We All Respawn...

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Jerome's POV

I felt an internal fire spreading through my body, originating from my neck and my lower arm, the places I got bit. I felt my fuzzy vision clearing up and I looked around. I'm on a roof in Romero. Ok. Mitch and Sage are right next to me while Preston is farther away. Ok...My wounds were now gone but the fire...oh no. My outside wounds may be healed but the venom...no. Nonononononono. I don't wanna be a zombie. I don' wanna infect my friends. I have to die. I can't hurt them! I slowly got up and felt my muscles failing me. No. Bad muscles. Oh Notch it burns...it has to end. Mitch and Sage were faintly saying something to me and I felt the occasional hand on me but I ignored them. I walked over to the ceiling hole and looked down. Dozens on dozens were in that small space. I can't attract more, otherwise the lives of my friends would be jeopardized. I shuffled away from the gap and to the edge of the roof. Yes, this would be fine. I leapt into the air just to feel a hand grab me and prevent me from falling.

"Jerome! What the fuck are you doing!?" Mitch yelled. Nonono. He's touching me. He can't be near me. HE CAN'T! I struggled to get out of his grip but he clung onto me. Damn he's strong! I growled a little bit at him and he looked shocked.

"Get away from me." I managed to get out. Mitch didn't budge."GET AWAY! DO YOU WANT ME TO KILL YOU?!" He looked confused.

"Why would you kill me? Unless...no. Those...those were bites?" He stammered. I nodded. Mitch bit his lip anxiously and then sighed, releasing my wrist. I looked at Sage, her hand was shaking a bit...it does that when she's upset. I gently grabbed it and gave it a little squeeze then pulled her into a tight hug. She suffocated me back, then let me go and I swear that she was sadly smiling. It's pretty much impossible to tell. I then turned to Preston who also crushed me and sadly pulled away. He gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze and I smiled a little at him. I faced Mitch. He came over to me and tenderly embraced me, and we stayed like that for a while. He whispered into my ear, "I'll see you around Biggums." I let go of him and turned to face all of my friends again. They all wore grim faces and I sighed. I'll miss them.

"See you later guys." I said as I walked over to the edge, and after a deep breath, jumped.

I hit the ground painfully, the internal fire was almost in my brain. I struggled to get up, and saw the hoard racing towards me. Panicking, I ran away from the house. After about a minute of running, the wildfire reached my head and I screamed in pain, attracting the zombies' attention. As I writhed on the ground, I felt them surround my body and rip me apart. I couldn't even imagine what it looked like. I felt my hearts falling away until I lay on the ground, empty.

I respawned in the MineZ lobby and rubbed my head. I'm ok, I'm ok...I hope that my friends are too. I sighed and decided against going back into the world. I've had enough pain for one day mental and physical. After exiting the server I entered the 'living world', were MineCrafters would build their permanent homes. Or temporary, depending on what you wanted to do. I smiled as I approached my jungle, it was too wild for other people to live in, so I got it all to myself.

I climbed onto the top of a tree and looked around at the world. The sun was setting, giving the world a golden tinge. I took a deep breath and sighed with happiness. This place was perfect. I tree-hopped to my house and paused before entering. It had been a while since I have been in it, and I had no clue if mobs took over. I clenched my hand and sighed, throwing open the door. Nothing. No one. Just the light glow of glowstone and torches and my furniture. I released my fist and closed the door behind me. Glancing around, my home looked as if it had been abandoned. I swear that it was only a few days...right? I have no idea. I walked into the main room with caution, confused at why I was uneasy. Why was it so dusty? Why were there no mobs? ...Why are there fresh-looking footprints in the floor?

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