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Harry left me a note on my porch.

When I saw it, I smiled.

I don't know what kind of handwriting I was expecting Harry to have. Maybe not very neat I guess.

But this was nice. Fancy looking letters were elegantly written.

It said Sarah.

That's it.

I open it delicately. More words dot the page.

' Meet me at Delia's. At 8:22 '

That's all it said.

oddly enough.

8:22? Well ok then.

I knew Delia's well enough to be the little cafe that had the most amazing mochas and lattes in Manchester.

Both sadly and luckily not many knew about the little hole in the wall coffee shop, so it was fairly quiet and relaxing in there with jazz playing.

It was also one of those places with random chairs; colorful bean bags, hanging wooden swings, even couches were scattered in there.

It sounds tacky but it kind of makes you feel at home.

I hadn't really known a ton of people who went to Delia's, I'm the one who told Cassady all about it.

Though for some strange reason she still prefers Starbucks. I think it is because she likes to stalk the cute cashier that works there.

Well whatever floats her boat.

I rushed upstairs and slung open my closet. Pulling out a pair of deep blue skinny jeans, and a green off the shoulder shirt. I shimmied into the jeans and slid the shirt on.

Last but not least, I pulled on my black Toms and skipped out the front door, locking it behind me.

My parents weren't home. Wouldn't want anyone to break into our house, now would we?

Delia's was just around the corner.

It was 8:20.

I hopped out and padded up to the glass door and shifted it open.

I could see the cashier at the counter smile and wave at me politely.

I wave back and scan for Harry.

The room isn't so big, but looks small with the crowded variety of furniture. I don't mind though.

Soft music plays in the speakers, only adding to the warmth of the room. I see Harry's mop of curly hair over the top of a booth.

Smiling, I dodge astray bean bags and make my way towards him.

As I approach, I notice something. He is hunched over an object- a book, it looks like.

He seems pretty involved in it, he does a double take at me when I reach the table.

Harry quickly shuts the book and pushes it to the far end of the table and smiles sheepishly at me. His dimples protrude on his face.

I flush. Ugh, I can't even look at him without blushing like crazy!

I sit down. His light green eyes rake me once over and rest back into my own eyes.

"Hey," he says, his smile widens.

"what's that you got there?" I asked curiously and leaned in to get a better look.

"That," he says and cocks an eyebrow, "is Romeo and Juliet."

I smirked.

"I didn't peg you for the classical type."

The Hopeless Romantics (one direction)Where stories live. Discover now