Tzuyu's Special Chapter

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I came inside the classroom. I put my bag down and sat down in my seat. The teacher came in and told us big news.

"Students, today I will announce big news." Ms. Lu said. She took a deep breath before announcing the news. "Next week, will be student exchange week. You will be given papers and that is where you will locate where you will take schools for a week. I will pass your papers to you and you may open them once you receive them." She announced. I was excited. Well, everybody was.

Everybody received their papers and opened them. Some squealed in joy and some were devastated.

I didn't realize my paper was handed to me until it brushed my skin lightly. I took the paper, since it fell on the floor because of the wind.

I opened my paper and......


I. Got. Roseford. Prim. International. Academy.


I mean, we are friends and all, but I feel like she was faking it. But you know what, I'm gonna go with it. I'm gonna pretend she did all that because she changed and she did not fake it.

I got her number when she asked to be friends with us so I contacted her and told her that I'll be in Roseford for student exchange week next week. I dunno why I did that but I don't care.

Tzuyu: hi :) I have some news :)
SuYeon: really? What?
Tzuyu: I'll be in roseford next week for student exchange week.
SuYeon: omg really??
Tzuyu: yes.
SuYeon: AHHH I CANT WAIT! See you there, bestfriend
Tzuyu: see you :)

Okay since when did I become SuYeon's bestfriend...? Anyways, that was done and then school began.


I'm at home and already waiting for my Roseford uniform to come.


Oh it's here. I went downstairs and opened the door. There stood the mailman holding the box where my Roseford uniform is in. I took it and said thank you to him.

I went upstairs back to my room and locked the door and opened the door. There it was. My uniform. It looked amazing. I got it out from the box and tried it on. I sent a pic to Jungyeon and asked how I looked. She said I looked stunning and I said thank you.

I put it back in the box where it's safe and saw more stuff in the box.

There was a Roseford Prim International Academy handbook, a key to my locker, my notebooks, a pencil that is full of ballpens and pencils, books, and a RPIA bag. Man Roseford is complete when it comes to distributing school stuff eh? I'm just gonna be there for a week. But meh, the stuff looks pretty. I got the school stuff and put it in the bag. Oh and there were shoes and knee-high socks in there too. I got the uniform and got it ready for next week. I was hoping to make new friends in Roseford. I just hope.


Everybody was wearing different school uniforms. I was going to the same school with Jihyo, Sana, and Mina unnies. I felt happy but sad for the others and for Mingyu. Mingyu was going to Newsole Academy. Nayeon and the rest of the gang are going to attend Strong Mind Academy. Newsole, Strong Mind, and Roseford are schools super close to each other so we were still happy. But some of us still aren't that happy since we didn't get sent to the same school.

Me and my three other unnies were heading to Roseford. I knew the way since me and Mingyu passed by that and encountered SuYeon, so they made me lead the way. I told them I was already bestfriends with SuYeon and they actually believed me. I told them I'll introduce them to her and they agreed.

Once we were in Roseford, students greeted us, put out banners and posters, gave us gifts and did an amazing welcoming. Roseford pupils are really well educated aren't they?

We saw SuYeon and I immediately pulled my unnies towards her. I tapped her shoulder and we hugged once she turned around.
"Hey! Tzuyu! Welcome! And, welcome too, Jihyo, Sana, and Mina." She welcomed.
"Thanks!" The four of us said.
"You guys will be in classroom 204." She pointed out.
"Okay. Thanks again SuYeon!" I thanked.
"Okay. Welcome!!" She said one last time before we went upstairs to classroom 204.


After classes, we went home together. We had a fun time. We made new friends. Their names were Kaye, Hyera, Yeonjin, and Seola. We even made a group chat and made sure to include SuYeon.

chouchewy: haiiiiii
suemesuyeon: hai there
yawningyeonjin: yo yo yo
seoulseola: i came from seoul.
jisoosjihyo: oh seola 😂
myouigummy: kaye? hyena? sana?
okaykaye: wazshup
aegyosana: nanananananana
imahyena: im a big fat hyena.

Lol. What happened to us?? We are crazy. I'm crazy. You're crazy. We are all crazy. Meh. Anyways, we had a crazy fun time. We looked cute in the uniforms, we did well and I dunno maybe did these crazy things?








I am literally insane. See? I keep talking nonsense.

Okay I'll stop. Anyways, the bag looked great with the uniforms, everything was so organized, the cafeteria food is amazing. I am sure to survive a week here in Roseford Prim International Academy. I LOVE IT HERE. THERE. I ADMITTED IT. IT'S AMAZING..... OKAY?! If only we can transfer here with the rest of the gang. That would be sooooo awesome. But, I think the reason why SuYeon left Lee High is because she didn't want to disturb my relationship with Mingyu......? I don't know.

Well, shall we take a recap on what I did today?
I went to Roseford.
I studied at Roseford.
I made friends at Roseford.
I loved my time at Roseford.
I know I'll last a week at Roseford.
I had the best day today at Roseford.


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