not speak?" I heard a voice that I've grown to hate so much and with everything inside of me I wanted to just run out of here. I been avoiding the eye contact all night. And here I was with no choice but to speak.
"Why would I speak ? Last time we spoke you made it seem like I wouldn't fit with your life anymore so I said cool we won't speak no more. It's been what 2 almost 3 years? I've been great without you honestly" I said. I was hoping Mari would save me but her ass was off in the corner on the phone probably making another appointment. This girl I tell you.
"Look I'm sorry. It's just....."
"It's just what?" I cut him off. "I'm too big and the media would have a field day if they found out you had a big jawn on your arm? You don't even have to say it yo" I spat ready to walk off but he grabbed my arm.
"Bro we got to go."
"Okay. You still got the same number right?" He asked. Although I didn't want to be bothered with him at all I gave him my number and we parted ways.
"Girl don't you dare do it." I heard Mari say.
"Do what?"
"Fall back into that. You're just now getting over him please don't go back. Plus your little best friend been eyeing you for the last 10 minutes. Don't be messy. But I like mess soooo" I looked back to the stage and sure enough I saw Keith looking my way. I'm not sure why but you know what I like it. We both laughed and made our way home.

So I was going to reveal who she was talking to but I deleted it I mean it's kind obvious but it's a back story to it. I honestly don't even thing anyone is really reading this 🤦🏾‍♀️ but I figured keep it going because eventually it's going to get out there. 🤷🏾‍♀️ but if you're here say hello or something so I know I'm not just writing just to write. I need readers lol

Above the Average ? (Keith and the girl)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora