Jerome, Meet My Friends

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Sky's POV

I tapped my foot impatiently, we've been waiting for Mitch and his 'new friend' for fifteen minutes. He's late. It's not that big of a deal, I mean, for everyone else. I just really hate waiting. I sighed and looked at everyone else: Ssundee, the Mudkip, Ty, Jason, Seto, Kermit, Bashur and Nooch all showed up to play a new minigame, but Mitch decided not to. Yet. Hopefully he will. I don't know. Mitch said that we could meet his new friend, but that the friend won't be playing. Wonder why. Whatever. I sighed again and Ty rolled his eyes at me.

"Sky calm down, Mitch did say that he was traveling over here from the jungle. Give him a break." He said, leaning up against the wall of the Minigame Center. I sighed even more loudly and dramatically, which made Ty laugh a little, shaking his head.

------15 Minutes Later------

"WHERE IS HE!? I'M SO BORED!" I yelled, dropping to the ground and rolling around groaning. Everyone started laughing, and Nooch came over to me and helped me up off of the ground. I bowed. "Thank you kind sir." He chuckled a little, then walked back over to Seto and started a conversation with him. I glanced around our group. Nooch was talking to Seto, Bash was talking to Ian (Ssundee), Kermit and Quentin were talking, and Ty and Jason were talking. I was the odd man out. Goddangit. I sighed for the millionth time that day and walked over to a nearby tree. I sat under it and enjoyed the shade, it was sort of hot outside. My hands roamed around in the dirt under the tree, finding pebbles. I threw them as far as I could. Hm...If Mitch ever gets here I can throw a rock at him for being late. Seems legit. I tossed another rock. And another. And another. Rock after rock after rock after rock after-wait...what is that? I squinted against the sun and managed to see a silhouette of a guy on a horse. The figure got larger, it was heading straight towards us! "SHIT!" I yelled, running back over to the other people. They looked up and saw the horse people and looked back at me with 'really?' faces.

"Sky that's Mitch and the other guy." Quentin laughed. I mentally facepalmed. Idiot. The person in the front (Mitch?) was waving frantically at us. I, being the nice person that I am, waved back at him. Everyone else joined me. I STARTED A REVOLUTION! Ahem...sorry. We all cheered when they approached us, but they didn't slow down, they just barreled past. The cheers melted into sounds of confusion as they didn't even bother to turn around.

"What the balls?!" Bashur exclaimed and rubbed his melon. That's when we heard more galloping. One of the people on the new horses yelled something to the others and pointed at our group. The others whooped (haha weird word) triumphantly and took out their bows. Immediately Bash's, Quentin's, Seto's and Kermit's faces fell. "RUN!" Bash yelled, taking off towards the entrance of the Center. Arrows flew past us, and that was when I realized: These guys are trying to kill us and four of my friends know these guys. Honestly I didn't know which was more surprising. I guess that it evens out. I ran directly next to Kermit, who suddenly dropped onto all of his limbs and started hopping. I tried my best to keep up to him, but DAMN that frog can hop! Duh, stupid Sky strikes again. We all ran grouped together, which was a pretty bad idea on our part. Safety in numbers right? Wrong. Dead wrong. Literally. Quentin growled a little as an arrow buried itself into his shoulder. I think that everyone got shot at least once. I managed to get scratched by an arrow, but getting shot sounds cooler. I mean, really. Oh this wound? I got shot by an arrow. V.S. Oh this? An arrow brushed by me and I got scratched. Exactly. Anyway we managed to make it inside of the building okay, which was a good thing because weapons weren't allowed in the Center. Guess that it was our lucky day. We ran as fast as we could over to Mitch and the other guy.

"MITCH! What the actual fuck just happened?!" I yelled angrily at him. Mitch just rolled his eyes and pushed his hair out of his eyes.

"That guy is the one of the people you wanted me to meet? Well this was a waste of time and blood. Congratulations Mitch, you completely broke my expectations." The guy next to Mitch scoffed. I huffed a little.

"Thanks asshole. What's your name so I can figure out where you live and burn it down?" I spat back. Mitch bit his lip a little bit. Yeah, he knew where this was going.

"Jerome. You're Sky. Yeah, I've heard of you." Jerome turned to Mitch. "If you wanted me to meet your famous friends I could've just looked online." Mitch laughed a little bit. Weird. Mitch usually isn't this soft towards people he just met.

"You live in the jungle right? I doubt that you even have internet, or even some common sense in you." I was getting pissed off at this guy. Mitch's expression instantly changed from nervous to scared and he gently grabbed Jerome's wrist and whispered something in his ear. Jerome could be a teapot right now he was so angry. Mitch then looked back at me and made the signal to cut it out. Negative commander, going in for the kill. "So jungle boy is gay, huh? SUUUCH a shocker. Negative five stars, worst movie of the year. And Mitch? Fallen for such a simple-minded scumbag hm? Plot twist, upped to zero stars. Didn't know you felt that way." That did it. I should've listened to Mitch. Jerome immediately leapt on top of me and started to punch me. Luckily for me, I've been in this situation before, curse my mouth. I tried to rip out his hair, but his hand grabbed mine when I barely moved it and slammed it into the ground. Jerome was on top of me, his lower body turned sideways with his torso facing me, one of his knees in my gut and the other holding my legs down. He dug his fingernails into my wrists and kept them above my head. Jerome's face was glaring down at me, with his eyes almost animal-like and cold, flooded with anger. He blinked and shook his head a little bit, then tightened his grip on my wrist. I bit my lip as I felt his nails break through my skin.

"NO!" He yelled suddenly, getting off of me and clutched his head. Jerome fell onto his knees and started shaking. What the fuck? I watched as he removed his hands from his hair and got back up, clenching his hands into fists. Jerome started walking away. What just happened? I blinked and got up too, rubbing my wrists. I watched him as he started heading towards the exit, barely aware of everyone trying to get me to tell them if I was ok or not. That guy is fucking suicidal. Those guys who were chasing him and Mitch earlier were probably still out there...shit.

"JEROME! WHERE ARE YOU GOING!" I yelled, then I realized that it sounded like I still wanted a fight with him. Yeah...I went way too far this time. Good job me. Jerome whistled and a horse ran up to him, I want to teach my horse to do that. FOCUS SKY FOCUS! "JEROME WAIT! I'M SORRY!" He was already out the door. Fuckfuckfuckfuck. I guess that I technically just killed a guy. Mitch glared at me and then raced over to the door, calling out to Jerome. Then Mitch screamed. Next thing we all know is that there are these bastards on horseback tearing around the Minigame Center, shooting at every security camera and guard. We are on our own.

"Guys, I got this." Seto said, conjuring up some of his magic. "Run."

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? Seto you know what they'll do to you, you are one of the strongest one" Kermit pleaded.

"Sorry Kermit." Seto said, aiming at the men on horseback. "LEAVE THEM ALONE YOU FUCKERS!" He yelled, letting his magic spiral towards the attackers. Never knew Seto was this violent. He turned back towards us, then immediately frowned. "I SAID RUN!" Seto shouted, then used a spell that blasted the rest of us away from the fight. The last thing that I remember seeing before blacking out was Seto getting a sword through his chest then a brown blur. Blackness.

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