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I knew there was a lot Cassady wasn't telling me about her family. But I had no right to point fingers, there was a lot I had been keeping from her.

Not that I wanted to talk about it.

From what I did know about her home life, we were similar.

Parents aren't around much, quite a bit of money and absolutely no want for it.

I guess that's why we drew together. That and her bodacious personality balanced out my relatively coy one.

I was laying on my plush bed and staring up at the circling fan. I was happy that Cassady found someone she really liked.

How they met, I had no idea.

During our discussion yesterday, we had only talked about surface level stuff.

Not even being sure exactly what I myself was feeling, how was I supposed to explain to Cassady?

Cassady definitely deserves to be happy and from what she told me, she found quite a hunk.

I guess so did I. I don't really know what's going on in my crazy head.

I just met Harry- yet I feel like I've learned so much about him.

Sighing, I rolled off my bed and effectively landed flat on the floor. I grunted in pain. Ouch.

Crawling to a stand, I stretched.

How long had I been laying on the bed, motionless? Too long.

My phone was on top of my nightstand. I grabbed it and flipped through my contacts.

My finger hovered hesitantly over Harry's name.

I really wanted to call him and ask him to meet me somewhere.

I don't know how much longer I could wait.

I tap my finger on the glass and it starts dialing.

My heart speeds up and all of the sudden I get nervous.

It takes a moment to realize that I have to bring the phone to my ear.

" Hello?" when I hear his voice, my heart stumbles and I find it hard to talk.

" Hey- Hi-Harry." I say and regret sounding so fretted.

" Lo there Sarah," he replies deeply and I can hear the interest in his voice.

" I was just wondering if you wanted to meet up," I say nervously.

It sounded a lot more like a question.

" and what if I say I have plans?" he replies, obviously teasing.

I knew he would try to get me back for the day we met.

I decide to inflate my ego just a bit. Hey, it works for him.

" Then you'll cancel them," I respond trying my best to sound indifferent.

Just when I think he will come back with a haughty comment, he just chuckles richly.

I am instantly relieved.

I almost sigh.

"Then I guess it's a good thing I don't have plans," he said.

" what did you have in mind?"

"Bring your swimsuit."

"where are we going?" Harry asked, trailing slightly behind me.

This time it was me leading him through the woods. Oh how the tables could turn.

The Hopeless Romantics (one direction)Where stories live. Discover now