The Tree of The Forbidden Biome

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Mitch's POV

So yeah. The 'person' that I was just about to go looking for ended up in my house. In my room. In my bed. With a stab wound in his shoulder thanks to my friends. To be honest I may or may not have beaten the shit out of Sky because he was the one that stabbed Jerome out of reflex. That got me banned to another room until I could calm down a little more while they took care of Jerome, which I was definately not comfortable with at all. I mean, they just freaking stabbed him, and now they're gonna heal him? Who do they think they are? I took a deep breath and started pacing with one of my hands in my hair. Quentin poked his head out of a room and gave me a confused look. I simply glared at him. He rolled his eyes and came out of the room, grabbed my arm and pulled me back in with him. I almost didn't recognize the room we were in, it had been so long since I was in here...

"So what's up with you." Quentin stated bluntly, interrupting my examination of the room. It was a smallish room with one wall that shared the door full of bookshelves and a fireplace in the middle of the wall between the book-wall and a wall parallel to it covered in paintings, homemade looking and some even appearing unfinished. There were some comfortable looking couches in a semi-circle around the fire, and a wall of windows parallel to the wall with the fireplace that were currently covered with curtains. The only light in the room currently came from the fireplace and the gaps in the curtains. I sighed shot Quentin a look. He rolled his eyes at me again. "Ok, let me rephrase that. Why were you banished from your own room? That takes talent Mitch." I pressed my lips tightly together.

"Because Sky stabbed Jerome in it and I beat him up for doing that. They thought I needed to 'cool off'." Quentin raised an eyebrow at me.

"How the hell did he get in the house? Ian and I were by the front door nearly the entire time you were in your room! Then we came in here literally a minute before you started stomping around in the common room. I mean seriously, you have no idea how hard it is to get this guy to calm down and fall asleep." He gestured at one of the couches, where I could sort of see some of Ian's hair resting on one of the arms. I shrugged a little.

"I think he came in through the window. He is like a fucking ghost sometimes I swear." Quentin chuckled a little at my statement.

"Ghosts and Baccas are two very different things Mitch." I turned my gaze towards him again.

"Well how would you know?" Quentin sighed a little and gestured for me to follow him out of the room, which I obliged to. We walked down the hallway to what I think is the conservatory and stopped once we got inside. Quentin was mumbling things to himself and started wandering around the relatively large room, gently allowing the plants to catch on his hands every now and then. He stopped in front of a small tree, one that looked too young to be full-grown but too old to be just a sapling. He sat down on a bench that was hidden behind some large leaves and patted the spot next to him. I mentally sighed as I felt a lecture coming.

"Ok, so you know about all the mutants and stuff, thank gosh so I don't have to explain all that crap." I nodded a little, staring at the tree. It was about the size of a fully-grown apple tree, but didn't have any apples on it and the wood and leaves weren't the right color. "I am a little different from the other mutants, as is Jerome. Most mutants start off being humans, so they have their conscience and then become injected with the other stuff, but not us. And not just us. There were about seven hundred of us, test subjects for something different. We were taken from the Forbidden Biome and held there, then injected with human stuff instead of the opposite way around. We still had the appearances and memories of the human, but then we became the mutant side of ourselves. Most of us survived the stress and transformation process, but once we were released into the wonderful little world you have here some of the test subjects couldn't handle it and killed themselves. Then something started happening. Someone found out that the blood of the seven hundred original test subjects was incredibly valuable to the humans, medically and for more information about the forbidden biome and other stuff. They began hunting down the remaining subjects and draining them of their blood for testing, because the effects are different for each mutant."

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