So It Begins

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Mitch's POV

I have no idea what happened to be completely honest. One second I was chasing after Jerome and the next the guys who were chasing us on horseback earlier burst into the Minigame Center and started killing everybody. I panicked. I absolutely freaked out. I screamed and cowered like a kid. I felt myself get trampled and I heard people die before I blacked out. It's all my's all my fault. Where's Jerome? Shit I think he's dead, dead...dead. No...He wouldn't die on me...would he? I felt as if I was going insane. I clenched my head and screamed. GET OUT OF MY HEAD! I yelled to my negative thoughts. I felt like ripping out my hair. My friends are dead, they're all dead. It's my's all my fault, I brought Jerome...Jerome. JEROME! I felt like murdering him, it's not MY fault this happened, IT'S HIS! I shook myself off and stood up, finally glancing around the main floor, there was broken glass and dead bodies scattered across it. My gaze rested on my friends who were crowding around something...or someone. I cautiously walked over to them, dreading what I was about to see. Sky shakily stood up with the help of Ty and Jason and looked at me sadly. His leg was twisted at a sharp angle and he was covered in cuts and bruises. Jason had a slash across his face, still gushing blood. Ty had an arrow hole in his chest and burns all over his body.

"Mitch no. Don't come any closer." Sky warned, but I ignored him and easily walked around them. I honestly wish I had listened. Everyone's faces shot up to look at me as I stood, paralyzed, staring at the figures crumbled on the floor.

"Mitch..." Quentin started, but drifted off when he saw my expression. I collapsed onto the ground. Seto and Kermit lay motionless in the ring of everyone else, we looked as if we were just in a war. Seto had a blade wound through his chest and Kermit's throat was slit. Their blood pooled under them like a lake, there was that much. My voice caught in my throat and I wished that they were faking it. I shook my head a little bit and chewed on my lip. I heard footsteps coming towards us, immediately causing fear to ripple through the group. We. Were. Fucked. Instantly we scattered, leaving the bodies in the middle of the floor so that it didn't look suspicious. I hid with Sky, Ty and Jason behind a statue of a dirt block. It's supposed to be a symbol of ironic. The person came into view, then clicked on something which made the lights shut off, causing darkness to flood the Mg Center. Jason whimpered a little bit, so I gently squeezed his arm reassuringly. Oddly enough, there was still a glow in the Center, was the person carrying a flashlight or something? No, it seems to be coming from way. No. Ducking. Way. That can NOT be Preston. A growl escaped my mouth and I clutched my hands into fists. What is he doing here?

"Hello Preston." way. No fudging way. The glow emitting from Preston shook a little as his vision flicked around the room.

"Jerome! Where are you? I haven't seen you in ages!" Preston hid something behind his back, tucking the objects into his jacket. A chuckle came from directly next to me, causing me to jump a little bit and punch the source. Jerome caught my hand before it could harm him, then adjusted his gaze to focus on me. I felt my heart melt like butter. DAMN that boy was cute! I mean-dammit. Preston's footsteps started getting closer and closer to where the five of us were hiding, I started panicking. Jerome looked into my eyes and smiled, almost sadly before leaning towards me, dangerously close to my face. My breathing grew heavy as he closed his eyes and sighed, then gently pressed his forehead to mine. My face heated up instantly, why was I acting like this? I like girls, right? I mean, boobs, big booty whatever. But this asshat had to just come in and make me like him...yes I just said that. Jerome opened his eyes and stared into mine, our foreheads still touching.

"I'll see you later Mitch." He whispered tenderly, squeezing my fist that was still clutched in his hand. I removed it and hugged him affectionally, as if hugs could speak. If they could, mine would say, 'If you're homo and you know it clap your hands.' Don't ask. Jerome wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. "This is my fault, I need to fix this." He mumbled into my shoulder. The footsteps stopped. I closed my eyes tightly before reopening them, greeted by a freakish sight. The glowing was directly in front of our hiding spot. I glanced over at Sky, Ty and Jason who were all gripping each other tightly, I don't blame them. I reluctantly broke away from Jerome and he smiled sadly at me before stepping into Preston's sight. I held my breath as I watched him walk up to the lavamob, hands mockingly up in a fake surrender. Preston scoffed.

"Who were you talking to? Don't give me that 'myself' shit." He prodded Jerome in the chest. Jerome growled as some of his shirt material burned away and left some bare skin that already had burns on them. He glared at Preston but said nothing. "MITCH!" Preston yelled, staring directly at me. "I know you're there, why don't you come out and say hi?" I looked at the trio next to me and placed a finger over my lips. They nodded. I gingerly stood up and walked over to Jerome, who shot me a concerned glance. Preston had an animal look in his eyes as he looked me up and down. No me gusta. He must have noticed the wary looked I possessed, because he snickered and closed the space between us. His face was inches away from mine and I felt heat rise to my face. Not from embarrassment, or anger, but from Preston himself. My skin began to blister a little and I winced at his closeness to me. I glanced over at Jerome who was fuming, did Probably not. I sighed, basically giving up. Preston made the inch disappear, immediately burning my lips. It felt like I was drinking a really friggin hot drink injected with the hottest pepper juice in the world. It felt like hell. I thrashed around in his grip, but that made him tighten it. I felt my clothes catch on fire. I was going to burn to death. Right here, right now. Right before I could finish writing out my will in my head though, Jerome tore me from Preston's grasp and gently placed me down on the floor, sitting directly behind me with his protective arms wrapped around me. It hurt, but the glare that he gave Preston almost made me laugh. It was over-exaggerated, but still possessed a fire that could battle Preston's inner flame. I laid my head back onto his shoulder, feeling much safer. It was short lived as Preston flared up, causing the world to erupt into flames around us.

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