I love him

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"Good morning bae. How'd you sleep?" I heard a voice say. I opened my eyes to the face I want to wake up to for the rest of my life.
"Well I wasn't up yet but since you woke me I slept good"
"Pay back baby girl pay back. Now get up" he said getting out the bed.
"Whyyyy I want to sleep!!!" I whined.
"Stop that whining shit you cute and all but that shit ain't cute." He yelled from the bathroom.
"I wouldn't be whining if you didn't wake me up you asshole" I mumbled
"What was that?" He came out with the toothbrush in his mouth.
"Ugh nothing"
"Yeah that's what I thought." He went back in.
"Why you got me up this early anyways"
"Just wanted to spend the day with you. Like the whole day. No interruptions. So I wanted to start early. First we are hitting the gym so chop chop" he said coming back out.
"The gym for what nigga? You tryna say I need to lose weight?"
"Baby no. Of course not. Just want to get you blood flowing." He got closer pulling me in. "If you ever drop a pound I would make it my business to make you gain 5 back" he said kissing my forehead.
"Ugh why must you be so sweet. My kind of guy."
"Id say anything to keep you happy baby you know this. Now get dressed." He said and I went to get ready.
So Y/N went into the bathroom to get dressed for the gym. She walked out with her work out gear on and some make up.
"Girl wassup with the make up? You about to look like you're melting."
"I don't plan on sweating that much. I'll just go to look cute" she said.
"Wash it off now. You don't go to the gym to look cute"
"Babe let me live I'll be fine." She said.
"You're such a girl. Always got to walk out the house on point"
"You right babe. Can't catch me slipping it's not that much though come on."
We left and were on our way. We spent a good two hours in there and I know she gon be mad because I worked her all the way out.
"Ugh my body hurts so much" she complained as we walked in the house.
"Good no pain no gain. What you want to do now?"
"Sleep bye Keith" she said walking away but I pulled her back.
"No the point of that work out was to wake you up so no sleeping right now. You want to go shopping?"
"Yeah I guess let me go change." She walked off.
I swear I love this girl so much. I don't know how these feelings came on but they are here to stay. I find myself just gazing at her and blushing for no reason. Whatever she wants she gets. That's my baby.
"Babe wassup why aren't you answering my messages" Algee said.
"I've been busy with Keith all morning. Sorry"
"Mhm you got time for me today?" He asked and I honestly don't I don't even think I can do this to Keith.
"No I don't. You know what Al you cool and everything. You're an amazing friend to me. Been popping up at the right moments for me but I honestly can't do this to Keith. I was foolish to even agree with it. I have no idea what I was thinking. Please don't hate me. Hopefully we can still be friends." I said and I heard him sigh.
"This the second time but I'm not even tripping you're all about Keith and I couldn't ask for anything else for him. I was foolish too for even putting you in that situation in the first place I'm sorry. Of course we can still be friends. The best of friends nothing more." He said.
"Oh thank god I thought you'd be mad at me"
"Naw it was my fault don't trip baby girl." He said.
"I got a friend for you though. Let make sure it's cool to give you her number."
"Look at you always looking out. Thanks" he said.
"Of course. Bye Ally"
"Stop calling me that. Bye" he hung up.
Feels like a weight has been lifted. Let me tell y'all I don't even know what I was thinking. I mean Algee fine as hell but Keith is mmm let me not.
"You ready?" Keith said.
"Yeah I'm ready" I gathered my things. "Keith"
"I love you" I said and he looked at me with so much love in his eyes.
"Come here" he said and I walked into his chest. "I love you too. A lot too. I feel like I can't even explain it. It's just you make me feel so complete. I don't want to be nowhere but here. Fill this house up with love and my Ten babies" he laughed. "But no for real I feel my life coming complete. My career is blooming. I brought this house. I got my future wife. I'm good."
"Aww shucks Keith you're going to make me mess up my make up" I said wiping my tears. "I thought I had everything I needed when I was with Bryshere then you came in and changed that. Thank you." I kissed him. "Oh and babe I'll have your ten kids any day."
"For real?" He asked.
"Yup" I walked out the room.
"No get back here we about to start now" he yelled but I was already out the door.

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