Confessions and Confusion.

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"So wassup with you and that girl" woody asked me when we were on a break from practice.
"What girl"
"The girl from Philly duh" he said.
"Nothing is up. We friends that's it. She cool. We talk everyday but that's Yazz girl I'm not about to step on his toes." I told him.
"That's my boy." I heard Elijah say.
"Well I'd step on his toes. She cute. You know I really don't give a fuck." Woody said.
"And that's exactly why your ass been to the clinic how many times this month?" Algee added. Woody was something else. This guy stayed sliding up in anything. Yeah he was having some fun but ain't shit fun about pissing out some heat.
"Yeah man whatever. Like I said if she want it she can get it." He said.
"Anyway we got a special vibe. At first I was just like whatever me and Yazz not that cool so it'll be nothing but she all in love so I ain't even gon push the issue. The time will come." I told him.
"My boys wassup y'all ready for rehearsal to resume?" Yazz walked up to us. We been practicing the last couple days and we got to get it right but something is off. The last couple days Yazz been on some shit. Stepping on my toes. Over singing me. Pushing me and shit. I been chalking it because we are actors not performers so we gon mess up here and there but damn.
"Yeah let's get this over with" Luke said standing up.
The awards are in two days and we are pretty much good on everything. We are now putting the finishing touches on the final song "If it isn't love". This part we have all three generations of New Edition all in stage at the same damn time. 17 guys on one stage. We went over it a few times and each time Yazz "accidentally" pushed me. This last time I fell.
"What the fuck is wrong with you" I said
"Ain't shit wrong with me. You just seem to keep getting in the way" he said.
"Nigga how? I been letting this shit slide but now naw you're doing the most" I yelled.
"What's going on" Brooke asked.
"This nigga super sensitive. I bumped him now he back here crying" Yazz said.
"Fuck you nigga." I said.
Next thing I know we was on the floor throwing blows. This nigga really tripping. I don't even know why we fighting.
"Let them fight" I heard Bobby say. "They be ok. Let them fight get it out and everything will be fine."
"You would know" Mike said.
"Get the fuck off me bitch ass nigga." Yazz said.
"Funny thing your girl love this bitch ass nigga" I said.
"Oh shit." Elijah yelled.
We had to have been fighting for a good twenty minutes before we got pulled apart.
"I can't have this. I'm not about to deal with another situation where you guys can't get along. I'm over that part of my life. The awards are in two days and I'm done with this. You guys are going on stage getting along or not. You will not embarrass me. Practice is over." Brooke left.
I was back at the hotel because it's not really much to do. Mari ass was off somewhere doing whatever. I don't know why this girl came out here with me and ain't even here with me. It was a knock on the door. I was kind of shocked to see who it was.
"Um hi" I said.
"Hey can I come in?" He asked.
"Uh I guess so." I stepped aside. "So what brings you here"
"I came to tell you that you got these guys tripping. They down in practice fighting about to kill each other." He said.
"Wait what?" I asked.
"Keith and Yazz. I don't know what happened but they started yelling and the next thing I know they on floor. Brooke is pissed. He ended practice early and said we got to go on no matter what."
"I don't know what to say Algee. I don't know why they would be fighting. Bryshere has been tripping the last few days. Being super clinging and shit. For some reason he thinks I got a thing going on with Keith it's crazy."
" well Keith ain't make it no better. Yazz called him a bitch ass nigga and Keith said your girl love this bitch ass nigga. I was dying but sheesh" Algee said.
"Ugh this is too much. This drama for nothing"
"I mean I get why they are tripping." He mumbled.
"I said I know why they are tripping"
"Why" I asked.
"Look at yourself. Like really look at yourself." He pointed to the mirror that was in front of me and put his hands on my shoulders. "You're it girl. You stay on your shit. Like you're not just pretty for a thick chick or a dark skin. You're pretty period" he said.
"Thanks Al." I said looking at him through the mirror.
"No thank you. Look I know you're Yazz's girl but um I want you." He said.
"What yo? No I'm not about to do this with you" I said.
"Why not? You're talking to Keith and it's pretty obvious you two got something going on"
"But we don't. Even if we did that's your friend and friends don't do things like this" I told him. In all honesty Algee is fine ass hell and originally I had a thing for him and Keith but more him but he never paid me no mind on social media before so the want for him left and Keith was just there you know. I never thought I'd actually meet them especially because at the time all ties was cut with Bryshere so the chance was slim. Now here I am with my bf fighting my best friend and their friend in my hotel room telling me he wants me. Ugh why tf can't I just be back in Philly patiently waiting for the awards to come on but noooo my ass had to take this nigga back and travel across the country to be here.
"Baby you in here" Bryshere said.
This about to be another fight.
