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Jerome's POV

The moans were getting closer, probably on the floor just below us. I tightened my grip on my sword and couldn't help but look back at my friends. Preston was busy tending to Sage who was glancing around at all of our faces. My gaze then fell on Mitch. He was looking at me and gave me a sad smile, worry etched in his face. I sighed. No way was I letting the zombies get to him. I turned back towards the stairs just as the first zombie showed it's head and quickly sliced into it's brain. One after another stalked up to where I positioned, and I killed every one that showed it's deranged, bloody face to me. Then I realized something. My sword was almost broken and there were still zombies in the street trying to push their way inside. We were overwhelmed. I took a deep breath and came to a decision: I could either get my friends to help with the dead which could result in one or all of them getting hurt, I don't want that; I could sacrifice myself, not extremely happy with that option, but if it comes down to it I would do it; or I could take their weapons and fight the rest off. That would leave us unarmed and I guess I was going to be a sacrificial lamb.

"GUYS! GET TO THE ROOF AND DON'T MAKE A SOUND!" I yelled to them and they immediately gathered themselves together and helped each other through the hole in the ceiling. Everyone except Mitch. He paused and said quietly,

"Why don't you come with us?" His eyes were almost pleading and he had the tone of a kid. I huffed a little bit and turned towards him, knowing my expression was probably stony.

"The zombs would just break through the roof and someone needs to distract them." His face fell instantly as I said that. Fuck. I didn't mean to make myself seem worthless to myself...ugh I'm an idiot! Mitch said nothing, but just approached me. I instinctively tensed up, not really used to affection. He wrapped his arms around me and whispered in my ear,

"I'll see you around, ok?" I nodded and he released me, backing away towards the ceiling hole. Then he gasped and shouted, "JEROME!" I turned around just to have a zombie chomp into my neck. Without thinking I yelped and pushed it away, just to have it bite and rip into my right arm. I quickly stabbed it and backed away towards the gap and held up my good arm, feeling someone grab it and tow my up. I slumped against the wrecked chimney and did my best to cover the bites before anyone could see them.

Preston's POV (oh yus)

I looked over Jerome, taking in his state. He was a lot paler than usual, but I guess that he has an excuse, I mean, he just had a close call with a zambie! Ugh I have no clue where Mitch went, he said something about a church and healing. Maybe he was going to pray to Notch to make the zambs go away. That would be so cute. Pointless, yes, but cute all the same. Once I saw his face I fell for him instantly, I mean it's just so flawless! Oh glosh I'm fangirling again. But seriously, HOT! Almost as hot as I am, except I am literally hot. I'm a facking lava mob. I have a special device that can lower my outer body temperature so that I don't burn down all of MInecraftia, but when I get really mad the device falters and the world burns. My sister Sage is literally the opposite; she is a water mob and doesn't really have a device. However she always wears a mask, I haven't even seen her face! She allows her pretty waterfall-like hair to be 'existant' though, which is honestly better than her tucking it up in the looked really awkward to be honest. But Mitch...he wouldn't ever need a mask. He's just too perfect. He has to be mine. I don't care if he's gay or bi or straight, he was going to love me. I always manipulate people to love me, it always works. I barely notice Sage bending over Jerome, shaking him a little bit. He opened his eyes groggily, smiling faintly. She yells something and Mitch comes into my field of vision. I optifine on him, he looks horrified. I watch him as he reveals a huge wound on the base of Jerome's neck and some of his shoulder. He gently pours a health potion on it and moves to another wound on Jerome's arm. He copied pouring a potion on there and looks at me. He almost seems to be holding back anger. Mitch then bursts out, "WHY DIDN'T YOU HELP HIM!? HE WAS SEVERLY INJURED AND YOU IGNORED HIM!" I hissed a little bit. 'Don't get mad, don't get mad...' I glared up at Mitch and then Jerome and smirked.

"Lover boy has a" I laughed. The color drained from Mitch's face and he made a noise that sounded like a growl and rushed towards me with shocking speed. I gasped as he grabbed my neck and hoisted me off the ground. I dangled, choking for air as he whispered to me,

"Look asshole. The only reason I'm acting like this is because he is my friend. I know this is a fucking minigame but I still care whether my friends Die or Not, Ok? So Shut The FUCK UP AND GIVE A CRAP FOR ONCE!" He then dropped me onto the rough shingles and I gasped for air. He was rough...I liked it.

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