H-How Did He See It?!

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Tzuyu froze. She was sure she hid it well. Hid it well from plain sight. But how did Mingyu see it? Tzuyu just remained calm and said "These? Well these are just... just uh....". Mingyu was sure she was hiding something from him. "Tzuyu tell me the truth. It's better than lying." (A/N: Yeah Tzuyu!) "Fine! Every Wednesdays, SuYeon tortures me. She tortures me because she wants me to stay away from you. It hurts. I wish I was never born. It even hurts telling this to someone. That's why I keep it a secret." And with that, Tzuyu bursts into tears. Luckily for her, nobody noticed since they were too busy eating and talking. Mingyu hugged her and said "Everything is going to be fine. If I noticed it sooner, I would've told her to stop sooner, so you'd get less bruises than this." Tzuyu buried her face into Mingyu's chest. "How did you see it?" She asked. "I have good eyes, beautiful." He said. Wait did he just call Tzuyu beautiful? (A/N: yeah he did. Not complaining tho!) This is so adorable to watch. Wish you could've seen it.

-~- Time Skip -~-

After hours of playing games, going on rides, it was 2:00 AM in the morning. (A/N: that means it's already Saturday....) You could say they lost track of time, since they were too caught up in playing. It was time to go home since the carnival closes in 1 hour. Yeah the carnival closes on the devil's hour. Haunted carnival maybe? (A/N: NO! Stop saying that!! You're scaring the readers.) And then it was time to say their goodbyes. They were quite sad. But happy at the same time since they were super tired. (A/N: how is that possible?) But they said goodbye and headed home. No SuYeon though. Thank God.

-~- At Tzuyu's home -~-

Tzuyu was so happy, but after like 5 minutes of happiness (A/N: ReVeLuvs where ya at?) she finally slept. It feels good to have your crush (A/N: BOYFRIEND! This is the third and last time you will call Mingyu Tzuyu's crush/boyfriend!) take you to the carnival or anywhere you want to go. It was a dream come true for Tzuyu.

-~- At Mingyu's home -~-

It was an amazing day for Mingyu. Taking his crush (A/N: for God's sake it's GIRLFRIEND!!) Tzuyu, on a perfect date. Except for the part where he saw her bruises and knew it was SuYeon. He quickly texted SuYeon.

Mingyu: SuYeon we need to talk. Come at my home.
SuYeon: okay :)

After what seemed like forever, SuYeon finally arrived. She was all dressed up, looking all preppy. She thought it'd be a good idea to dress preppy to flirt with Mingyu. "So... what do you want to talk about?" SuYeon asked. Mingyu replied "Follow me." With a serious tone. SuYeon followed.

After arriving to Mingyu's room, he said "SuYeon. I don't like what you're doing to Tzuyu." SuYeon was shocked. 'Did he know about me torturing Tzuyu? But how?' She thought. "What are you talking about? I'm not doing anything to her!" She lied. "YES YOU ARE!! YOU'RE TORTURING HER!! HURTING HER! YOU THINK I WON'T KNOW?! SHE'S HURTING AND IT HURTS ME!" He yelled. SuYeon stood still, scared. "H-how did you know?" She asked. "I took her on a date. Then I saw bruises on her. I asked her. She told me it was you. You made her cry and hurt. I HATE YOU!!" He responded. "M-Mingyu I-" Was all she said before Mingyu said "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW!!! DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN OR ELSE!!!" And he pushed her to the door.

SuYeon was left speechless. "He really cares about her." She said. She was scared what will happen to her when she tortures Tzuyu again. "I should stop." She said. And she did stop hurting Tzuyu.

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