Chapter Eleven: Picking Names

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Dexter Keese:

I sat on the couch irritated. Jeremiah and Kyler both stared at me. I glared at the TV that was a game on pause.

I snapped, “Quit staring!”

Kyler asked, “Tell us what the problem is.” I scowled.

Jeremiah said, “From what I got; she won’t tell you she is in pain.”

I nodded not taking my glare from the screen, “I can tell she is in pain but she won’t tell me where and keeps telling me she is fine. She obviously isn’t if she winces. Why is she so stubborn?”

Jeremiah nodded, “It isn’t that she is stubborn you know.” Kyler and I looked at him.

I asked, “Then what is it? Why is it such a problem if I want to know if she is hurting?” A knock sounded on the door.

He yelled, “Come in!” My brother and Drew walked in.

Mike said, “That was insane Dex! I can’t believe dad did that and you threatened to kill him.” Kyra’s brothers looked at me questioningly. They sat down and asked, “What are you guys talking about?”

Kyler asked, “You threatened to kill your dad?”

I nodded, “He raised his hand to hit Kyra. He is lucky I warned him.” My jaw was clenched as I recalled the memory.

Jeremiah nodded, “That is why she is like that by the way. The reason she won’t tell you when she is hurting. We were talking on the phone one night while I was in the city. She was crying. We had been talking about Chase. She said that she didn’t like to tell people if she hurt because Chase always wanted to know. He always wanted to know if and where she was in pain so he could focus on there. She of course told him since she was scared. When you were mad at your dad earlier it probably reminded her of Chase. I can bet it is why she wouldn’t tell you.” I frowned. All my anger towards her was gone.

I cursed, “Fuck!”

Kyler asked, “Why didn’t she come to me?”

Jer shrugged, “You know she was always more comfortable talking to me. Plus, I can control my anger towards him better than you can.”

I sighed, “Fuck, I gotta apologize now. Thanks for telling me that Jer.”

He nodded, “No problem. So why was your dad going to hit Kyra?”

Mike said, “I will explain since you evidently have problems to deal with. Go ahead.” He pushed me away and launched into the tale. I walked down the hall and opened the door to her room. Her back was to me and she was shaking. I sighed, she is definitely scared.

I said softly, “Kyra.” I shut the door but noticed how she froze. I walked over to the bed and got in behind her. I spoke softly still, “Please look at me. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled or freaked out or anything like that. Please, don’t be scared of me. I love you and wouldn’t ever think of hurting you no matter what.” She was shaking again. I pulled on her shoulder gently so she rolled over and was facing me. She had tears streaming down her face. She let out a slight sob and I pulled her into my chest. I said, “Oh god, I didn’t make you cry did I? I am so sorry Kyra. I didn’t mean to get so angry. I just wanted to know so that I could make the pain go away instead of creating more. I swear I wouldn’t ever hurt you or our son. Never in a day of my life will that change. Please believe me Kyra.” I wiped her eye but another tear quickly replaced the last.

She nodded and sobbed, “I k-know. I f-forgi-give y-you.” I smiled and kissed her forehead. I whispered soothing things until she calmed down enough that she could speak normally. She whispered, “I’m sorry for not telling you. It was just my feet though.”

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