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I shook her shoulders and felt her pulse. Nothing. When I roughly waggled her, she was lifeless and limp in my arms.

I was scared. These kind of things didn't happen to people like me. They only happened to people in tv shows, and in movies.

What had happened to her? Why was she here?

A million questions swirled through my mind, adrenaline pumped through my veins with every beat of my heart, which was erratic.

I stood up and looked around.

There were houses.

In the distance, not too far.

"Help!" I screamed as loud as I could. If it weren't for the echoing of the empty space, my voice wouldn't have carried.

"Help!" I wailed again, my voice cracking at the end.

I looked back down at Camila.

Why her?

Out of everybody?

And here. Why here?

I folded my hands together and started pumping her chest, attempting CPR.

One, two, three.

One, two, three.

I counted to myself as I shoved down at her.

I did not particularly enjoy the feel of her ribs bending under the force of my hands.

It felt like they would break.

Her eyes flew open, two dark pools of black.

Her mouth wildly gasped for air, her back arching off the ground in desperation.

"Camila! It's me, Cassady!" I said loudly, hurrying to help her in any way that I could.

"Are you ok?" I asked, trying to help her into a sitting position.

She sucks in a ragged breath and her black eyes meet mine.

"Stop," she growled furiously.

"You have to let go of me."

Her accent was heavy and practically dripped with anger.

I dropped my hands and stood back in shock. I had just saved her life.

I don't know how I did, but I did.

Was she not grateful?

Her nostrils were flaring with madness and her eyes grew darker by the second.

"HEY! Anybody out there!?" I heard a yell erupt from behind me.

I swivel around and look for it's owner.

I see a man, standing outside his house. He looked like a spec, almost, but not quite recognizable.

"Yes! I need help!" I responded, cupping my hands around my mouth as I screamed.

He started running.

I turned back to Camila.

She was gone. In an instant.


All that was left was the faint dent in the grass where she was just a second ago.

I sucked in a quick breath and pushed the tall grass out of my way, hastily trying to find her.

But the sea of waving and rustling grass was silent except for the man running towards me.

But I think I heard a quiet whisper that faintly stood out from the other noises; let go.

And as he reached me, he put his hands on his hips, breathing heavily.

"What's happened?" he asked worried and breathless.

I didn't know how to respond.

What could I say without sounding crazy?

That she was right there? A dead girl was laying on the ground and I revived her?

She just disappeared?

I was at a loss for words. My heart was in my throat, how did he not hear it?

I could not speak, my whole breathing passage was swollen. I could hardly breathe at all.

So I did what I first thought of.

What I have been doing all my life.

I ran.

I tore off, not saying anything, sprinting across the field.

Every step seemed to take forever, like moving through water.

It seemed I would never reach the end.

I could even hear the man attempting to yell to me from behind. But I did not turn.

I kept running.

The Hopeless Romantics (one direction)Where stories live. Discover now