Chapter Fifteen: Recital

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Dexter Keese:

We stood and clapped, the people around us also standing to clap. Kyra was smiling.

I whistled, “Go Angie! You are the bomb!” Angie curtsied. Her recital was finished. She was pretty good at ballet. We all filed out to meet Angie in the commons. Lucas had to go get her from the back so we waited in a group.

“Dexter?” I turned around and saw it was my parents. My dad had Bell on his shoulders and Ally was next to my mom holding her hand.

I said, “Hey, great job up there girls. You did awesome.” Kyra smiled and nodded in agreement. I didn’t even know my sisters were in this until they came out onto stage earlier.

Mom said, “I thought we forgot to tell you that their recital was tonight. I guess not.”

I said, “Actually you did.”

Dad asked, “Then who are you here for?”

Kyra said, “My little sister was in the play too.” Kyler, Jeremiah, Savannah and Desmond were behind us.

Mom asked, “Really? Who is your little sister?” Her family behind us started cheering. We turned to see Lucas was walking up with Angie.

I said, “Angie.” Kyra went over and high fived her. Angie jumped into my arms and I laughed. I said, “Great job! You did awesome!” Angie grinned.

Bell said, “Good job, Angie!”

Angie hopped down and they hugged, “You were great!”

Lucas and Savannah came over, “Oh hey, John. Your girls were great.”

I asked, “You guys know each other?”

Dad said, “Yeah, do you?”

Lucas side hugged Kyra, “This is my oldest daughter, Kyra.” My dad seemed surprised and I could see that this was about to go downhill. Savannah and my mom were talking.

Dad asked, “Really now? I wasn’t aware of that. All your kids seem so good. I never would have guessed Kyra to be yours.”

Lucas looked confused, “What do you mean?” I could see he was offended as my dad had just totally shot down Kyra. Lucas was still protective of her since they had just met.

My dad said, “Just about the whole Dexter not being the father thing and everything that happened with Chase. I never would have taken you for the man to sit back and let that happen.” Kyra let out a deep sigh.

My mom said, “John, stay out of their business.”

He defended, “He is our son!” Lucas was now looking at Kyra and I.

He asked, “What does he mean? Who is Chase?” Dez went back over to Kyler and Jer, probably telling them something bad was about to happen.

Dad asked, “He doesn’t know?”

I scowled, “He didn’t, no.”

Dad asked, “How could you keep something like that from him?”

Kyra said, “Just shut up John, please. You don’t know anything.”

Lucas said, “Kyra.” She looked at him to see he had narrowed his eyes. Savannah was just looking at us curiously. Jeremiah and Kyler came over with Dez.

Jer said, “Now isn’t the time or place to explain this.”

Lucas said, “Well then let’s go somewhere appropriate.” By this time most people had gone and Kyler had taken the three girls, Dez and Jer outside to the playground.

Savannah said, “It is fine, Lucas. I know what they are talking about.” Kyra looked at her shocked. I was too. Kyra looked at me questioningly.

I shook my head, “Please, like I would say anything.” My mom was smiling.

Savannah said, “What? You think I don’t keep tabs on my children?”

Kyler said, “We didn’t say that. We just weren’t thinking you would keep tabs on us.”

Savannah smiled, “You are my kids.”

I said, “Wait, and you aren’t mad that we never told you?”

Savannah said, “I’ll clue you in, I don’t like Chase. You will make a much better father.”

My dad asked disgusted, “How can you approve of such a thing?”

Savannah didn’t even blink at his tone or raised voice, “I know they are in love. I would expect you to know what love looks like when you see it. It actually worries me that you don’t. Especially seeing as your wife is right next to you.” My dad’s jaw dropped. I was actually stunned she would say something like that.

He said, “How dare you…?”

She cut him off, “How long has it been since you actually showed Denise that you love her?”

He said, “I just bought her flowers!”

Mom said, “You haven’t bought me flowers in three months.” My dad looked thoughtful.

Savannah said, “I didn’t ask when you last bought her flowers anyways. I asked when you last showed her that you loved her.”

He asked, “What do you mean?” Lucas seemed kind of thoughtful.

Savannah deadpanned, “When was the last time you made love to her?”

Kyra said, “Mom! No sex questions.”

Savannah said, “It is completely a liable question. I just don’t see how he doesn’t see that you two are in love when his wife is right next to him.” She said to my mom, “I had this couple that came in last week from a marriage counseling office and we saved their marriage.”

My dad asked, “Why would you ask something like that?”

Lucas snapped back to reality, “She is a sex therapist. Babe, try not to embarrass them. Our kids are right there.” Savannah waved him off and she whispered something to my mom.

My mom said, “Oh really now?”

Savannah nodded, “Try it when you get the chance. It is very stimulating.” Kyra shook her head.

Lucas said, “Savannah.”

Savannah rolled her eyes, “I’m working, wait a second.” He ran a hand down his face.

Kyra said, “I’m leaving dad.  I’m tired. I will see you in two weeks for my appointment, alright?”

Lucas chuckled, “We both know you will visit the house before then.” They laughed. He said, “Now I just have to figure out a way to get your mother out of here without embarrassing us further.”

I said, “Good luck.”

 He laughed and mumbled, “Thanks.”

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