Yay...More Fire

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Jealousy, turning saints into the sea

Swimming through sick lullabies

Choking on your alibis

But it's just the price I pay

Destiny is calling me

Open up my eager eyes,

'Cause I'm Mr. Brightside

~Mr.Brightside -The Killers

Jerome's POV

The world is on fire around us. Oddly enough, there is just a ring of fire surrounding Mitch and I, Mitch barely being conscious. His face was completely covered in burns and angry red blisters from Preston kissing him. That jag. Ima kill em. I sighed and looked down at Mitch again, with my arms surrounding him as if to protect him from the world. How naive. Mitch's breathing was kind off awkward and uneven, which worried me. I gently rubbed his arm, which caused him to wince. 'Shit. He must have been burned on his arms too...I hope that's about it.' I thought, then lightly pushed his sleeve up his arm. It was sticking to the wound...that's not good. When I finally got the stupid hoodie off of him, I swear I almost puked. Third degree burns covered his arms, showing charred muscle and a bit of bone. This shtuff's gonna get infected, I need to do something quick...

"Hey asshole!" I yelled to Preston. He glowed a little bit brighter and whipped towards me, anger showing clear through his face. You messed up Jerome, you done messed up. I gulped. "Where's Sage? She can help Mitch. I know that you like him, as you have presented in recent events." whoot-whoot. Formality. Preston's fire flickered a bit.

"She's dead Jerome." He stated, getting his flames back to their terrifying 'glory'. Oh HELL no!

"What...what the fuck did you do Preston. What Did You DO!?" I yelled, feeling my anger bubbling up. He grinned evilly.

"I killed her because she was in the way of me and a dirty stinking Bacca." He spat. "So in a way, you caused this Jerome. She died, because of you. YOU!"

"You-you FUCKER!" I felt every part of my body start to be consumed with the want to kill this stupid lava-mob that murdered my oldest friend. "I SHOULD KILL YOU!" Preston smirked at that.

"Then you'd be no better than me." Clever little candle. I huffed a little, then glanced back down at Mitch. The only way that I could save him now is if I had my health potions with me, but there was no way that would happen. Even if I could, I don't want to leave Mitch with HIM. Oh wait, Sky, Ty and Jason were just behind us. I would have to distract Preston somehow AND get some sort of communication between us. Dang gurl that's a lot of work. I grinned a little. I got meself a plan.

"Very good sir, very good." I said with a smile. The expression on his face was priceless, he was so confused. Jesus Christ I hope this works. "What is your favorite number? Mine is THREE. Do you know if there were any SURVIVORS of the Great War? I like HIDING BEHIND A PRETTY STATUE. MITCH IS IN BAD CONDITION. CAN YOU HELP HIM? Do you like ghosts? People COMMUNICATEd with them WITH KNOCKS. ONE FOR YES, TWO FOR NO. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" A single muffled knock that probably no one other than me with my awesome hearing could hear. I grinned. Preston had his mouth slightly open with confusion. Mitch was trying to stifle a laugh.

"Um...What?" Preston asked, slightly cocking his head. Haha...cocked. Ahem. POWER MOVES ONLY! Dang I'm out of it today. I sighed very overlydramatic and went back to gently stroking Mitch's head. Not awkward at all. I looked up at Preston with my best puppy eyes, but it probably came out as a really creepy psycho. It happens. Preston cringed a little. "Can I get Mitch some health potions? Otherwise he may die." I increased the intensity of my gaze. Preston simply waved down the flames and I carried Mitch out of the Ring of Fire. When he turned back to the two dead people that were in the circle with us, a frog and a sorcerer I think, I ducked behind the dirt-block statue that represented life, how ironic. I gently put Mitch on the ground next to them, then fished a potion out of my saddlebag that was on the floor.

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