Where the Hell am I?

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Jerome's POV

Chewm was galloping away from danger, thank Notch he's a fast horse, but seemed more inspired to after sensing that I was injured. My back still hurts like a bitch, but at least I'm sort of off the hook for now. I still need to loop around and head home to the jungle, which will take forever and in my state I'm pretty much fucked. I sighed and reached for my saddlebag. I ended up groping at the air. Shit. My health potions were in that bag! I growled a little as I stretched my back a little, feeling the wound and the blood going down my back in a heavy flow, like a river. I don't have much time left, I don't think. I gingerly reached up and touched my back, flinching and snapping my hand away. Dammit, I shouldn't have worn one of my best shirts. Mitch just HAD to make me meet his friends, didn't he? I mean, because of that, two of his friends got killed and I am on the verge of death. What an asshole. I sighed and relaxed my body on Chewm. If I'm going to go out, I'm going to do it as relaxed as I can be with a freakin hole in my back. I whispered for Chewm to take us home and closed my eyes. I don't even care about the mass amount of people in the way of me and my jungle, I just want to go home.


I sighed as I opened my eyes, my back was still in pain, which is an understatement. There aren't any words that I can say that can match up to the current amount of agony that I'm in right now. I sat up, my back stiff from lying on Chewm for so long, judging by the light six hours, and it was on the verge of pitch black right now. The worst part about my surroundings though, was that I have no idea where I am. I am lost, in the dark, in 'pain'. Best combo ever right there. I practically feel off of Chewm and groaned when I hit the ground. I got up and started stumbling around, my hands getting raw from hitting the rough tree bark so often, my feet getting sore from stubbing my toes on what seems like every rock possible. Dammit, my vision is usually a lot better than this! I tripped on yet another rock, this time sprawling out on the ground, my hands instantly feeling trippy. I cursed and got up, placing my hand on my forehead. It was wet, weird...wait. Wait! The buzzing in my ears was the running of water! Immediately I stripped out of my clothes (hehe X3) and waded into the water, letting the cool beauty to calm my angry wound and my rapidly beating heart. The moon came out from behind a cloud, turning the body of water that I was in silver. I was currently in a glorious pond with a small stream branching into it, no wait, what's it called? I think it's called a waterfall or something, whatever. Chewm was also chest-deep in the water, just drinking from it, which made me laugh. The pond was surrounded by trees on one side and a mountain on the other; well, it's more like a cliff I guess. I noticed a cliche cave behind the waterfall, though I don't know how I could see it, judging that only a tiny corner of it was visible from my angle. I speedily swam over to the entrance and whistled for Chewm to head over as well. Once he was inside, he collapsed on some dying plants that somehow managed to find their way in here. I took a deep breath, smelling the air for danger. The scents were muffled by the waterfall, but I can still smell our surroundings, and so far the coast was clear. We'll be safe here for a while. I put on my pants and folded up my shirt to be used as a pillow, running my finger around the hole whatever the hell hit me made. I unconsciously touched my back, stiffening with shock when the skin where my injury was was completely healed. I sighed and collapsed next to Chem on the plants, relaxing against the crunching noises. That was just another thing I'd have to sort out in the morning. I knew that I needed to make sure that Mitch was ok, I mean the last time I saw him was when he was hiding up on that roof for his life against those assholes that hurt me with that weird thing. I don't want to go out into the world with all those evil people trying to kill me for my blood, for who I was. I want to stay here with Chewm, just swimming around with all those raw fish to eat, the security of the forest protecting us from the world. It would be a great place to live and die. I sighed and turned over, the leaves gently caressing my side. I needed to find Mitch. I needed to know he was ok. The Bacca inside of me growled a little bit, as if warning not to get to attached to him. He was a human. He wouldn't understand. But I dragged him into all this shit and got two of his friends killed so far. I knew there would be more bloodshed, and I don't want to see him broken down about it or to even see it, even though we did meet in a place where you get to kill people for fun. This is different. There is no respawn. You get one chance, and these assholes will fuck it up. I am going to get Mitch killed. I don't want him to die. I want him to be safe. I want him here in this cave with me, hearing his breathing and smelling his gentle scent of metal and woodsmoke. It's not creepy, I swear. I owe him his safety, so it would be best if I just stayed away from him, but something inside me told me that that wasn't going to happen. The Bacca side of me huffed a little at my human way of thinking, almost like he was agreeing to go after him. Strange...Wait a sec hold the chicken and carrots no fucking way. There was only one way that my Bacca mind would agree with the sentimental feelings of my human side. I sat up instantly, slightly disturbed by my sudden realization. There was a reason that I saved his ass in that mini game, and I thought that I figured it was out of sympathy. But it was much, much more than that. I got up and practically ran to the waterfall covering our cave and whistled for Chewm. He got up groggily but still managed to come over, nuzzling me and allowing me to get on his back. I memorized the coordinates in my homemade redstone watch, then told Chewm to go back to the arena. I have to find Mitch.

Author's Note:

Yo sup! Sorry I haven't been around lately, reasons. But I thought I'd give ya a little chapter while it was still on my mind, though it's only a filler chap, sorry. If you guys figure out what's up with Jerome already, feel free to post it! If you don't know and want it to remain unknown, don't read the comments XD. I'll be updating a little later this week, I promise. I'll try my best to keep updating to the best of my ability, so don't come over and slice me up if I go MIA again. That sucked and I feel really bad about it :(. I thought I owed it to you guys to keep this story going a little more often. Look for another update later! It'll happen, I swear! And not in like three months or however long it was since I last posted XD.

Adios Amigos!


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