Chapter Fourteen: Chase Comes Back

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I woke up with everyone else already awake. Kyra decided she wasn’t getting dressed today and Dez was already. Kyra hung up the phone she was talking on.

She said, “Dex, you are going out with the boys today since you haven’t for a while and you need a day off of this.” She gestured to her body.

I pouted, “But I like being on your body.” She rolled her eyes and Dez just turned around and walked out. I chuckled and got up. I finished my shower and got dressed quickly. The guys showed up right as I finished zipping my pants. I grabbed my phone and everything and went out to the living room where Ethan and Logan were talking with everyone. I kissed Kyra’s cheek.

She said, “Don’t let him come home until he has had some fun, okay?”

Logan smirked, “Deal.” I chuckled.

She turned around and pecked my lips, “I love you but get out!” I noticed the boxes in the corner of the room. I chuckled.

I said, “You know what we forgot to do yesterday at dinner?”

She asked, “What?”                                 

I said, “Figure out everyone’s opinions on the name.” Her eyes widened slightly in realization. I said, “Let’s just get a raise of hands for everyone here.” She shrugged. I looked at everyone and whistled. They all looked at me curiously. I said, “So Kyra and I have narrowed down names for our son and we want your opinions. I will either be Mayson Elliot or Damien Elliot.”

Elliot grinned, “You are naming him after me?”

Kyra said, “No, it just worked out that way.” He stuck his tongue out at her. Kyra said, “Who likes Mayson Elliot?”

Dez said, “I do.”

Elliot said, “Same here.” That means it got half the votes.

I smiled, “Mayson Elliot it is.” Kyra turned in my arms and kissed me again. When we were done I said, “See you in a few. Call me if you need anything.” She rolled her eyes but nodded. I bent down and kissed her tummy, “See ya later Mayson. Be good for mommy, okay?”

Kyra looked at Elliot and Logan, “You might have to carry him out.” They smirked and came over picking me up and carrying me out.

I yelled, “Bye Dez.” He waved.

Four hours later and we were relaxing in the hot tub at Logan’s. We were talking about old times and I was having a blast. I opened my second beer.

Logan asked, “Remember when we all tried to climb that tree higher than each other.”

Elliot nodded, “And then you fell down and broke your arm so we were making fun of you.”

Logan chuckled, “And I got mad so I told my parents that you two pushed me.”

I continued, “Yeah. My parents spanked me and grounded me you prick!”

Elliot chuckled, “Mine did the same. The whole time I was grounded it hurt to sit down.” He shoved Logan playfully. My phone started ringing. I picked it up. The caller ID said ‘Nana.’

I asked out loud, “Why is Nana calling me?” They both shrugged. I answered, “Hello?”

She sounded dead serious, “Go to Kyra’s now! I don’t care what you are doing!”

I started getting out, “Why exactly? She kind of kicked me out this morning for a day with the guys?”

She said, “Chase is there and slapped her.” I felt my blood boil.

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