Chapter Three: Meeting Nana

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Two weeks later and I still hadn’t told my brother, let alone my two friends. Dexter and I were in the living room talking. I had gotten really close to him. He agreed to go to my ultrasound with me in two weeks. Of course, Kyler came home right then.

He called, “Kyra.”

I replied, “In the living room with Dex.”

He came in, “What are you doing here?”

I rolled my eyes, “Could you stop Ky? He is my friend, get over it!” Kyler just sent me a look telling me to shut up. I said, “I’m fucking serious Kyler. Stop it!”

Dexter warned, “Kyra. Stop stressing yourself out over nothing okay?”

I said, “It isn’t nothing! I am sick of Kyler not trusting my choice in friends. I have told you this before and I will tell you this again; Dexter is not like Chase so quit being a freaking dick!”

Kyler hissed, “Stop it this instant Kyra!”

I said through clenched teeth, “Let’s go Dexter.” I left, slamming the door on my way. As soon as I saw his bike I had an idea.   

I asked, “Can I drive?”

He raised a brow, “Can you?”

I nodded, “I had a bike before my ex-boyfriend convinced me to sell it.”

He said, “Don’t crash it…please.” I nodded and he handed me the keys. I got on. He put on his helmet before getting on behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

I replied, “No problem. I hope you know how to hold on.” With that I revved the engine and took off. I weaved through the traffic, feeling the wind rushing through my clothes and reflecting off my skin. I wasn’t thinking about where I was going, but managed to go straight to the place I had been dying to.

Dexter asked, “Where are we?”

I grinned, “A place I think you will like. This is my Nana’s farm. It is great to come here and relieve stress.” I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the house. I called, “Nana Grace? It’s Kyra. I brought someone you will like. No bringing up anything about marrying him!” A croaky voice mumbled, ‘help’. I let go of Dex and rushed into the living room. No one. Into the kitchen. My Nana was on the floor on her back. I rushed over and collapsed next to her. I shook her lightly, “Nana, are you okay?”

Dexter was next to me with a glass of water. He tipped her head up slightly and gave her a drink. She opened her eyes.

I asked, “How long have you been like this?”

She croaked, “What day is it?”

I said, “Sunday.”

Dexter said, “Why don’t we get her off the floor before talking to her.” I nodded and helped pull her up. She whimpered as she stood up straight.

She said, “My leg…I think it’s broken.

I said, “We are going to the hospital. Dex, will you get her to the couch while I call an ambulance?” He nodded. I quickly went to the phone and called. 

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