It's Such a Sad Life

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Mitch's POV

'2 days, seven hours, fifteen minutes, 23 seconds, 24, 25.' I counted in my head. Jerome has been gone for that amount of time, and I was completely worried about him. Obviously. I don't want to think about why he wasn't safe with me right now, but I really didn't like my options. There was either he was killed, captured, or stranded on the wilderness. I sighed and turned over in my bed. I haven't left my room since...the incident. I groaned and flipped over again. There was no way that I was getting any sleep again tonight. Two of my friends were killed, and my other one is MIA. Honestly, I was suffering more because of Jerome. Not to be cruel to my deceased friends, but the thought that he could be alive and suffering or dead in a pit was toying more with my mind. I knew that Kermit and Seto were dead and can't be revived. Jerome could still be alive. He could be getting tortured. He could be all alone in the wilderness. I sighed again and shook my head. He had Chewm, and Jerome practically lived off of the wild anyways, so he would probably be fine. Why was I getting so paranoid about this? What's gotten into me lately? A loud knocking at my door shattered my thoughts and made me jump. I carefully slipped the diamond sword that I kept under my pillow into my hand and stalked to the door as silently as I could. The knocking came again, and I slowly opened the door, keeping my sword hidden from sight. I relaxed considerably when I saw that it was only Ian and Quentin; I stepped to the side to let them in, but still tucked my sword into it's sheath at my hip. Ian noticed this and rolled his eyes at me before jumping on my bed. Quentin snorted at Ian before sitting beside him, taking up the rest of the bed and leaving me to my chair. I sighed and sank down into it, brushing the handle of my sword. It was awkwardly silent for a few minutes with Ian and Quentin just relaxing on my bed while I was sitting stiff in my chair, lost in my paranoid thoughts. I didn't realize they were trying to speak to me until there was a hand waving in front of my face, making me jump a little.

"Helllllloooooo, Earth to Mitch! We're trying to know why you've been locked up in your room for five million years. Miiiitch, can you hear me? Don't make me blow up your room." Quentin threatened with a small smirk, causing Ian to roll his eyes at him. I couldn't help but chuckle a little as I grabbed Quentin's hand and moved it from out of my face. He laid back down on my bed with a sigh, and closed his eyes, his joking tone vanishing like smoke from a candle. Ian just continued looking a me for a little before taking a deep breath.

"So, uh, how have you been?" He asked awkwardly, knowing that that simple question was weighted. The air in the room thickened dramatically in mere seconds, which caused him to stiffen a bit. I unconsciously gulped and tried to look casual, leaning back in my chair a little more and attempting a relaxed expression. I knew I failed when Ian rolled his eyes at me. I sighed.

"Not too good." I mumbled. Quentin snorted.

"Yeah no shit. Two of your friends have died and the other one that we barely know is dancing with daisies in some far away land, leaving you to sulk in your room for days." He propped himself up on his arms and examined the room. "Wait. Where do you even go to th-"

"Go easy on him fish." Ian cut him off, glaring at him in a way that clearly read 'shut the fuck up before I fillet you'. Quentin put his hands up in surrender, but returned the glare. I leaned my head against the back of the chair and closed my eyes. I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts again, without these guys for now. Ian snapped in front of my face, startling me.

"Mitch stop it with your daydreaming, we're going out." He said with authority. I was about to protest but he cut me off, pulling me up off of my chair and holding me close to his chest, one finger over my lips to prevent me from talking. "Shhhh." He said almost creepily. "There is nothing you can do about it." I rolled my eyes and tried to force myself out of his grip, but failed miserably. Quentin helped me and towed both of us out of the room, muttering about putting Ian on more meds.

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