Scents and Stabs

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Jerome's POV

Chewm and I have been galloping at an incredible pace for hours, the night turning to day and back again. I had managed to find the Minigame Center by some odd miracle after about 32 hours of riding, no breaks for food, water or sleep. I was running off of determination, but Chewm was beginning to falter in his step, so when we arrived I let him loose to find some food and water, knowing he was just a whistle away. Cautiously, I climbed onto the roof of the Center, trying to pick the scent of Mitch through the old fear and blood that clouded the place. It was difficult with all the people that were up here, but I somehow managed. I followed his trail to the skylight, and froze. All of the bodies from just a few days ago were still strewn about the ground in the position of their deaths. I bit my lip a little, considering my options. I kicked in the window after literally three seconds and leapt gracefully to the floor, landing lightly considering the huge drop. I picked myself up from the broken glass and started collecting the bodies together, the enemies in one area and the friends in another. I found some flint and steel and burned the enemies' bodies, then allowed the wind from the broken-down doors and shattered windows to take them away. I then dug the graves of the sorcerer, the frog and the pedestrians and buried them, placing signs describing their identity, since I didn't know any of their names; but under each description I wrote two simple words:
Doing that task took hours out of my daylight, but honestly it was worth it, I couldn't just leave them to rot in the daylight until a janitor threw them away. No. That's not how I roll. I whistled for Chewm and swung onto his back easily, taking off towards the direction I picked Mitch's scent up in.


I was exhausted. I was hungry. I was thirsty. I was sore. I was still looking for this asshole. I growled in frustration when I lost his scent for the fifth time today. Tracking someone wasn't an easy task in the fucking forest. No, not my jungle. A forest. Big difference. Why am I talking to myself? I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. I needed to focus. He smells of woods, which is where I am, so no point of pinpointing that specific aspect. Metal...I smelled iron by that tree earlier, or was it that tree? Oh wait...there's literally a path right there. My fatigue was increasing at a rapid pace, causing my senses to confuse my numbing mind. My eyes were just closing when Chewm and I exited the forest into a large open plain, the sudden sunlight startling me, causing me to fall off of Chewm. I groaned and dragged myself to my feet, glancing at the field. The grass was long and tall, and butterflies were dancing around the blades. It looked so serene, and the perfect place to nap. With a small groan I collapsed into the tall grass, letting them tangle underneath me to form a net and catching me before I hit the dirt. I was almost instantly asleep.
I heard voices, yelling at someone. They were close. My mind still blurry from sleep and the sun too bright in my eyes with my ears still slightly ringing I couldn't tell who they were or why they were here. I crouched in the grass when I heard rustling coming closer to me and prepared to attack. I quickly looked back and noted that Chewm was nowhere to be seen, which was good. I didn't want these assholes to kill my horse. I took a deep breath towards the noise that was gaining ground towards me and started a little at the scent. It smelled of the woods and of...something that I couldn't identify. After about ten minutes, the scent faded away, and I scowled a little bit. Why couldn't figure out that scent? Now it's going to bother me for the rest of my life. I waited a few more minutes before softly whistling for Chewm and headed towards the middle of the field where I heard the voices. There I saw a path that split the field down the middle and led into the woods that the people came from and the woods where they went. I grumbled a little to myself and started heading in the direction that they came from, not really in the mood to socialize with strangers. Chewm was busy chewing on the grass and when I kicked him to move forward, he just shot me a glare, so with a sigh I dismounted and started hiking along the path towards wherever.
When I reached the end of the path leading through the woods, I was still extremely thirsty and hungry though a little less tired. The hike was tedious and slow because of my state. I saw a small pond and immediately dove towards in and plunged in. I drank the water and started chewing on the reeds, letting my thirst become quenched and my hunger to narrow a little more. I floated on the top of the water and examined my surroundings: there was a nice little hill with short grass, and a house on top of the hill. I groaned and rolled over so that I was facedown in the water. So much for not socializing. I flipped back over and smelled the air. The smell of the woods and water were almost overpowering, but I could still clearly smell the slight salt of an ocean and the woodsmoke of a cooking fire, but I also smelled people coming down the path; and judging by the unfamiliar smell it was the people who I 'saw' earlier that day. I quickly took a deep breath and plunged under the surface of the pond. I held my breath for what felt like years before slowly and dramatically rising above the water. I checked my redstone watch, I was under for twenty-three minutes. How is that humanly possible? My Bacca side snorted a little bit at me, causing me to roll my eyes at it. Yeah, whatever Bacca side. I slowly got out of the pond and stalked towards the house, cautiously and carefully. Wait, those are the same things, right? I sighed a little at myself again and propped myself up against the wall of the house. I sniffed the air for about the 50th time that day and nearly fell over. There were six strong different smells that hit my nose, causing me to plug my nose to try to protect myself from it's intensity. They were so close! I slowly started unplugging my nose and tried to identify their scents. One smelled a little salty and slightly like gunpowder, another was the wood-scent and the strange one that I couldn't identify, one was gold and slightly like blood, another smelled like pigs and blood, the fifth was heavily metallic and had a very strong scent of blood on him, and the last one smelled way. No, way. I straightened myself out and eased my gaze into the window. Mitch and his friends were all in the same room, with Mitch lying on his bed and his friends huddled around talking in hushed tones.
"Do you think he's going to be ok?"
"He'll be fine, he always is."
"I can't take this I'm going to go play a mini-game...wait shit never-mind."
"It's my fault, I shouldn't have made him get Ian's potion."
"It's my fault that he needed to get it. Why can't I just be FUCKING NORMAL?"
Ian slammed the door behind him when he left, making everyone jump and causing Quentin to roll his eyes as he started following him out.
"I'll make sure he's not going to burn our house down or try to jump off of the cliff again, take care of Mitch." He muttered as he gently closed the door behind him. I silently opened the window and climbed into the room, trying my best not to be noticed. I ducked behind a chair when one of them, the one that smelled slightly like pigs turned around. He shrugged and continued staring silently at Mitch. I gently climbed around the chair and sat in it before saying,
"So, how have you all been?" They all jumped around to face me and gave me the response of a sword in my shoulder. Wow, thanks guys. I fell off of the chair and onto the floor, my senses becoming muffled from the increasing blood loss. There was instantly the smell of fear and panic clouding the air as their voices raised in shock. A scream of pure anger followed them, and a scent of despair strengthened at an alarming rate. My already clouded vision failed me and faded to black, plunging me into a pool of numbing darkness, and threatening to never let me leave.

Hey guys! What is this? An actual consecutive update? So yeah, sorry that you don't get to kill my family. I am disappoint as well :(. But whatever! Gimme feedback and such, and if you could do me a favor and help me to edit Team Crafted's 'scents' that would be a HUGE help! I am not very creative when it comes to that so deal in some ideas! Thanks guys!
Adios Amigos!

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