"I'm here" I said.
"Wassup babe how are- Why you here?"
"He was just telling me what happened at practice" I told him.
"Ok y'all I'm gon get up out of here." He dabbed bry up then came and hugged me. It kind of lingered. He smelled good too. Oh god I can't. He let go then left.
"What was that all about?"
"What you mean" I asked.
"You're getting too much attention from the guys. Every time I turn around I see you being a little too friendly" he said.
"Whatever. You need to cool tf off because you crazy if you think I'm not going to have friends" I said.
"You can have friends but you can't be friends with my friends. Meaning no woody no Elijah no luke no Algee. And definitely not that bitch Keith"
"He's not a bitch but I'll befriend who I want to okay let's get that straight."
"There you go defending his bitch ass." He said.
"Anyways why were you two fighting"
"Cause he a bitch and super sensitive. Then he says you love him."
"Oh that's no reason to fight." I said.
"You love that nigga?"
" Like a friend yes. It's really just a friend thing." I said sitting next to him. "Babe you can't be fighting people like that. I used to see pics of you two looking happy and shit now look at you two. If this whole thing is going to be an issue I'll cut you both off and go back to my normal life with no hesitation."
"Ugh I just don't like when others dudes be looking at you like they want you and shit. You mine."
" I know babe. I'm yours. I only got heart eyes for you." I kissed him. My phone vibrated and I looked.
Kp😍 meet me in the lobby in 10 minutes
"Who is that" he asked.
"Mari she wants to go shopping. I'll be back babe" I lied. This lying shit is getting out of hand but I couldn't tell him it was Keith.
"Ok boo. I'm going to get some rest."
"K. Bye love you."
"I love you" I heard him say as I left out the door. I made it down to the lobby and saw Keith standing by the door.
"Hey light skin" I said.
"Wassup choc" he hugged me.
"I should be asking you that. Why you out here fighting my man?" I slapped him upside his head.
"Aye girl he hit me first." He said rubbing his head.
"I don't care. Y'all ain't got no business fighting anyway. Two pretty ass niggas fighting what kind of shit is that." I said laughing.
"First off I'm not pretty I'm sexy secondly he kept pushing me and shit talking about it was an accident. "
"Y'all doing too much for me. Get through this performance and y'all don't have to even worry about each other. All this New Edition shit will be over finally." I told him. We were pulling up to a house. I'm guessing this is his house.
"Hey who said I wanted to come to your house"
"You're already here so shut up" he said.
"Whatever. Before I go back to the hotel I need to buy some stuff because I told him I was going shopping." I said.
"Shame on you to be lying like that" he said laughing.
"Yeah I'm really going to tell him I'm going to chill with the guy he just fought. Then we'd be fighting."
"Yeah I know. So best friend how you liking California" he asked.
"It's cool. Not a place for a girl like me but you know it's nice." I told him.
"Here you go with that. You're beautiful like really beautiful. Everything about you is beautiful. Inside and out. I don't know why you don't see this. I'm just waiting on the moment when you drop that nigga and come see wassup with me."
"Keith I don't know what to say. I can definitely say Bryshere doesn't talk to me like that." I said snuggling up to him. "Guess who came by earlier"
"Algee. He came and told me what happened next thing I know he telling me he wants me and all this other shit"
"And what you say?" He asked.
"I ain't say much. I been told you I wanted Algee from way back but you know you just gave me more attention but he was like it's obvious me and you got a thing and if I can talk to you and be with Bryshere I can talk to him too. I told him we don't got a thing and even if we did friends don't do friends like that." "Oh so had he given you more attention you'd be sitting here with him instead of me?" He leaned up some making me fall back.
"You're an ass. But honestly yeah. 😂 Algee can get it any day of the week. And just by the grace of god Bryshere walked in before I could have the chance to do anything" I said laughing.
"Wow. Why are you with him anyways?"
"Well it's all I know. I've never been with anyone else. Sexually yes but relationship wise no. It's just a comfortable situation. I love him. We been through enough. Since we were young." I told him.
"Let me be honest with you. I don't think he's with you because he wants you. I think he's with you to keep you from being with me."
"How you figure that?" I asked.
"One day he walked in on me and woody talking about you. This was before we even spoke. I showed him and was saying I was going to shoot my shot. We get to Philly on the tour and he's talking to you. Then y'all back together. That day we were at y'all house I didn't know it was going to be you but it was." He explained.
"Hm idk it don't seem like that though. He loves me. I know he does." I told him.
"So do I." He told me. 

This one is soooo long. I was bored so why not 🤷🏾‍♀️. I see y'all looking but I'm not getting any feed back. I feel like I should change the plot thou 🤔 like I want to do something else with this. Love triangle or square 😂😂 idk. Talk to me people.

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