Sorry Not Sorry.

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greyhavensking EeveeXora ThatCertainNerd FayeeeM

Because I'm wreaking havoc again, I wanted you guys to have this preview for To Be Remembered's sixth chapter. (Which I'm planning to have at least 8k, to apologize for my sporadic updates, since I've also been posting over on and being dreadfully busy with schoolwork.)

Warnings for this chapter: probable overload of angst. and fluff.

Oh, and did I mention that a lot of the truth will come out in this chapter~?

Yes, I am evil. But hey, I'm giving you this preview, so I hope you guys can wait! I'm on roughly 1.8k atm, which is a huge leap from the 500-something word draft I started with and left for several weeks.

Hopefully I manage to post this sometime today. (Maybe. Dunno. Eh.)

P r e v i e w s

"I'm not too much of a bloody git ta' not know about what ye've been doing, Arthur. I already knew even when I first saw ye at that hospital back over the pond—I knew ye wanted to die."

"Come on, haven't you even been here yet?"

"Y—wait, no, I haven't!"

"Yeah, right, don't lie to me!"

With that signal, Alfred turned towards the inquisitive Briton with a tentative, bittersweet smile.

"It's time for you to meet the founder of the Suicide Squadron."

"No. No, you can't be. You can't be him."

"Can't be who, Arthur?"

"You can't be 'America'."

Well, what do you guys think?

Tell me your thoughts!

Hint: you'll understand quite a bit if you read entry two in Lachesism, which is entitled, The Hollow Ball.

That's all for now, guys!

Peace out,

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