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"I'm Cassady."

"You must be from America,"

Camilla stated as I shook her hand.

"And you must be from France."

I tried to sound just as sure of myself.

She smiled lightly and nodded.

"Yes, I do love to travel."

She was awfully young to be on her own.

"Where are your parents?" I asked quizzically.

"You can't be by yourself."

She pursed her lips into a grim line.

"They're dead, they left me a trust fund and now that I am of age, I am independent. And quite wealthy also."

"I'm sorry," I replied, shocked.

She waved her hand.

"Nonsense. I never knew them."

I still couldn't imagine growing up with an empty space where my parents were supposed to be.

Just then, several players rushed out onto the field on colorful horses.

I could instantly see Troy atop his dappled gray mare.

He was wearing a blue polo shirt tucked into beige riding pants and dark tall boots.

He came up cantering and swinging his mallet playfully.

As he spotted me, he turned and approached.

"Hey," I said sarcastically

"Nice pants."

He looked me over once.

"Thanks. And I could say the same to you."

I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't exactly get the 'dress up' memo."

He rolled his eyes. He must've thought ive been to a polo game before.

"See ya," He laughed and waved back to me as he trotted off.

Troy was better than I expected.

He chased the ball with both Speed and agility, cutting in between horses and swinging mallets.

Georgia's dark legs stretched out in front of her as she galloped across the field.

Her nostrils were wide, filling with air as she flew.

Even her eyes were alive, absorbing everything.

In the end, Troys team won.

Not that that surprised me, they were quite exceptional.

"You fancy that boy."

I turned to look at Camille. She was very good at making correct assumptions.

That, or I was an open book.

"Yes," I replied, meeting her dark eyed gaze.

She smiled.

"I used to fancy a young man,"

And when she said it, she seemed much older.

"His name was Emeil."

I kept eye contact. Not sure where she was going with it.

"But then, he broke my heart."

She said and laced her fingers in her lap.

I was speechless, my mind was wiped blank like an artists canvas.

" I-uh..." I began.

"No." she said and shook her head softly.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Now go to him," she said and gave a pointed look at Troy as he approached, unmounted.

"Did you like it?"

He asked, and pushed a strand

of hair out of my eyes. His bright white smile kit up his whole face.

"Oh yes," I replied.

"You really cleaned up out there."

As I thought he would, he laughed heartily.

That was a sound I could get used to.

"Well I try, and you were here so I really had to give you something to look at."

He dropped a overly flirtatious wink.

Now I laughed.

"While I could easily thank of other means of entertainment, I really did enjoy it," I said dropping my own wink.

" I even made a new friend."

His eyebrows shot up, his lip curled.

" oh really?"

I nodded.

" really, her name is Camilla."

I turned around to motion her over, but she was gone.

"Imaginary friend?"

Troy joked.

My eyebrows knitted together.

"Well she was there. Oh well."

The crowd around us was dispersing and vanished all together as we talked on and on.

They were all gone before I could even notice.

I was completely oblivious to my surroundings.

Troy stepped closer to me and I stood up on my toes to kiss him.

Our lips moved together, in harmony.

My hands found his soft hair and twisted it around my fingers.

His hands were pressed on the small of my back, pushing me closer.

Our chests were touching and I could feel his hard stomach and heated skin through his polo shirt.

Too soon, I ran out of air.

I pulled back and he leaned down and kissed the top of my head.

We were wrapped in a hug, I could tell neither of us wanted to end.

But eventually, we had to.

The Hopeless Romantics (one direction)Where stories live. Discover now