Chapter Five: New Daddy

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We were waiting in the room for the doctor. She already was checked to see if she was healthy and it was time for the ultrasound. She looked beyond nervous. I sat down next to her and took her hand in mine. She gave me a nervous smile.

I said, “Relax, you are going to hurt the baby.”

She said, “I’m sorry. I just don’t know if it will be okay. Chase doesn’t know. I haven’t told anyone except you and Nana. I’m scared, Dexter.” It actually hurt to know that. I could only think of one way to calm her down, but I was sure she would slap me. You know what, fuck it! I leaned closer and connected our lips. It only took a second for her to respond and kiss me back. When we broke apart for breath I left my forehead against hers.

I said, “Calm down, okay? Chase doesn’t deserve to be in yours or the baby’s life. He isn’t good and doesn’t deserve to know about him having a child. You don’t need to be scared. No matter what I won’t leave your side and Nana is in this too. She is happy she gets to see her great grandchild before she passes. You aren’t alone. There is no reason to be scared, Kyra. Chase isn’t going to be around to harm you or the baby.” She nodded, not breaking away from me. Her bright blue eyes were shiny with unshed tears. I kissed her gently before pulling away and sitting back down. She stared at the ceiling and blinked a few times.

The doctor came in and greeted her, “Hello Kyra. I’m glad to see you are back. I was a tad worried that you would get an abortion by your first visit.”

She shook her head, “I’m not a murderer.”

He said, “I’m glad to hear.” She nodded. He looked at me, “This handsome stud must be the father?” Kyra started to shake her head.

I said, “Of course. My name is Dexter.” Kyra was giving me a ‘what the fuck’ look.

The doctor grinned, “I am Dr. Gilbert. Please call me Ted.” I nodded in understanding and shook his hand.

I said, “It is a pleasure to meet you.”

He nodded, “Likewise. There are so many people that come in here and don’t know who the father is, or don’t tell him.” Kyra gulped.

I said, “Yeah, everyone has their own choices though.” He nodded and sat down in the office chair.

He said, “Shoot, I grabbed the wrong papers. I will be right back. Please pull up your shirt to show your stomach and lay back. I won’t be long.” He disappeared out the door.

Kyra whisper yelled, “Are you crazy? You aren’t the father, Dex!”

I said, “Do you really want to be judged? Just think of me as the father. I’m not going anywhere and Chase isn’t coming back. You don’t want to tell him or let him into the baby’s life, so let me be the father.” She clenched her jaw but I could tell she was thinking about it as she studied me. I said, “Please, let me do this.” Her eyes turned soft, showing her defeat.

She sighed, “Fine, you are the father. We will pretend you are the father.” I grinned and couldn’t help but hug her and then do a little happy dance.

I sang, “Imma be a father. Imma be a father.” She chuckled.

The doctor came back a few minutes later and put blue gel on her stomach. She giggled as he rubbed it around with the wand thingy. Suddenly a loud thump made us all jump.

Ted chuckled, “That is your baby’s heart beat. Let me just turn it down, and find it again.” He twisted a knob and then a much quieter sound came. I couldn’t help the stupid grin that came to my face. It was so beautiful.

Kyra mumbled, “It’s so beautiful.” Ted nodded. She asked, “It is supposed to be that fast?”

Ted nodded, “Yes. Baby heart beats are faster than an average person.” He was moving around the wand. On the screen it showed what was like a white silhouette of a baby. He said, “Do you want to know the gender? Or would you like to keep it a secret until it is born?” Kyra glanced at me. She shrugged.

I said, “We would like to know now.” Ted side smiled and maneuvered the wand.

Ted announced, “You are going to give birth to a…drum roll please.” I gladly started drumming on the arm of the chair. He finished, “A boy.”

Kyra was grinning showing her perfectly white, straight teeth. I had to mirror her. Seeing her light up like that just made my week. I knew that she was talking to the doctor, but I was dazed by her beauty.

“Dexter,” Ted asked. I looked at him, snapping out of my frenzy. He chuckled, “Do you want a copy of the pictures?” I nodded eagerly. Kyra was staring at me with an emotion I didn’t comprehend.

I announced, “We are so celebrating.” We were walking to her car. The appointment took at least an hour, but I would do it all over again. Kyra was still smiling and I wanted it to stay that way.

Kyra gestured for me to get in. I did, bouncing in my seat. I was so content knowing Kyra was going to let me be the father.

She said, “I know exactly where to go.” She pulled out and started driving. She said, “There is music in the glove compartment, feel free to put something on.” I nodded and began digging through the music. 

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