Here we go again.

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"Keith can you calm down please?"
"Naw fuck all that what the fuck was he doing here?" He yelled and he was low key scaring me. I've never seen him like this. I'm guessing he seen I was a little scared because his whole demeanor changed. He sighed. "Just tell me what happened"
"Well I was waiting on Al to take me to Target. So I opened the door and it was him and a bunch of cameras. I wasn't tryna let him in but he pretty much forced his way in" I started. I could see Keith getting mad all over again. "He was saying he was coming to speak his peace and then leave but I said some stuff that I guess set him off"
"I um well I told him I was moving in here and um that I was having your your" I said.
"Wait you're pregnant?" He asked.
"Not exactly. It just came out. I wanted him to hurt like he hurt me."
"Yo what the hell this not gon go well. Then what?" He asked.
"He you know he uh"
"Did he hurt you?" He said. Tears instantly started falling. I didn't want to really tell him but I knew I had to.
"He pushed me and chocked me a little. Thankfully Al walked in when he did. I'm sorry Keith. I'm causing you all this drama that I don't even want. I didn't know he was this crazy. It's my fault. I should've never said that"
"Shhh don't cry. It's not your fault. It's his fault he doesn't know how to let go. I'll handle it. Don't worry" he said pulling me into a hug. God has truly blessed me. Any other guy would've called it quits but Keith is different. He's not letting these things get in between us. "I love you ok. I'll keep you safe."
"I love you too."
"Why you have to put your hands on her thou?" Woody asked.
"I didn't mean to. She just pissed me off. How she gon let that nigga get her pregnant?"
"Are you stupid or dumb? She's not pregnant. She had to have said that just to piss you off. Just think they ain't even been dating a month yet. It takes a couple weeks to find out they ain't been doing it that long for it to be known that she's pregnant." He said.
"Fuck! This time I really messed up. In the moment I wasn't even thinking about that."
"Welp that's done for. You got to fix it though. We cool and all but that's like my sister. I should fuck you up but this time I'll leave it be. Next time I won't play. " he said.
"Yeah sure whatever let's go"
We were headed to set to finish this movie we are working on. I really need to learn how to control my damn anger. I honestly just wanted to talk but when she said that shit I was done. That should be me in that house with her not him but the chances of that happened are slim to none. If nothing else I'd love to have my friend back. I just miss her. There's no way I can go back to the house. By now Keith knows and I'm sure he's ready to fight on sight. I'm not scared just not trying to cause anymore drama. I may just have to live with the fact that she's gone.
I'm trying to stay as calm as possible in this whole situation. I don't want to scare her but at the same time I'm angry as hell. One for this nigga to come in my fucking house and put his hands on my girl and I'm mad for her to lie like that putting herself in danger. This whole thing has been a mess. Since we started talking it's been drama after drama. I almost think this was a mistake but I love her so I'm not leaving we just need some time away from everything.
"Baby can you come here please?"
"Here I come." She yelled walking in the room looking good enough to eat.

"Wassup boo?" She said

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"Wassup boo?" She said.
"I think we need a break"
"A break as in we are breaking up for a while?" She said looking down. I lifted her head up and made her look me in the eyes.
"No no baby I mean a break from all of this. Like pack up and go somewhere else. Just for a little while."
"Oh I was about to say damn it's that easy to get rid of you" she laughed.
"Girl please you love me and won't never want to get rid of me."
"You right you right. So where are we going?" She asked.
"Wherever you want to go"
"Well I need to go back home to get my things out the house then 🤔 maybe we can go to somewhere exotic. Brazil maybe?" She said.
"Well you gon have to get some different hair because them Brazilian women won't appreciate you wearing they shit"
She threw a pillow at me and I couldn't stop laughing.
"This hair is from Eurasia and I don't care that's where we are going. Call Eli and Mari we can make it a couples trip" she said.
"Ok. So to philly then off to Brazil. It's time to relax and have some fun." I told her kissing her forehead and leaving out. "I'll be back in bit. I'll bring food back too."
"You just knew I was going to ask" she said.
So I'm headed back to Keith's house because I left something. My head has been all over the place and I don't even understand why. I haven't been sleeping and I barely even eat and that isn't like me because I love to eat. I get to the door and Y/N opened the door.
"Hey wassup?"
"I think I left something can I see if it's here?"
"Yeah sure come in. You can look I'll be upstairs if you need me" she said.
I watched her walk up the steps and went in the living room to "look" for what I lost. After about 20 minutes of fake looking I walked up the steps to see her taking pics in the mirror.

"Damn" "Did you find what you lost?" She asked

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"Did you find what you lost?" She asked.
"Well yeah. I lost you." I said walking up to her and kissing her.

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