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I see Troy over the heads of many people, anticipation speeds up my heartbeat. I smile inwardly. Tonight is the perfect time, the perfect excuse to get at those full lips to see if they're as soft and tasty as they look.

My mind's cogs and gears twisted and turned, formulating the perfect plan. I swear there must have been smoke streaming out of my ears. I felt semi-bad for leaving Sarah, but business is business. And I had a ton of work to be done.

I was on a mission.

Troy had bronze hair with the lightest blue eyes I have ever seen, not to mention his personality. Guys like that were hard to find. They're usually either hot and brain dead or really smart and not at all attractive. Luckily I found an exception. When I spotted him in the room full of people, I could feel my heartbeat hammering all the way in my fingertips. All my plans were being kick started into motion. He stood near a table, looking stoic as usual.

As I approached, he must have seen me because he turned and grinned in my direction. He gave me a once over. My heart tripped in my chest. "Hey happy new years," I say to him. "not quite new years YET," Troy replies,pretending to check his watch instead of the giant screen clearly projecting the time.

"But in about one minute, it will be," he smiled at me, " then we can toast." the unspoken words hung heavily between us like a wet towel. We both knew what the countdown implied. In that moment, our eyes locked and understanding passed between us. He pursed his lips and smiled sweetly. We both gaze at the screen as it ticks down to thirty seconds. I cast a glance over my shoulder to see Sarah. She's drinking champagne. More like chugging it. Well alright then.

I return my attention to the screen, acutely aware of Troys shoulders that are so close to mine.

When the clock ticks zero we both turn and our lips touch lightly. There is uncertainty, but from one second to another, it becomes certain. His hand goes up to cup my cheek and my arms twine themselves behind his neck.

When we pull apart, all I can do is smile for a long time. His is so wide it reaches all the way up to his eyes. For once in my life I am completely sure of something. This boy is not like any other I have loved. He is different, in all the ways that count.

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